The Maknae Mischief

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The BTS Residence echoed with the infectious laughter of the maknae line—Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. With the hyung line off at the studio for a day of work, the trio found themselves alone and, unfortunately, bored. A mischievous glint sparkled in their eyes as they decided to explore the mysterious depths of the storeroom, hoping to stumble upon something exciting to alleviate their restlessness.

Jimin: (stretching) "Guys, we can't just sit around being bored. Let's go check out the storage room. Who knows what we might find?"

Taehyung: (nodding) "Great idea! There could be hidden treasures in there."

Jungkook: (excited) "And maybe something fun to do!"

With their decision made, the trio made their way to the storage room, curious and hopeful about the potential discoveries awaiting them. Little did they know that their quest for entertainment would lead them on an unexpected adventure within the walls of the BTS residence.

As they rummaged through the storage boxes, their eyes widened with delight when they discovered a hidden treasure—water balloons and water guns. Jin, in his infinite wisdom, had stashed them away to avoid the mess that usually accompanied such playful activities. Little did he know that the maknae line had different plans.

Jimin: (grinning) "Look what I found! Water balloons!"

Taehyung: (excitedly) "And water guns too! This is perfect!"

Jungkook: (mischievous glint in his eyes) "I bet we can turn the living room into a water wonderland!"

Unable to resist the allure of water balloons and guns, the maknae line decided to indulge in some impromptu water warfare. Laughter and playful banter filled the air as they engaged in a spirited battle, the water balloons bursting into showers of droplets that painted the room with splashes of color. As the maknae line armed themselves with water balloons and guns, the BTS residence transformed into a playground of anticipation. 

Back in the living room, the trio of mischief-makers took their positions, each ready to unleash watery mayhem on the others.

Jimin: "On three, okay? One, two..."

Taehyung: (interrupting) "Wait! Let's get Jungkook first. He's the maknae, after all!"

Jungkook: (protesting) "Hey, no fair!"

And with that, the water warfare began. Water balloons flew through the air, creating colorful arcs and exploding into refreshing sprays upon impact. Laughter echoed in the room as the maknae line dodged and retaliated with gleeful enthusiasm.

However, what began as innocent fun soon escalated into chaos. The once orderly living room transformed into a waterlogged battleground, with furniture, cushions, and even the unsuspecting potted plants caught in the crossfire. The maknae line, now thoroughly drenched and out of breath, surveyed the scene they had created. The room resembled a whimsical water painting, a chaotic masterpiece of their impromptu play.

Jimin: (laughing) "I think we went a bit overboard."

Taehyung: (grinning) "But it was so much fun! Totally worth it!"

Jungkook: (looking at the mess) "Uh-oh. How do we clean this up before the hyungs comes back?"

The hyung line, unaware of the impending water chaos, was diligently working at the studio.

And to maknae's horror, Jin standing at the threshold of the water-soaked living room, surveyed the aftermath of the maknae line's water warfare. His expression, initially a mix of disbelief and anger, slowly shifted to one of stern determination.

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