My Goodbye Oath

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To my dear friend

4 years, 3 months and a couple of days

I've always had your back, you've always had mine

I know that one day we would go our own ways

But I didn't know that soon would be the time

A great friend; I'm lucky to come across you

Sarcastic, cheerful, brilliant and amazing

We would make good friends; I always knew

You were an wonderful friend - a memory worth making

You're the very first true friend to leave my life: that's the truth

And for that, I am truly sad, really genuinely sad

It seems like it was only yesterday we worked on our project booth,

I remembered all the work we put in, but the memory makes me glad

Remember that time I almost knocked you off with my locker door?

Or the mischievous times we cheated on our exam?

And all the times you were pissed, where you always swore?

Well I remember all those memories and I'm thankful, I really am.

You taught me to be more sarcastic, only yours could match mine

You understand when I put too much pressure on myself

And when everyone thought it was bad, you said, "it's fine"

It was reassuring, because you do the same to yourself

But replaying the memories does us no good

Life waits for nobody, a wise man once said

I am here to say I'll always be here for you, as much as I could

And I would keep this oath, 'til my last blood bled

This is my promise to you

I wish you success in all you go through

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