Truth or dare|| duff/izzy/steven | slash/axl

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(THIS CHAPTER INCLUDES NSFW TOPICS AS IT IS A DIRTY TRUTH OR DARE)Also ignore how shit I am at writing I haven't written anything in a year

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Also ignore how shit I am at writing I haven't written anything in a year

Duff was driving him, steven, and Izzy home from a show they had 20 minutes away from their house (because in these they all live together.. in a house.. poor slash, anyways..) he pulled into the driveway.

"That show was tiring" Steven said, getting out of the car.
"Tell me about it-.. duff must be tired as fuck with all the running around.." Izzy replied. Slash and axl pulled in right behind them blasting some Ozzy Osbourne or something, whatever was on the radio.

They all got inside and went into the living room and sat down, slash had his bag with him still and so did duff..

"Hey how about we play truth or dare?" Slash suggested.

"Yeah! It should be fun!" Duff replied happily, the others agreed.
"Okay Steven truth or dare" Slash asked
"What's the hairiest part of your body.."
"My-.. why do you wanna know?!"
"Just say your balls"
"My- balls-.."
Izzy snickered, he wasn't expecting that response.

"Oh you think it's so funny Izzy truth or dare?!"
"Who do you like having sex with more, me or duff.."
Izzy froze, he didn't expect such a bold question from Steven.
"Duff- no. You.. both of you do great- but duff makes me the most sore in the morning-.. but- I'm not answering that.."
"You chickening out?" Duff asked
"Yes.." Izzy responded annoyed that that question was even on Steven's mind
Duff got a rubber chicken out of his bag and handed it to Izzy.
"What's this for..?"
"It's just to show who chickened out." Duff responded while adding a tally line on a piece of paper.

Izzy sighed. Before finally speaking again.
"Axl truth or dare"
"Dare I'm not a pussy. Or a chicken.."

"Hahah very funny put an ice cube right under your penis.. until it melts"
Axl shrugged and got up and went to the freezer and put it in his pants and hopped around.
"It's so fucking cold-"
"No shit it's an ice cube-"
Axl took a sharp breath in and sat down hoping it would help, it didn't at all, he bounced around trying to warm up but he knew he really couldn't.
"I can't do this- holy shit-"
Izzy offered the chicken to Axl. But Axl hit the chicken out of his hands.
"I'm not holding that goddamn chicken.."
He kept taking deep breaths...

"Okay- uh. Slash truth or dare.."
"Did you use a condom the last time you had sex with a groupie?"
"Nah..." slash shrugged.
"There wasn't any around in my defense.."
"Well- we got to get you some-." Axl responded

"Fair enough, how's that ice cube doing" duff asked smiling
"I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't shut up about the ice cube duff.." Axl sounded annoyed.

Slash sat up and looked at duff.
"Duff truth or dare" he asked knowing what he was going to say.
"I dare you to wax Steven"
Steven's eyes widened he was shocked, bewildered, slightly startled even.
"I'm sorry what?!"
"He's not gonna chicken out Steven pull your pants down."
"What-?! I didn't ask for that to be on this dare list."
"You should've chickened out then!"
Steven sighed and pulled his pants down as well as his boxers and covered himself up while lying down.
"This is stupid.."
"Not really" duff responded as slash gave him wax strips, duff rubbing one on Steven's.. you know. You read the context.

"This is gonna hurt you more than me"
"No fucking sh-" duff ripped it off cutting Steven off as he screamed.
"I said it was gonna hurt you more than me-"

He continued putting another strip down and covering Steven's mouth, Steven yelling while being muffled.

"Shut up it'll hurt less if you don't complain"
Steven nodded as duff ripped off the strip Steven screaming and panting in duffs hand.

Duff moved his hand, Steven panting.
"God how much longer..?!"
"Just like two more strips.."
"Oh god- do it-"
They did the last two strips slash laughing and Steven screaming before he sat up pulling his boxers back up wiping his eyes
"Never doing that again.."

Steven sighed and looked at Izzy
"Truth or dare"
"Dare because I wanna get rid of this stupid chicken-"
Izzy squeezed the rubber chicken and it screamed Izzy staring at it..

"I dare you to keep your hand in my pants until your next tur-"
Izzy did it instantly staring right at Steven. His hand was just in his pants not his boxers you cheeky fuck.

"Hey axl how's that ice cube?" Duff asked once again
"It's gone-" Axl said a bit pissed off

"Hey axl truth or dare" Izzy asked putting down the rubber  chicken
"I dare you to kiss slash for 2 minutes"

Axl slowly looked at Slash who was lighting a cigarette, Axl took it out of slashes mouth sighed and started to kiss him slowly holding his cheek, moaning into the kiss and sliding himself onto Slash's lap, Slash grabbing and squeezing Axl's ass through his jeans.

Slash playing with Axls hair as they continued to make out in front of the others, basically forgetting they where there Slash started taking off his pants then-

"OKAY TIMES UP CUT IT OUT!!" Steven suddenly yelled ruining their intimate moment. They stopped and pulled away a line of saliva connecting their mouths.. and Axl got off of Slash's lap..

Axl cleared his throat before finally speaking.
"Duff truth or dare?"
"Have you ever filmed yourself having sex or masturbating..?"
"Yes multiple times.."
"Show us then.."
Duff got up and got Steven's camera scrolling through the videos and kneeled down to Axl and played a video of him jerking off to something that wasn't clear, his moans and groans being heard by the rest, making it hard for anyone else to not come over to watch.

"Wait why did you use my camera?!" Steven suddenly blurted out.
"Because I wanted to give you a gift.." duff smirked at him.
"So you take my camera and stroke your cock?!"
"Yes exactly. You'd do the same if you wanted to surprise your boyfriend."

Steven sighed then duff closed the camera turning off the video and looked at steven.
(This is when it gets good)

"Steven truth or dare.."
Duff gave Steven a bullet shaped toy.
"Put it in your pants.."
Izzy moved his hand as Steven put it in
"Oh and your boxers..."
Steven rolled his eyes and put it in his boxers and leaned on the couch, when Duff turned it on causing Steven to widen his eyes and moan.

"Okay... now you have to let me control it.. until.."
"You'll see.." Duff smiled turning it up making Steven whine. Duff found this very attractive and arousing, watching him try not to moan too loud with the vibrator on his cock, which was slowly hardening in his boxers.

"Fuck you, Duff.."
"You love me.."

Steven was panting and struggling to talk.
"Truth or dare Sl- Slash-. Fuck this is hard-.."
"We can see that" Slash joked, Steven gave him the finger and continued struggling.
"Anyways.. truth"
"Did you and axl really have sex in the bathroom yesterday morning. In the shower"
"Yes.. yes we did"

As Duff turned the vibrator up Steven put his arms inbetween his legs moaning, he couldn't stop at that point, he was trying so hard not to be so loud but he couldn't..

After a few more rounds Duff was still teasing Steven with the vibrator until Steven moaned a bit louder than usual and his body tensed a wet spot appearing on his pants where cum was coming out of. Some of it leaking out of the spot making it noticeable and Steven started panting watching.

He couldn't do anything else but watch..

"I guess that concludes this game" Duff said smiling

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