chapter 24

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"Whoever it is, they must be important," Rayan says, and his hot breath touches my neck. Him still over me and my hands wrapped around him and his tangled in my hair.

The tension in between my thighs went insane and my heart beat out of my chest on realizing who was lying on top of me. I think I'm high, I think I'm losing myself, but to him. And no matter how bad the thought of losing myself to someone is, if it's him, I'd do it over and over and over again.

Rayan. Fucking. Malhotra. I love you so fucking much. It's insane.

"Get off me," I say, struggling to breathe, but still not entirely wanting him to let go. He exhaled audibly and slid off me and steadied himself beside me on the bed, "Can we just leave them there? Like until they like leave?" he asked ever so innocently, which made me chuckle.

"No" I chuckle and sit up on with the support of my elbow, "Trust me if it's someone stupid, I'll shut the door in their face" i say because, surprise surprise! I do not want to let go of you either.

All I know is that I won't let him go this time. He's made me smile, laugh, cry, feel. All I care about is him being next to me, his arms wrapped around me. I want all of this man, his soul, his worries, his flaws, his voice, his laugh, his smiles, his tears, his pain, everything.

I'm not who I am without him. Yeah, that is scary. And yes, it is also crazy. But who could possibly stay sane, with such close proximity to this dream come true, lying beside me?

He may have lied, and honestly, it hurt and I don't know what to believe, but right now, in this moment, I'm his, just like the way I have been for the last 8 years. I don't know what twists and turns come my way or what is the ending for me, for us. But I want to live in this facade if it means he'll be mine. My heart had been his and is his, but will his heart ever be mine? Please just say yes to me.

I took a moment or maybe longer than that to study his face closely. His long beautiful eyelashes and his cinnamon brown eyes. Perfectly sculpted jaw and thick fluffy hair and the part which I think I'll never get enough of, his lips, that I fight the urge to feel again.

"I think they left" he spoke as he raised his hand to tuck the streak of hair falling free and dangling in front of my eyes. I get up from my bed with a jerk and straighten my clothes and fix my hair to look as civil as I can manage to I rush to get to the door when I realize how long whoever is at the door, has been standing there and Rayan follows.

I open the door and find Amara standing, "Uhm, hello to you too. How long does it take for you to get to the fucking door-" she gasped as she shifted her burning gaze to my neck, "Maya. Fucking. Kapoor. Is that a fucking hickey?" she said as she pushed the door. A hickey? She halted in her steps because she saw Rayan standing behind, leaning against the frame of my kitchen.

"Uhm. Amara. You didn't tell me you were coming over?" I said trying my absolute best to change the topic.

"Hi. Rayan." she said, the word 'Rayan' in her voice echoing in my ears, "You wouldn't mind if I steal, uhm your uh- Maya away for a few minutes," she said stuttering and visibly struggling to put a label on what I am to Rayan.

"Uh- Hey, Amara. Yeah, I- I don't mind." He spoke, rubbing the back of his head and Amara quickly looped her arm around mine and pulled me toward my room.

"Oh my god. Even your bed is messy." she gasped, "Did he stay over? Oh my god. Did you two?" she gasped again, "And you didn't even give me the details on how it went down and how you kissed him and wait, moreover how he kissed you." she said, betrayal reflecting in her voice.

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