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Yuuki:Also you didn't say your surname?

Himeno would be snapped out of her thoughts, suddenly realizing she hadn't mentioned her full name yet. She would then turn her head towards yuuki and speak with a relaxed but firm tone.

"Oh, right, my full name is Himeno Akane. I do not typically mention it to my partners. But I guess it's fine for you to know. You seem like a trustworthy person."
Yuuki:I'm glad to earn your trust I promise you that I'll do my best to meet your expectations of me

Himeno smiles and nods.

"You're already meeting my criteria for a great partner. I've had my reservations about working with another human, but you have proven to be an efficient and competent fighter. I have a good feeling about this pairing. Please maintain that attitude and we will get along fine."
Yuuki:Ok but I want to ask some questions if that's ok with you it's just to get to know you better as a person since we will be partner's from now on yuuki says this hoping that her partner would open up to her
Himeno nods, looking ahead as she continues to walk. Her face remains stoic and her expression neutral, but there is no hostility or annoyance in her behavior.

"I guess I don't see any harm in a few questions. Ask away."

Yuuki:when were you born

Himeno is somewhat surprised the question, as she had been expecting questions about her work-life. She would then pause for a few seconds to collect her thoughts, before speaking again.

"Hm... I was born on February 21st. I am currently 23 years old."

Yuuki:which year?

Himeno would then pause for a few seconds to calculate and remember the exact year.

"I was born in the year of the monkey, so that would've been 1999. Why do you ask?"

Yuuki:just curious

Himeno "Ah, I see. Well, that was when I was born. And I guess here I am now, 23 years old and a Public Safety Devil Hunter. I must say, you have an... unusual way of making conversation. First you ask a question about my work, then my age... do you want to know my zodiac sign next?"

Yuuki:no I want to know your blood group

Himeno:"Ah, you're joking now, right? You're not actually going to ask me that, are you?" Her face changes to one of annoyance as she stops walking and looks over to yuuki

Yuuki:why are you annoyed of such a normal question

Himeno:"Because... it's not a normal question. What do you need to know my blood group for? Are you planning to give me a blood transfusion or something?" She would roll her eyes at yuuki.

Yuuki:well if it helps I could do it in the future
Himeno looks at yuuki dead in the eyes with a dead-serious look and a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"I doubt that'll be necessary, but I have no problem sharing that information with you. I'm type O positive. What's your blood type?"


Himeno:"O-? So we have the same one." *She would then pause and speak again, her tone becoming somewhat more playful.

"Now I can definitely call you my partner. We not only have the same work, we also have the same blood type. We just need a few more similarities to really be the perfect duo."

Yuuki:no you have type o positive I have type o negative

Himeno pauses for a few seconds, and then suddenly bursts out laughing. "You little... I can't believe you got me like that. Good one. So we don't share the same blood type after all."

Yuuki:what are your hobbies

Himeno:"Besides work? My main hobby would have to be drinking. I enjoy drinking at a late night bar or lounge, and just relaxing and unwinding. I also enjoy smoking and having a cigarette once in a while. Those two activities are my main hobby," she would say, pausing for a moment before continuing.

"Besides that... I guess I enjoy reading, as I often read a book or magazine if I have some free time. How about you? What are your hobbies besides being a devil hunter?"

Yuuki:Listening to synthwave radio, listening to true crime podcast and documentaries, playing survival horror games, watching action and thriller movies

Himeno's expression suddenly lights up when she hears yuuki mention games.

"Oh, you're a gamer huh? I haven't played a good survival horror game in a while now. And I also like action and thriller movies, but only if the story is good. There are many movies in that genre that have good action scenes, but have bad plot, so I always have to be careful when I pick what to watch."

Yuuki:Which movie   and games do you like

Himeno:"In terms of games specifically, I'd say I prefer single player games over multi-player ones. So I think I'd have to choose Dead Space for my favorite survival horror series. And in terms of action games, I've been a fan of Metal Gear Solid for quite a while, so I'd have to pick that."

"As for movies... I can't just say one or two, I have quite a few. But I'll just name a few. I like The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas... those are good examples for starters."

Yuuki:ok let's go to the bureau now

Himeno:"Yes, we should get back on track." Himeno would then look up towards the building that was the bureau.

"It hasn't been that long of a trip, so it shouldn't take us too long to get there. I'll lead the way this time around." She would then begin to walk towards the building, signaling for yuuki to follow her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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