chapter 24

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Author (pov)
Few days went Normal in the university but it didn't long last for yazhini. Yazhini said to aakash and kaviya that they are together like before and they both of them were happy for yazhini and aadhitya .On a fine day yazhini, kaviya and Arora was bored. It was a break so kaviya and Arora was lying in their table feeling bored on the other hand yazhini was taking notes seriously but suddenly kaviya got up and said

Kaviya: finally I got a idea!!

Arora: what it is ?

Kaviya : yazhini can you sing a song and you know it's been a long time since you have singed a song

Yazhini: I'm not in a mood to sing a song

Kaviya : but why pls sing it for us even Arora hasn't heard your voice when you are singing

Arora: yeah pls yazhini I'm excited to hear your voice

Yazhini : sorry but I'm busy

When kaviya was about to say something that's the moment aadhi entered the class and he sat next to her.

Kaviya: aadhitya finally you are here you know we have been asking her to sing a song but she isn't doing it and we don't know why she simply saying that she is busy

Yazhini: I'm not simply saying it

Aadhitya: then why

Yazhini: I don't have to say it to you mister aadhitya

Aadhitya slightly raised his eyebrow because of her way of saying "mister"

Aadhitya: you have to do what they're saying

Yazhini: but I can't and I won't

Aadhitya: really?

Yazhini: yeah

Aadhitya went near her ear and said

Aadhitya: if you aren't singing now I will tell them that we have kissed already and do you want them to know it ?

Yazhini widened her eyes when he said it so because of this she agreed to sing a song and before when she was about to sing she gave a glare to aadhi and started to sing.Three of them was mesmerized by her voice especially Arora because it was her first time of hearing her singing a song after she finished the song three of them clapped their hands and started to compliment her

Arora: your voice is just amazing

Yazhini smiled politely and said "thanks"

Kaviya : it's just awesome you know yazhi

Yazhini: thanks kaviya

Yazhini sees aadhi whether he would compliment her but he didn't even opened his mouth to speak she was disappointed somehow she smiled a little but no one knows inside the class that someone is also watching them especially yazhini

Unknown person ( pov)
when I was walking in the corridor I heard a voice singing a song and I stopped near the class entrance . I peeped a little inside to see a girl singing and I was awestruck with her voice and her looks too but when I further see the people who were the spectators seeing her singing I was shocked to see aadhitya was there who was seeing her adoring and when I was seeing her admiringly one of my friend arjun came and asked me

Arjun: what are you doing here and I have been searching for you everywhere

?: nothing I was just roaming in the corridor

Arjun: really? Then why you are here near to this class varun

Varun: nothing!

Arjun: really then it's fine

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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