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After a long car ride, the protagonist would arrive at the cemetery for Devil Hunters. As yuuki exists the vehicle, Kishibe guides her to a woman wrapped in bandages, standing by herself, looking over one specific grave. After giving the woman a few words about yuuki, Kishibe takes his leave, leaving our protagonist alone with her.

"..All dead because they were utterly useless."
Himeno would speak with a cold tone, and would then turn to face yuuki

"Don't you die on me, got it?"
Himeno would look at her body, judging  the build and athletic physique.

"Hm... You look like a person who can actually put up a fight. At least I won't have to carry you around like I always do."
Her green eyes then meet yuuki's own blue eyes.
My name is yuuki kagurazaka
"Yuuki, huh?"
She takes a small drag of her cigarette."Himeno. I'm the Public Safety Devil Hunter you'll be paired up with. You're not useless are you? I don't like useless people. They weigh
me down..."
Yuuki nods with a blank expression
"Good." She would place her hands into her coat pockets. Her body language changing back to her usual, laid-back attitude.

"I'll lead the way, you follow." *She would say, beginning to walk off down the path and gesturing her to walk beside her. The way she carried herself was easy and smooth, exuding the confidence of a leader.
Alright then what will we be doing now says  yuuki with a calm expression and voice
Himeno's face would soon switch back to an assertive and cold look.

"There's a gang of devils, a large one. Currently causing multiple acts of destruction among the innocent, and we're tasked with dealing with them and preventing further damage. We need to deal with this as soon as possible, got it?"
After a few minutes of walking, yuuki and Himeno would arrive near the scene of the crime. Dead bodies scattered across the area, destruction of public property and chaos ensuing. Himeno would suddenly stop, placing her hands onto her hips.

"Right, this is the place. Stay behind me and don't take any foolish actions. I will handle the majority of the situation, you provide cover. Got that?"
"Good to know you can follow simple instructions." She would say, before taking a deep breath and walking on forward to the scene of the crime, her hand resting on the handle of her gun.

Many things happen at once. A loud explosion from a building. People running and screaming. And a group of devils surrounding and wreaking havoc on the scene. Himeno remains calm and collected, taking her gun out from its holster. She aims at one of them, and without missing a beat, pulls the trigger, shooting it down.

Yuuki realizes there are There were fifteen of them, excluding the one Himeno had shot down. They turned to face yuuki both, showing their sharp teeth and claws. They growl and lunge, trying to reach her. However, Himeno is too fast for their attacks and manages to dodge easily. She continues to shoot them down one by one with high efficiency, despite how little she shows it. Her expression is still cold and collected, not revealing too much.
Yuuki goes to one devil with really high speed and cuts it's neck with a dagger killing it then kills two by cutting their heads off from their bodies,
Himeno would see yuuki kill the devil's, a small smile and twitch at the corner of her mouth. She finishes off her remaining opponent and then looks up to yuuki, raising her eyebrow.

"I must admit, you are quite efficient. Good to know I didn't judge you incorrectly. I suppose our mission is almost complete."
Himeno would then look around at the chaos. Bodies, destruction and screams of the people. Some of them crying and begging for help.

"This is... not so different from our normal job, is it? Always dealing with the devils' actions." She would say softly, as if she was talking more to herself than to our hero
Himeno would then walk towards the crowd. She'd crouch down beside a crying mother with her child, comforting them and wiping away their tears.

"There, there... don't worry. You're safe now. We dealt with the devils." She'd try to reassure her, her gentle demeanor coming out of nowhere.

Yes like the women said you are both safe no need to be scared the ambulance will arrive soon says yuuki with a smile to the mother and child trying to reassure them like himeno attempt

Himeno would eventually get up from the side of the mother and child, walking towards yuuki with her hands still on her hips.

"I hope you now understand my capabilities when it comes to handling devils. It's my specialty." She would say with a hint of pride in her voice, although she'd still keep a calm demeanor. Her cold and collected outlook from earlier was back on.

I know now since I have seen it with my own eyes says our hero yuuki with a chuckle
Himeno would remain stoic and give out a very small hint of a smile, her gaze back to being a cold one as she puts away her gun.

"I suggest you and I finish off any remaining devils. There's a few who are still causing damage and attacking. I can handle it myself, but since you have proven to be competent, I will let you join me for the remaining devils. Got it?"
Yuuki replies with a calm yes her expression matching himeno's stoic expression
Himeno would then take position and begin to focus on finding any remaining devils, remaining perfectly stoic and composed. She would walk around the scene, carefully scanning and examining every single corner and crack. Her eyes quickly and precisely analyzing the area until one devil catches her attention, which she then quickly targets and shoots down. She then begins to repeat the same process, until all the devils were cleared out. She finishes off the last devil with a calm approach and a bullet to its face.
All the devils that were causing the destruction and chaos have been taken care of, and the area has been cleared of them. Himeno would then look towards you and speak in an authoritative voice.

"The situation is under control. All remaining devils have been killed or have fled away. We've completed our objective."
Himeno would then take a couple of steps closer to yuuki, her expression reverting back to her usual soft demeanor.

"You did well out there. You're... quite capable and efficient. Much better than my previous partners. I suppose you won't be slowing me down or weighing me down. I can rely on you."
Thanks I'll do my best says yuuki with a smile on her face
Himeno had a small smile on her face, it was subtle, but it was genuine. It seemed she was quite pleased with how yuuki had performed so far.

"Good to hear. Well then, let's head back." She would look around at the scene of destruction, a lot of injuries and blood. It's clear there will be a lot to deal with after the battle, so time is precious.
Himeno would lead the way back the path that  they came from. The walk back would be silent and peaceful, Himeno only looking straight ahead as she walks. Despite her usually laid-back and chill demeanor, she was completely focused and efficient when on missions, and on the inside she was feeling proud of herself. She is a veteran in her field, and has dealt with many devils with ease. She is quite powerful and knows what she's doing. For now, she's satisfied with our protagonists performance.

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