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Wei ying

I feel something on my face.. smooth fingers spreading some cool liquid on my stinging bruises... my consciousness woke up from my slumber but I can't open my eyes yet.., I want to see who's taking care of me.. but from the scent of the person I can tell that it's the high and mighty Lan Zhan, he smells like sandall wood.. but why??? Why would he take care of someone like me, he hates me ever since he laid eyes on me.. but I love the feeling of his caressed on my face and arms.. he's taking good care of me, and I feel a bit happy, no.. I feel so much happy, I really want to make friends with him.. Later I felt him stood.. he walks in the room.. did he visit me in my room?? He's so nice.. a little later he came back, then he put his arms behind my back and held my head up, then I felt him put some metal thing on my mouth and little by little he let the liquid slip on my lips until everything went inside my mouth, next is the water he did the same thing to make me drink the water.. the bitterness of the medicine fades.. a hot sensation spread inside my body.. maybe because of the medicine. But it feels nice.. earlier inside my chest feels like there's some heavy thing that is making me hard to breathe, but now it's gone.. I got startled when Lan Zhan talked after he put me back on the pillow.

"Wei ying.. please fight the poison.. and return to us.."

He's so sweet... I didn't know he has this side in him. I feel sleepy again, I let my consciousness fade then I fell asleep peacefully..

Lan Zhan

Wei Ying's sweet scent is intoxicating, why did I volunteer to take care of him? I should have suggested calling their sister in Yunmeng, to come here and take care of their brother.. what I'm doing now is dangerous, this thing is stirring something inside me. I'm still not sure about this attraction thing.. and I'm still trying to destroy every possiblity of me having some feelings for Wei ying, that is absurd.. My uncle goes berserk if it happens. I started playing the guqin to make Wei Ying better.. as I strum guqin my eyes are not leaving his face, it roams from his closed eyes to his slim and pointed nose, to his thin lips that are pale at the moment, but usually it's a bit pink when he's healthy, his long neck is also smooth.. I have no choice but to change his clothes, I can't ask someone to do it.. after my last night discovery, I can't seem to tolerate anyone to touch and see his body. But I didn't undress him totally.. just his robe.. and upper clothes, I left his pants, and I let him wear one of my clothes. The unbelievable part is, I also see his torso beautiful, and I want to smack myself at that moment..

The day pass.. I finish my class today. Jiang Cheng and the others asked for Wei Ying's condition, I told them that he's still unconscious, but he looks okay now.. since Jiang Cheng ang Nie Huisang needs to go to the punishment room every after class they can't visit Wei ying because after they received their punishment they go back to their room and rest. My brother took care of them. When I entered my room my eyes met Wei Ying's gaze. He's awake. He blinked twice when he realize it's me. "How do you feel??"

"Lan Zhan.." he said in a coarse voice " I can move my upper body, but why is my legs numb?"

I smiled at him. " The poison is going gown now.. you'll get better after a few days.."

"Poison? I got poison by what? Who?

"You fell from the cliff, unfortunately the ground that you fell on had some Ladies Thimble plant, it's poisonous, some of it's thorns prick your skin that's where the poison came from, you also had bruises on your face and body.

"Wait.. is this your room?"


"Why am I here? Where is A'cheng? Why didn't he took care of me?"

"Because him and Master Nie are being punished.. why did the three of you roamed the forest? That is a forbidden place for fhe students." He lowered his head.

"Sorry.. would I be punished after I regain my health?"

"No.. my brother said, you being sick now is already a punishment.." I walk to the table and took some bread and made a glass of milk. When I get near his mattress I put sown the food on the table. "Let me carry you on my bed so you can lean your back on the head board "

"No.. I'm okay here.. I already invade your privacy now you'll let me use your bed. Then are you going to sleep beside me later, that would be awkward for you."

"I'll just sleep here in your mattress."

"Huh!!" I didn't let him say another word I just scooped him up and put him at the Middle of my bed. I put pillow on his back to make him comfortable. "Thank you Lan Zhan"

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