Handy Gals

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Sprig Anne and Heather were sitting on the roof of their house

Sprig: Spring is finally here.

Anne: Alright new season new possibilities. I'm ready to blossom into my best self

Heather: same here. I can already feel change coming

Sprig: So you two feeling better about the whole Sasha incident?

Anne and Heather had a few flashbacks of what happened

Anne: Yep! Totally fine!

Sprig: Really?

Heather: Ok I have a little PTSD but I'll get better

Srpig: what's PTSD?

Heather: Oh 'post traumatic stress disorder' it means I have a bit trauma but again it's nothing I handle handle

Sprig: That's good! Cause if I had to fight like that I'd be devastated! Heck I'd be upset just hearing someone talk about it-

Anne: Oh look Hop Pop and Polly!

Anne pointed to Hop pop and Polly driving a family wagon with Bessie

Hop pop: Yoo-hoo!

The three of them got down from the roof and ran up to the family wagon

Sprig: Whoa Hop Pop What is this thing?

Hop Pop: Impressive huh? This here's an all terrain custom modeled family wagon. Calling it the fwagon

Sprig: Whoa

Anne: Fwagon? Really?

Heather: I like it!

Hop pop: thank you Heather! It was cheap too!

Polly: The previous owners died in it!

Heather: uh... the bodies aren't still in there are they?

Polly: unfortunately no! I checked...

Heather: Phew...

Anne: So why do we need a new wagon?

Hop Pop: Fwagon

Anne: Not calling it that

Hop Pop: Well with the snow melted and the mountain pass open we can finally travel outside the valley to Newtopia!

Sprig: Oh my frog! We're going to Newtopia?

Anne: What's in Newtopia?

Hop pop held a map of amphibia and pointed to Newtopia

Hop Pop: It's the beating heart of Amphibia! A bustling metropolis full of ancient knowledge run by the wisest of newts. If anyone can help you get home it's them!

Heather: Oh Newts Newtopia makes sense

Anne: I can't believe it! You mean this could actually be our ticket home? Not only that but maybe out on the road we'll find Marcy!

Heather: I can't wait to see her again

Hop pop: Pack your things kids! We leave tonight!

All: Yeah!

Hop Pop: Say Anne Heather since you two don't have a lot to pack could one of you give Chuck the spare key when he swings by?

He held their house key

Anne: Who's Chuck?

Sprig: We played bugball together

Polly: He grows tulips

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