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Maria's pov
7 am

I woke up today not feeling so good but I don't wanna tell Maya and Carina because I know I'll be in trouble. I got up and changed into jeans and a hoodie. I did my makeup before brushing my teeth. I could smell french toast and it made me want to puke. After breathing through the nausea I walked out of my bedroom.

"Ah ciao bambina". Carina says while cleaning dishes. I smiled in response trying not to throw up.

"You feeling alright Maria? Your eyes are glossy and you look a little pale". Maya said getting up from the couch and walking towards me.

"Yeah, just tired". I said making Carina turn to look at me.

"You sure?" Maya says giving me a worried glance.

"Yes, I'm gonna go back my bag". I said turning around. When I closed the door I hurried to the bathroom and threw up.

Maya's pov

I turned to look at my wife when Maria disappeared into her room.

"Did she look sick to you too or was it just me?" I asked her.

"Not just you Bella". She said walking over to me. I stood still for a minute before speaking up.

"I'm going to go check on her".

"Okay". Carina said giving me a kiss.

"Maria can I come in?" I asked standing outside her room. When I got no response I opened the door and looked for her before I heard retching sounds coming from the bathroom. I quickly walked in and saw Maria on the floor in front of the toilet. I gathered her hair in my hand and rubbed her back with the other one.

"Why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well sweetie". I asked when she stopped puking.

"I'm fine". She said right before throwing up again.

"I don't think so. You're sick Maria".

"No I'm not". She whispered as tears formed in her eyes. I laid her head against my chest and rubbed my hand over her arm.

"What's going on?" Carina says walking into the bathroom.

"She's throwing up". I answered.

"Im okay". Maria said in a low tone.

"Bambina you have a fever". My wife said feeling the teens forehead.

"Your staying home today". I said stroking her hair.

"No it's okay I'm fine". When Maria tried get up she almost fell over. She put her head in her hands when she sat against me.

"Are you dizzy?" Carina asked looking concerned.

"A little but it's fine, I have to go to school". Maria said looking at us.

"No, Bambina you're clearly not feeling well". Maria looks down in defeat.

"I'm not dying so I have to please".

"Sweetheart who told you that?" I asked her.

"My dad". She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"He didn't let you stay home when you were sick?" Carina asked taking hold of Maria's hand.

"He says only weak people stays home and that his children aren't weak". Maria says while more tears fall down her cheeks.

"You're not weak bambina, everyone should stay home when their sick. Especially kids".

"She right Maria". She shook her head in response.

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