First Meeting (ch. 1)

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Christine walked through the halls of the military base for the guards of Tenebrae. The red haired woman could hear the men whispering about her as she walked by with an air of arrogance about her. Green eyes darted to the side as her lip curled up in a sneer hearing the cat calls. Men had only proven time and time again that they thought with nothing but they had in their pants. A call from down the hall pulled the woman out of her thoughts, and she continued on her way. She was to be the shield for none other than Lady Lunafreya. The last thing that the woman could afford to do was get distracted.

“Christine!” a shrill yet airy voice called causing the woman to look over. It was her friend and soon to be ally Kari followed closely by Khaleesi who once again was running numbers.

“Don’t yell across the barracks you know better. Now what are you both doing here? We are not to meet with Lady Luna for several more hours,” Christine asked and looked at her friends.

"Oh don't be such a stickler. We came to get you because Luna wants us to meet Noctis and his friends! King Regis brought them all here! It won't be too many more years and we will be escorting her to their kingdom for the wedding, you know," Khaleesi said, closing the book in her hand to look at the leader of the three.

Khaleesi was a brilliant weapons expert, able to field strip any weapon and put it back together without flinching. Mix that with her incredible ability to run the numbers for any situation and there is nothing the woman couldn't figure out. But due to her smaller build she found out the hard way starting training with Christine that her physical prowess left much to be desired. Khaleesi had beautiful violet eyes that sat against her soft, fair skin as long pitch black hair fell down and framed her face.

Kari giggled when Khaleesi addressed their leader next. The shortest and smallest of the girls had a plumpness to her face that made her look like a child running around after her two older sisters. Gray eyes sat against tanned skin that showed how much she stayed out in the sun. Brown hair was pulled back into a fishtail braid that helped keep the natural wild curls out of her face so she could see. The girl was from one of the most prominent families that had held a chair in the king's court for generations. She was one of the best sword masters in the city of Tenebrae, second only to the king’s eldest son himself.

It was only natural that the two girls were picked to accompany Lady Lunafreya on her trip to her wedding with Prince Noctis when they both came of age. The wild card was Christine, she was not of noble birth. She was nothing more than a street urchin who had lost her mother many years prior. The last thing anyone had expected was that the girl would prove to have the learning curve of the gods. Where Khaleesi could strip and rebuild a weapon with ease, Christine could wield any weapon without having to have any instruction. It was as if her entire body knew the ins and outs of every weapon ever created.

“Fine, but you both come back and train with me after the meeting,” Christine said with a sigh and pulled her hair to one side so that it covered one breast and framed the side of her face. That made her look softer, much less of a threat than normal.

Both of the other girls giggled and led the way back to the main throne room. The red head followed them closely and could feel her back tensing up as the sound of laughing and talking could be heard from the door as they approached. Christine had never done well in crowds after being put through the secret training that the guards of the royal family were put through. Her back was littered with scars that told the story of her survival to become the best and get ready to protect the Oracle with her very life. After all, if she has already faced death then nothing can scare her from her duty.

Lunafreya looked over when the side door opened and smiled widely, pulling Noctis behind her hurrying to see the girls. Three boys followed the two betrothed children just as excited to meet them. Christine stayed back several feet watching as Khaleesi and Kari rushed up to her and hugged her before looking at the boys.

“Noctis, this is Khaleesi, Kari, and in the back is Christine. Don’t mind her, she is very wary of new people,” Luna explained with a soft smile to her friend.

Christine nodded her hello as her eyes drifted over to look at the three that stood behind him. One was clearly built to be a fighter, tall with his chest showing past his shirt. Green eyes cut to the side as a body with wild blond hair jumped around with a camera taking pictures of everyone. Last was a calm body with glasses and a well kept outfit. Something about the boy made the girl watch him closely.

“It’s nice to meet all of you. Luna, Christine, Khaleesi, and Kari. This is Prompto, the big guy is Gladio, and this is Ignis,” Noctis said with a smile.

“Hi!” Prompto said with a smile and took another picture.

“What’s up!” Gladio stated and waved.

“It is a pleasure,” Ignis said and bowed his head before locking eyes with Christine watching her closely.

“Christine, why don’t you come closer,” Luna said and held out her hand.

Christine took a deep breath and walked over to Luna letting her gently place her hand on her arm. The girl never let her eyes waver from watching Ignis. There was just something that caught her attention.

“Don't mind her, Christine is in training to be my head guard,” Luna said with a soft smile, “kinda like Gladiolus training to be by your side Noctis.”

“My that is impressive. I have never heard of an Oracle Guard,” Ignis said with a slight lift in his voice.

“Because this will be the first oracle guard. With the Imperials breathing down our necks the king decides he couldn't risk anything happening to Luna,” Christine stated in a matter of fact way holding the spectacled man's gaze a moment longer before backing up as the kings both entered.

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