Morning Whispers

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The soft rustle of the morning breeze danced through the curtains as Yoongi, with eyes still filled with the innocence of little space, made his way towards Namjoon's room. The warm glow of the sunlight painted a serene picture in the BTS residence.

Yoongi: (in baby talk) joonieee...

As he approached, the door was slightly ajar, inviting him into the calm and peaceful  Namjoon's personal space. With cute, bare feet padding against the floor, Yoongi gently pushed the door open, the sight that met his eyes was one of serene slumber; Namjoon lay peacefully, unaware of the little visitor at his doorstep..

Yoongi: (whispering, in baby talk) Joonieeee ... me here. Wanna pway.

Namjoon, still in a peaceful slumber,  felt the soft kisses on his cheek and heard the delightful melody of Little Yoongi's voice, his cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling, continued to tiptoe closer to the bed.

Yoongi: (giggling) Kisses for Joonie! gently pecks Namjoon's cheek

Namjoon: (slowly waking up, smiling) Well, good morning to my little sunshine

Yoongi: (giggling) Joonieeee , wakey-wakey. Fun times!

Yoongi: (climbing onto the bed) Morning, Joonie! (giggles) Me bring kisses and cuddles. Adventure with Daddy

Yoongi: Joonie! Me wanna cuddle and pway.

Namjoon, now fully awake, couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight of Little Yoongi, so full of enthusiasm.

Namjoon: (wrapping Yoongi in a hug) You always do, my prince. What do you have in mind for our morning adventure?

Yoongi: (pointing to a stuffed animal)  kookie,  taetae, minnie and me  go on adventure with Sparky! (yoongi's teddy)

Namjoon: (grinning) Sounds like the perfect plan, my little explorer. 

Yoongi climbed onto the bed, settling beside Namjoon. The two shared a quiet moment, the morning sunlight casting a gentle glow on their faces. , inviting Yoongi into a warm embrace. The room resonated with the delightful sounds of morning cuddles and whispered promises of a day filled with shared adventures..

Namjoon: (softly) Did you sleep well, my little Yoongi?

Yoongi: (nodding) Yes, joonie. Dreams of candies and dances.

Namjoon: (chuckling) Sounds like a perfect dreamland. Sometimes, it's nice to escape, even if just in our dreams.

Yoongi: (resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder) joonie's room is cozy.

Namjoon: (smiling) It's our little place of safety, yoonges. A place to find peace and comfort.

They sat together in companionable silence, the morning sun continuing to fill the room with its gentle warmth. The echoes of the previous night's revelry had given way to this intimate and peaceful moment—a quiet morning in the embrace of family, where the simplicity of little space merged seamlessly with the comfort of Namjoon's presence.

Namjoon: (smirking) Let's capture this moment forever, yoonie.


Namjoon couldn't resist capturing the adorable moments of him and Little Yoongi cuddling in the morning. With a mischievous smile, he decided to share the precious picture in the BTS group chat, knowing well how the maknae line could be both chaotic and enthusiastic.

Namjoon: (typing) "Morning cuddles with Little Suga 🧸💤"

The soft chime of incoming messages filled the room as Namjoon's shared photo created a wave of excitement in the virtual space of the BTS group chat.

Jimin: (typing) "OMG! Hyung, this is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Little Yoongi, you're stealing hearts!"

Jungkook: (excitedly) "No way! Let me see too!"

Taehyung: (typing) "Awww, this is too precious. I'm coming to cuddle too!"

Namjoon chuckled at the enthusiastic responses, knowing that the maknae line's energy was about to spill into the room. As if on cue, the loud footsteps of Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung echoed in the hallway behind closed doors.

Jungkook: (bursting into the room) "Hyung, where's Little Yoongi? I wanna join the cuddle party!"

Jimin: (following suit) "Move over, Kookie! I need to shower him with love too."

Taehyung: (entering with a grin) "The cuteness is overwhelming! Little Yoongi, get ready for some TaeTae affection!"

The room was instantly filled with the energetic presence of the maknae line, each member vying for a spot to shower Little Yoongi with attention. Yoongi, still in his little space, blinked up at the trio with wide eyes, a mix of surprise and delight.

Yoongi: (in baby talk) "Cuddles for everyone? Yay!"

Yoongi's eyes widened with delight as he was surrounded by the playful maknae line. Laughter, and the warmth of friendship filled the room, creating a lively atmosphere that resonated with the joy of shared moments in their own little world within the larger BTS family.

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