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I lent forward carefully placing my head between my hands which were positioned in a small sort of pedestal like shape and I couldn't help but smile feeling all giddy with myself. This whole morning relayed over and over in my head and with each memory filing in I felt my grin widen, possibly larger then it had ever been before.

The feeling of his defined muscles grazing against me left me craving more and all the kind words showered towards me just added fuel to the fire.

He thought I was beautiful.

Toto Wolff thought I was beautiful.

I sat upright and turned to face the empty space previously occupied by him. The strong smell of his perfume still seeped its way through the air and infiltrated my nostrils filling me with a deep nostalgia. A nostalgia for something that occurred only moments ago. I longed to be in his presence again, it was like my heart would never truly be full if he wasn't around.

I turned to face the window and stared out once more. I watched the occasional car pass by, the birds gliding through the air and most of all I watched in wait of his unlikely return.

It must've been 20 minutes now of me glaring through this window, honestly surprised the glass hadn't broke under my intense stare, I mustn't have blinked more than 10 times in all honesty. However I was finally faced with the dire conclusion that he wouldn't be returning. I mean what did I expect? He was a rich business man, he had more important things to be doing then entertaining some girls fantasies.

I stood up, slightly disheartened. The hustle and bustle that had previously inhabited the cafe had died down quite drastically and I wasn't finding myself having to push through hoards of people to escape. I pushed open the large door and stepped into the wintry air, I was immediately hit with a severe case of the shivers and those wretched goosebumps creeped their way onto my skin very promptly.

Oh how I wished he was here to cradle me in a ball of warmth once again.

I brought my hands to my lips quickly sheltering them from the cold air before blowing onto them in a last resort to heat myself up. I kept on walking switching between blowing on my hands and rubbing them together furiously.

I continued down the footpath trying to find the path from earlier, but with no luck. I sighed and looked up to the sky groaning in disdain. There was no other path to campus other than that trail and I'd have to follow the highway if I wanted any chance of getting home. This would definitely add another 40 minutes to my trip, at the least.

I followed the footpath which continued to dwindle and disappear the further I walked before it just stopped, very abruptly. I was on the very outskirts of the town now and there was nobody around at all.

I turned around to face the on coming traffic and stuck my arm out forming a thumbs up.

Hopefully there would be some kind soul willing to help a freezing young girl.

I watched many cars pass by, not even sparing me a glance and if they did it was one of pure disgust. They looked at me like some scum of the earth, it wasn't like I was some homeless druggie who was about to steal their car. I just wanted to get home.

I spun back around to face the winding road and sighed. Here my journey began. I continued to hold my arm out as i walked along, although very small now, my hope of someone stopping was most definitely still there. All that could be heard was the sound of my feet crunching against the soil and rocks that lined the highway and occasionally I may hear the sound of an animal shuffling around the bushes, but that was it.

I had completely zoned out now, I was having one of those moments where you feel as if you aren't even in the moment and your just an outsider but your body continues to work as usual continuing the task at hand. I was walking along completely mindlessly, no thoughts filled my head other than; "Get home." These two words were on a constant replay and it was honestly mind numbing.

A sudden screeching brought me out of my trance and I was brought back to the real world. A car had braked rather abruptly ahead of me. I quickly picked up my pace to a jog and went up to the driver-side window. The glass slowly winded down unveiling my saviour.

"Will?!?!??" I exclaimed surprised.

"Alanis??" He said, also slightly bewildered.

My shock quickly wore off and I felt a smile creeping its way onto my face.

"Why are you walking along the highway trying to hitch hike?" Questioned Will whilst raising an eyebrow.

"Just let me in the car and then I'll explain." I responded.

"Right." He responded and the sound of the doors unlocking could be heard.

I made my way over to the passenger side and hastily opened the door, almost throwing myself into the car. I sunk into the heated seats, I don't think I've ever been this thankful for heaters existing.

"It's a long story." I stated, "Well it's not really but still."

"We've got time!" He replied, turning his head to smile at me.

"So I was walking along and then remember that guest speaker that came in to speak the other day?" I said.

"Yes...." Will responded.

"Well he was walking as well and we we're both headed to go get coffee so we thought, why not go together." I continued on.

I could see Will's grip on the steering wheel tighten and he was pretty much eyeing off the windscreen.

I whistled to gain his attention.

"I'm listening.." He said.

"Okay good, then he shows me this cafe I've never been to but it was sooo nice."

"I know a better one I could show you." Stated Will.

"Do you want to hear the story or not?" I replied, slightly annoyed with his sudden change in demeanor and attitude.

"Yes, continue on." He stated plainly."

"Okay so then he has to leave really quickly for some business thing so obviously I have to get home by myself and I couldn't find the path we took!" I said.

"So you decided to follow the highway." He said.

"Yes? That's like the only other way back." I replied slightly confused.

"Why didn't you message anyone to come get you?" He asked.

"Well, Amelie is in class, my other two friends are in a different state, so who would I even call?" I responded.

"ME, you would call me!" He replied almost angrily.

"Jeeze." I said.

"You could've got hypothermia, or even worse, what if you hitch hiked with some dodgy person who kidnapped you!" He said, "So don't "Jeeze" me please."

"I get it Will, I didn't think it through I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Good." He replied.

The rest of the car drive was spent in silence, neither of us we're very sure what to say to each other after our little tussle.

AUTHORS NOTE; right so this is a short filler chapter idk

im gonna try update again tonight or tomorrow and i promise it will be long and worth it

BELOW THE BELT - Toto WolffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora