Spectrum of Happy

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Red represents excitement,
when you're out with your friends
mindlessly talking and having fun
cherish them, because not all friendships last

Orange is for sunsets and bonfires,
on the beach watching the waves crash
or during a summer barbecue
keep these memories, they are beautiful

Yellow reminds me of dandelions,
the flower you give to your crush
and flowers represent love
remember this feeling of falling in love

Green is the color of nature,
and the grass around you in a picnic
or the trees in summer
respect it, because one day it might be gone

Blue combines loyalty and respect,
when your friends have your back
and defend you against everyone else
be sure to give back the favor

Indigo relates to deep focus,
like the times when you devote yourself
and feel like being a part of something big
keep that feeling

Violet means wealth, but not just any wealth
butnot just any wealth
it's being rich of wisdom, dignity and peace
aim for this and you'll be happy

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