First Meeting (cont. Chapter 2)

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Luna glanced over at her guard, shocked that she had shared so much. It was not like the woman to speak so openly with those she had just met. Christine looked over confused before realizing what she said and quickly cleared her throat. The girl straightened her back, took a deep breath, and bowed before raising backup to look at all of them. Kari and Khaleesi held a shared look of shock on their faces as well.

"I apologize, Lady Lunafreya. It was not my place to tell them of the struggles the country faces. If you will excuse me I believe it best I leave. There is still much training to be done," Christine stated and walked away without waiting for Luna to give her approval or disapproval.

Luna went to say something only for the big door to close with a resounding thud behind the red head. A sigh escaped her lips as a soft frown sat upon her face wishing her friend would have stayed. But she knew the look on Christine's face left no room to argue with her.

"Luna, is what she said true?" Noctis asked, looking at his betrothed.

"I believe so, Christine... Is privy to many talks my father has with his generals. She is to be my guard, so he and brother see no reason for her to be kept in the dark. Yet, they do not wish for me to know anything. It is a very strange thing to know that the one you see as a best friend knows more than you ever will," Luna spoke quietly, rubbing her left arm with her right hand.

It was a small habit that the girl had picked up to help calm her nerves. Noctis saw the move and walked over taking the girl's hand so that she focused on him. A smile appeared on his face to help reassure her that everything was okay.

"Don't be nervous, Luna. I will never let anything happen to you. Now, why don't we go check on Christine," Noctis said with a smile.

"Okay, be warned Christine takes her training very seriously. Nothing like what the other guards do. She... it almost seems like she is trying to kill herself. Last time I went to watch she was taking on seven robot guards at once?" Luna stated and put a finger to her chin looking up at the ceiling.

"Wow, it must have been a while since you saw her. She is doing nearly an entire army on her own, medium difficulty as well," Kari started with a huge smile across her face.

"Let's go! I want to challenge her to a fight then!" Gladio exclaimed, flexing his muscles.

Kari giggled and skipped ahead as Khaleesi fell in place behind Luna and Noctis contently. The group made jokes and challenged each other to silly races till they made it to the doors of the training room. A large crash against the door caused the boys to all jump back in surprise.

"Sounds like she is blowing off steam," Khaleesi said and adjusted her glasses before opening the door to the room.

A large robot dropped to the ground with sparks jumping from its body. Slowly the group entered, being careful to watch for robots strewn across the room. A roar ripped across the room as a spear flew through the air and stabbed the last two robots through the heads pinning them both to the wall. Panting the girl looked over seeing the group. Sweat dripped down her neck and slowly down her chest going between her breasts. The sky blue crop top had a wet spot at the top of the shirt where the cleavage of her breasts could be seen. Clearing her voice she walked over the baggy pants rustling as she walked.

"I'm sorry, Lady Luna. I did not see you there," Christine explained.

"No, no we should have sent word we were coming. It looks like practice went well," Luna said looking at all the bodies across the floor.

"Not at all, i should be able to clear this in half the time," Christine stated.

"Well why don't I challenge you. It's clear they don't present a real challenge," Gladio offered with a smirk.

"Fine, only once the room is cleared though. Besides the advisor coming means it's time for lunch," Christine said and walked to the locker area.

Ignis watched closely, not able to take his eyes off the girl as she walked away. His eyes traced after the sweat as it continued to follow the curves of the muscles under her skin. Christine was like a female version of Gladio but with a more serious demeanor. He couldn't keep her off his mind. It took several calls before Prompto finally just moved in the eyes of the young boy causing his thoughts to break off.

"My apologies, what was that?" Ignis asked, rubbing his eyes.

"We said it's time to go. Why were you staring after Christine?" Prompto asked with a smirk.

"No reason. Now let's go," Ignis said quickly, clearing his voice hurrying after the others.

Christine looked back at the retreating figures as something inside her ached when he said there was no reason. Taking a deep breath, she went inside and got cleaned up putting on a fresh shirt going back to the training room getting the robots cleaned up and the weapons put away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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