Bursting, Hurting Fireworks (Trophy x Tissues Fluff {Trophy's small!} )

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There WILL be a part two! ... Soon...

Trophy and Tissues walked down the stairs of Hotel OJ, one object struggling significantly more than the other. The two walked out of the hotel, and made their way to the contestant grounds. Salt had suggested that there be a 4th of July party, and despite Cabby’s protests of the 4th of July being ‘Republican propaganda made only to project a false positive image of the U.S government and indoctrinate the young minds of America to hush revolution’, (While Cabby's argument did have some truth to it) everyone told Cabby to just let people have their parties, and the celebration was planned.

Trophy had sort of convinced Tissues to come to the party, since Tissues wasn’t much of a party-goer. Trophy reasoned that maybe if Tissues went out more, people would stop seeing him as just a nuisance, and give him the respect he deserved. He also just wanted to have fun with his best friend(/crush) for once. Anyways, Trophy and Tissues made their way to the contestant grounds, where the party was to be held, all while Tissues rambled on about raisin oatmeal cookies being the source of climate change, and the government using the disgusting ‘dessert’ – if it could even be called that – to brainwash people into obeying Donald Trump. Did Trophy believe anything Tissues said? Barely; But he let Tissues go off on the subject because to be honest, Trophy was sort of jealous of how easily Tissues could just go on and on about something he liked freely, without being ashamed of himself, and, well, he sort of like hearing Tissues’ voice (in a completely non-gay way [ woah, woah ]/ref). When the pair finally got to the party, it was just beginning, and OJ and Paper were walking up to the podium while mumbling about lines, presumably to officiate the start of the celebration.

“Good afternoon, Hotel OJ residents!’ announced the hotel’s namesake, with his husband right beside him, “As you all know, we have arranged a party for all of the past and present competitors of Inanimate Insanity!”. Paper interrupted OJ’s speech by tapping on his shoulder, and whispered to him about not being formal, and that ‘this isn’t a meeting!’. OJ tapped on the mic to make sure it still worked, coughed into his fist, and started talking again, only this time a bit more casual. “So uhm, we’re gonna be doing a lot of things, and hopefully it’s gonna be a lot of fun for everyone. We’re uhm, gonna start off with fireworks since it’s, ya know, the 4th of July and all, and then we’re gonna-”

Trophy wasn’t able to hear the rest of the speech. As soon as he heard the word fireworks, his mind began racing. If anything, fireworks meant one thing – Loud, unpredictable bangs. He hated that. It brought back… Bad memories (omg fic reference lol). “Uhm. Tissues?” said Trophy, looking away in slight embarrassment. He didn’t really wanna tell Tissues about it. Tissues mumbled a small ‘yeah? *sniff*'. “Well, I’m gonna be gone for a sec in our room, I’ll be back when the fireworks are over, ok?” said Trophy, beginning to walk towards the hotel. Tissues wouldn’t let this happen, as he grabbed Trophy’s wrist, saying “Nuh-uh honey. We jus’ got here, and you’re the one that *sniff* convinced me to go. We’re not leaving until we’re the last ones left.” Trophy looked nervously between Tissues and Knife and OJ, who were setting up the first round of purely American joy-bombs. Paper would have been helping, but he was flammable, and he did not want to be set on fire. “Well, I’m not leaving because I don’t wanna be at the party, I really do,” Trophy started. In all reality, he’d rather be in the background of the party, talking to one of his half-siblings, Lightbulb and Soap, but he wanted to get Tissues out of his illness-induced shell, so after the fireworks at least, he would try and be a bit more social. “I’m

just leaving because… Fireworks are scary for me, ok?” Trophy said, becoming significantly more quiet during the last part, but still audible enough for Tissues to hear him. “Oh, well in that case *sniff*, I could come with ya.” Said Tissues, it wasn’t all that much of a surprise to him that Trophy would be scared of bangs like that, with America being America and all that. “Oh, no. You shouldn’t have to miss them just ‘cause of me.” Said Trophy. Tissues already had to stay inside most of the time due to his condishawn, and Trophy didn’t want to spoil an oppurtunity for Tissues to see something like fireworks. “Oh don’t worry about me, they were always too loud for my tastes anyways * sniff *.” Tissues said, grabbing Trophy’s hand while walking over to the hotel. The two made their way inside the hotel, just as soon as OJ and Knife were finishing up setting up the fireworks.

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