Where are they.

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Smg4 searches through the forest with a flash light lighting his way, he needed to find his friends quickly before something bad happened. Smg4 came across a crumbled paper and grabbed it while his hand was shaking from the coldness. He opens it carefully and reads it. It was just a number code to something.. Nothing to important to smg4. He quickly drops it and keeps looking until he finds treat crumbs. He picked it up and smelled it too see the flavor, it was baked beans.. Eggdogs favorite. They were near Smg4, and he knew he had to find eggdog quickly so they could find smg3 and Beeg together.

"It's freezing out here.. God eggdog where are you.."

Smg4 runs around just to find a mushroom on a tree near a big leaf. He looks around inspecting it just in case it has no slick tricks. He even knocked on the wood. Who knows maybe there would be a tracker that leads to eggdog! But that would be dumb so he stops the knocking and inspects the mushroom and the leaf.

"Somthing was here but it looks like it's gone.. it might comeback later. WHAT IF ITS THE WATERMELON MAN?! Or it's just me stepping here too much. Whatever this isn't to important right now I have to fi-"

His alarm on his watch beeps, Smg4 quickly pulls it out checking the time. It was 3:36 AM he couldn't stay out too long the others will be worried.. So they head back on the tracker but the tracker was glitching and losing signal..

"Come on you stupid fuckin watch! Work!.. Ughhh I guess I'll try to walk my way back but it's to easy to get lost here..."

There were russels in the bush near by as Smg4 heard them he quickly pulled out a kitchen knife since he couldnt find the rest of his set.. they were all missing and he hadn't found them for days, for which still makes him frankly quite scared. But never mind that Smg4 steadies his movement and jumps toward the rustling in the bush. He pushes the foe down and holds his knife up getting ready to stab, but waits for the anonymous "thing" to speak.

✩𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐠✩

Eggdog gets up from his slumber that lasted for about 10 minutes. They got up, stretched, and shook themselves so they could go some water and food so they could have some energy. As they searched they quickly realized it was still dark.. it was probably 1-3 am or something. Eggdog quickly went around searching for some food and water. They found a small pond to drink out from, so they kneeled down drinking the water with please and looking up, while also looking around making sure that the "Tv man" wasn't following them anymore.. that guy was too scary for eggdog to handle.

Eggdog had placed some yellow flowers so he can find his way to the mushroom tree, but someone had moved them somewhere else and they could barley find out where the tree was so they searched a couple minutes until they stumbled across some food. There were chips but the off brand version of Doritos, they just decided to eat it since they were really hungry for some yummy food. As they opened the bag carefully they gobbled the food up eating it in joy while it lasted. After eggdog finished they carried the bag in their mouth so they wouldn't litter in the forest since they did not want to be found by the police monitor guy just for litter and then being placed in jail for it.

As they traveled through the forest to find the mushroom tree they stumbled upon the envelope that they found earlier. They picked up the item with their tail, as they picked it up they heard a crunchy noise in a darker part of the forest. Eggdog dare not go there but curiously wanted to know so they got into the bush and tried peaking. They accidentally stepped on a branch. The branch had very spiky thorns attached to it...

Eggdog whines silently so the "thing" couldn't hear them and a tear falls down their face as they try to cover their paw which was bleeding..

As soon as eggdog try's to leave they get attacked by an unknowing figure. Eggdog is quickly trembling in fear. As the figure raises a sharp object and almost about to stab the dog but it holds its arm still and gets on its knees while sitting down.

"E-Eggdog..? Is that really you?." says the figure taking off its blue cap.

Eggdog then quickly gets up to see the figure but it was too dark for them to see who it was so eggdog barks quietly waiting for an answer but then a flash light blurs their sight for a second. They look up to see who it was.. It was Smg4? Eggdog gets up and licks the man's face while smelling him just in case it was a imposter. It was just plain ol smg4, eggdog sits down and shows their foot too Smg4 so he can get it bandaged.. well he knew smg4 probably had some since he was carrying a backpack around.

"Oh eggdog, poor you.. here," Smg4 picks up eggdog and cradles them " let's get you some bandages.."

smg4 walks to we're the mushroom was and starts a fire with a few sticks and his lighter. He gets eggdog some bandages, blankets, and some food for them to eat. Eggdog felt better but they didn't want the food from smg4. They perked their nose up and barked a bit wanting too know if smg4 brought some baked beans. Smg4 pets the dog and looks through his backpack to see if he saved the beans for eggdog. He found them! He knew if he'd found eggdog they would want some baked beans to eat. Eggdog tried to grab the food but smg4 lifted the beans up.

"Hold up eggdog! These aren't baked beans if they're not hot! All baked things are better hot. So just lay down for a bit until I cook them perfectly just for you." Smg4 says while putting the baked beans to cook.Eggdog waits about 10 minutes before whining for food. Smg4 turns his head with a worried look.

"It's ok eggdog.. they'll be ready in about 3 minutes trust me.." says while reassuring eggdog with some gentle cuddles.

Eggdog layed down on smg4s legs so they could have some tummy rubs instead of just soft pats. Smg4 starts rubbing eggdogs tummy while chuckling from eggdog wagging their tail exitingly. The baked beans were ready so smg4 put eggdog onto a soft blanket that was just perfect for eggdog. Smg4 put the baked beans into a bowl so eggdog could eat them, then he pulled out a bar of chocolate and unwrapped it so he could eat some.

"Well now that we've found each other we should plan on how to find are way back, I'm pretty sure the crew misses us.."

Eggdog starts to settle themselves up to face Smg4. They simply just bark towards Smg4

"I'm guessing that's a yes for you eggs, how about we eat and then get some rest till morning comes again I'm pretty tired by now. I know you are too.."

The both of them eat their food happily, eggdog goes headfirst into the bean gobbling them all up while Smg4 calmly eats his chocolate in a worried look to find his friends, he also worries for eggdog since they're making a mess with beans around them. Smg4 takes a napkin and grabs eggdog to clean them gently, he then put eggdog down and patted their head


Sorry I haven't been posting I'll post soon, maybe take some art for the yums (spoilers)





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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