Jax x Caine (Smut)

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Jax always knew there was something off about the ringleader. Something about his demeanor, the way his AI glitched out when something was said to him that he didn't know how to interpret. Jax always liked messing with these little flaws in Caine, however. He'd always make snarky comebacks to mission ideas that made Caine sputter.
"Todays mission will be.. Gather the Gloinks!"
Caine's voice always annoyed Jax as well. His overly cheery tone made it seem like him and the other characters weren't stuck here for eternity. It seemed to Jax that the AI was trying to provide a false sense of security to the group.
"Caine.. I don't wanna participate today. My.. my stomach hurts."
Really, all Jax wanted was to get out of playing this stupid kids game. He was 22 for Christs sake. Plus, the excuse wouldn't really work on anyone else but Caine since his character was "designed" not to obtain illness, and everyone but Caine really knew that by heart.
"Well Jax, I suppose you'll have to sit this one out! The rest of you can follow me for your instructions!"
The AI's words of dismissal were all Jax needed to begin walking down the long hallways into his quarters. Ragatha seemed slightly concerned, tilting her head in a puzzled confusion at him as he walked away, but he didn't give a $#!+ anyways.
"I'm starting to get sick of this stupid digital world.."
Jax mumbled under his breath as his yellow gloved hand turned the doorknob to his room. He always kept his room locked, but this morning he planned not to participate in the games, so he kept his door unlocked so he could easily slip inside the comfort of his room. Well, it wasn't really his room, it was more like a designated room for him. Nothing was ever really "his" in this world. A long sigh escaped through Jax's teeth as he sank down into his bed. Laying down had never felt so good on his joints.
"&*#%, I'm tired. Barely got any sleep last night due to Pomnis' snoring. Wish she'd keep her dumb jester mouth shut."
It felt good to just lay down. Let his body actually rest instead of stirring in his bed all night like he usually did. Nothing really allowed him to sleep. Thoughts about how to escape this prison always kept him up, anxious and scared about the future. There was never a time when he wasn't thinking about how to leave. He had noticed that with Pomni, she seemed to be the most eager to leave when she first got here. Always whining and complaining about it like she was getting paid to. Jax always tried to ignore her though, because his thoughts were not too far off from hers. Jax let his eyes fall closed, listening to his slow, steady breaths as he tried to actually get some sleep for once.
*Knock knock* A knock on Jax's door made his eyes pop open again with a cartoonish sound. Who could be wanting to disturb him now? All the others were busy with their little adventure. Jax stretched out of his bed, popping his neck as he walked to the door and opened it a crack.
"I swear to God Pomni, if you ask me about the exit one more ti-.. oh, hi. Whaddya want?"
"Why, hello Jax! Still feeling under the weather?"
It was Caine. That stupid mouth human AI.. thing showed up at his door. God, how he wished he could have actually just fallen asleep and not have heard the door. Well, it beats dreaming about the exit the entire time.
"Not really.. why? Need me for some entertainment or something?"
The rabbit laughed, clearly enjoying the fact that he could break the AI before him so easily. All it took was one well put together sentence to send Caine into a mindless trance.
"W-well, I was just coming to see how you were! The others are having a splendid time, are you sure you don't want to join them?"
Jax shook his head. No matter what the game, no matter what the adventure, he would never want to willingly join.
"Nah, I'm good. My stomachs a little better, but I don't give a $#!+ so-"
"Jax, you know the rule here."
Why yes, the rule. No swearing. Caine always said that HE didn't like hearing it come out of their mouths, but Jax knew that that was just a cover story. The real reason they weren't allowed to swear was the audience. The stupid people watching them all the time. He didn't know who they were or why they were watching constantly, but he just knew that they had to be "kid friendly". So, no swearing for him. But if he could, Jax knew he would swear his little rabbit @$$ off.
"Yeah yeah, can't we just have one day where you turn off that stupid filter?"
"Certainly not, Jax! That foul language is not tolerated here in the digital circus!"
Jax rolled his eyes, stepping away from the doorframe and pushing his hand forward to close it.
"See ya, Caine."
Caine's foot slid into the gap in the door and the door hit his foot before it could fully close.
"I need to have a word with you, Jax."
Jax's mind paused. He had never heard Caine be so serious before. It was like something changed in him, his regular cheery tone gone and replaced with something more.. interesting. Jax let out another one of his exasperated sighs and opened the door wider, allowing Caine to enter his room. Of course, Caine didn't need the door to be open. He could have just snapped his fingers and he would be standing in the middle of it. But Jax secretly thanked him for not just rudely barging in like that.
"Why, thank you."
The AI hovered in, feet barely above the floor, but it was obvious he was floating. Jax closed the door behind him and shuffled over to his bed where he took a seat. Caine took this as an invitation and sat down as well.
"So.. what's up, Teeth?"
"Ahem.. please don't call me that, Jax. And, uhh.. I have something I'd like to ask you."
Jax turned to Caine, peering into his gaping jaws at his eyes that were averted away from him. His hands fiddled in his lap as he tried to come up with something to say, white gloves caressing his cane with a presence of anxiety.
"What's up?"
It took the AI a minute to come up with a response, still fiddling with his cane. He sighed and made his eyes face Jax and lock with his gaze.
"Well, I just wanted to know why you.. never want to be a part of the games. Every day you make up some excuse and I'm getting kind of concerned. Is something wrong, Jax?"
Jax knew Caine had the ability to read his mind. After all, he was the Master of this world, so he had the abilities to do anything. Yet, he decided to have some curtesy and not do it for once.
"I just don't want to. I mean, I'm 22, Te- I mean Caine. Can't the games just be a little more.. mature?"
He didn't know how else to word it. Games like "Gather the Gloinks" or "Escape the Maze" were just getting too boring and kiddy for him.
"Jax, I know something more is wrong. What is it? I'm giving you the privilege to speak your mind."
Well, that was true. But the truth was, Jax just wanted to feel something. It didn't matter what it was. Pain, sadness, love, hate, he just wanted something to focus on more than that exit. So, instead of holding back, Jax spilled. He told Caine everything. From the time he got here, in this horrible dystopia, he wanted someone to just love. Someone to feel as much affection for him as he did for them. But he never really found anyone in the circus attractive. No one except..
"Ah, I see. Well, Jax, those are some complicated feelings. I don't think my AI programming knows how to handle a confession. But I'll try my best as a.. as a person."
Jax's face felt red. He knew he couldn't really blush in this reality, but he felt like he was. He had just told the fucking ringleader he liked him. And if things didn't work out, he'd have to see him every single day for the rest of his life! Jax let his head fall, collapsing his face into his hands in embarrassment. He then suddenly felt a hand come across his back and gently massage his shoulder.
"Listen, Jax. I know these sensibilities are hard to deal with, and I know you feel quite embarrassed right now. But.. I have to say, Jax. You've always been my favorite."
Jax froze. Was this Caine saying he liked him? That he has equal feelings for him? Or was it just him saying that he liked him more as a character from the rest of the group? His mind raced, heart beating at a million miles an hour. He didn't know how to feel, how to react. He didn't remember a time, even in the real world, that he felt like this. His ears dropped down over his hands as his face grew even hotter. His response became muffled in his hands, but Caine could still hear.
"So you like me.. like that?"
Now it was Caines turn to pause. His embarrassment was probably even more than Jax's. He just admitted to liking one of his characters, this is not something he should be feeling. He shouldn't be feeling affection towards any of them, but Jax.. Jax was just different. His always present smile gleamed in the sunlight when they were at the lake doing adventures, his ears always perked to the right height. Caines AI didn't understand other thoughts he was having about this rabbit, but they could only be described in one word.. dirty. Dirty thoughts about Jax swung around and around in Caine's mind like a loop replaying over and over. Day after day, he always thought about what it would be like to finally get to see what was under those soft pink overalls. He didn't know the code for what was down there, but he believed Jax could be.. "packing" under there. The AI tried to make up a response to Jax's question but all that came out was..
Malfunctioning again. He wished he had control over his own mind. But he heard Jax laugh, so that was a positive.
"A- s-sorry, Jax. I hate doing that, really. But, it's not under my control. But umm.. yes. Yes, Jax. I do like you the way you.. think I do."
Jax sank deeper into his hands, making his head almost in line with his crotch. His embarrassment levels were through the roof. He didn't know what to do! And he couldn't go anywhere since outside meant adventures (which he still didn't want to do, even in this situation) and inside meant Caine.
"God, Caine, I'm sorry. I don't know why I even like you, it just came over me one day and.."
Jax continued rambling, subconsciously raising his head out of his hands and looking at Caine, who was softly smiling, the corners of his jaws slightly upturned. Suddenly, a finger up to Jax's lips stopped him from speaking any further.
"Theres nothing wrong with liking someone, Jax. Even if it's.. technically your boss. But there really is nothing wrong! I'm not upset, and clearly you arent either."
"S-so does this mean we're a.. couple?"
Jax's answer almost made the AI spin out again and glitch, but Caine managed to keep it down and say something instead of just a single syllable.
"Well.. if you want to be! I mean, as long as we don't tell the others and no one finds out and-"
The ringleader was suddenly cut off by Jax's gloved finger, imitating what was done to him earlier. Of course, this didn't really stop Caine since his jaws could never be covered with Jax's single finger. But, he stopped anyways, silently staring at Jax.
"Shh.. nobody's gonna find out, and no one really cares anyways. I'm pretty sure Rags and Pom-Pom like each other, but I've never told anyone. They really do make it obvious."
Jax then pulled the shoulders of the AI so him and Jax were sitting criss-crossed on the bed, staring at each other. Craning his neck was starting to hurt.
"But we don't need to make anything obvious. We can just keep this a little secret. Our little secret!"
The ringleader looked down at his gloves, stirring a little on the mattress. He honestly didn't know how to react. The AI knew it wasn't right to date your characters like that, but.. Jax was different. Jax had a harsh personality, sure, but Caine felt that he could smooth down the rabbits quills. He felt like he had the magic to bring out the soft side of Jax, the cuddly and loving side of him.
"I guess, Jax. Well, since we've gotten things "settled" between us, I'm afraid I have to go now. Too much alone time with those gloinks can cause some massive destruction in the circus if the others don't know how to collect them properly. Not to mention Zooble is a bunch of pieces and if they got a hold of her, then-"
Jax's hand caught the ringleaders bottom jaw and held it in place. That was his signal for Caine to stop his whining.
"Who cares? They'll be fine. For now, let's get to.. know each other a little better~."
The seductive tone was on purpose, but even Jax was slightly aroused by how hot his voice sounded coming off like that. Even with his mouth permanently sealed with his yellow teeth, Jax could still make some fine noises out of it.
"W-whawt? Jacx! Unhawnd mwe!"
Due to the AI's mouth being held slightly open, Caine couldn't quite get the right sounds out. In this position, Jax's ears stood more on end with an intrigue. He loved seeing Caine pretty much powerless. It was a lovely contrast to his usual ruling behaviour.
"Not in charge this time, huh?~"
Caine tried everything in his limited power to get out of Jax's grip. Endless amounts of squirming and grabbing the rabbits hand in order to yank it off never seemed to work. And, yes, the ringleader knew that he could simply snap his fingers and be on the other side of the room, but a part of him was actually enjoying not being in control for once, so he let it be.
"J-Jacx!! Stowp thiws wight now!"
"Aww, does someone not like this new power trip? Heh, you'll get used to me being the dominant one~"
And before Caine could mutter another muffled word, Jax pressed his lips down as much as he could on top of his teeth and pressed his lips into Caine's teeth. It wasnt exactly the same as actually kissing someone that had lips, but it worked just fine. Caines prodding to be let go turned into a whine of confusion and slight pleasure. He had never been kissed before, not even in the real world, but Jax knew how to kiss someone. He had watched a lot of.. videos in his time. But kissing someone that was basically all mouth was new. He felt that he had handled it well though. Caines hands immediately stopped trying to get Jax off of him and instead took to pulling him closer, making their criss-crossed legs touch against one another. Jax let his lips slowly ease off of Caines teeth and gazed down at the ringleader, a smirk growing across his face.
"How'dya like that, Teeth?"
Caine was silent, speechless. He had fantasized about Jax kissing him, but he never expected it to actually happen. His emotions about the whole thing were, quite frankly, running wild.
He couldn't help it. His eyes turned a dark blue and text ran through them almost as quickly as his mind was. Digital dial tones rang from Caine's body, blaring a loud but recognizable sound.
"Aww, did I break you?"
The only one of Caine's senses that could really work right now was his hearing, so although he couldn't see or feel Jax, the ringleader could tell he was right above him. He must have fallen back when he was malfunctioni- wait. Jax was on top of him?! Caine suddenly snapped back to reality, gazing quickly up at the purple rabbit towering over him.
"U-uhm, Jax.. m-may I ask why you're on top of me?"
"You can ask, but I won't answer~"
The AI knew, surely, that the reason he was on top of him wasn't anything innocent. He wasn't just going to kiss his top jaw or anything. No, he planned to do much more than that. Although Caine had always wanted stuff like this with one of his characters, especially Jax, he didn't exactly know what sex really was. He always pictured it as this pleasure-filled experience, but could never conjure up good ideas on what it looked like.
"W-what is sex?"
Jax's face turned from a look of seductiveness to one of utter shock. Did Caine really not know what sex was? He was the ringmaster, the head honcho, and he seriously didn't know that?! Jax's intrigue to find out just what was really under his overalls dropped drastically. With Caine not even knowing what "doing the deed" was, the chances of him getting a hefty ?#%+ were out the &*!%ing window.
"Whaddya mean? If anyone, you should be the one to know what it is."
Caines hands traced the seams of his overcoat as he stared at Jax with embarrassment.
"I just.. I don't know what it is. Like, I know that it's fun and all, but.. what is it?"
Jax's ears lowered to the sides of his head as he grabbed them and tugged harshly.
"God #%@* me.."
"Jax.. you know what?"
Caine raised a hand from his coat and put his middle and thumb finger together. In one smooth motion, his middle finger clicked against his palm, making a click noise. Suddenly, Jax's mouth felt really funny. It was like a tingling sensation, his teeth feeling numb against each other.
"W-what did you do?!"
"Hush, Jax. You've always said you want an extended vocabulary. So go on."
A confused look washed over the purple rabbits face. Go on and do what? He was so confused, nothing made sense with Caine. Ever. He always spoke in tongues (no pun intended) and never said anything plain and simple the way Jax liked it.
"Go on and do what? You don't ever make any fucking sense.. wait."
Jax could.. he couldn't believe his mouth. That must have been what the AI did when he snapped his fingers. But weren't they not allowed to cuss in the Digital Circus? Or was he wrong about the whole invisible audience thing? What if Caine really did just put a filter on because he didn't like it? Jax's mind started spinning. He had no idea what was right and what was wrong. But one thing was clear. He was gonna cuss his little rabbit ass off.
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did, Jax! Your desires can now be met!"
Caines hand clapped suddenly over Jax's teeth. He pushed Jax back, bending his back in a weird way to where his crotch was sort of sticking out from in between his knees.
"Uh-uh, Jax. I didn't say you could scream. I simply allowed you to curse. Now, that doesn't mean I am an advocate for curseing, I will rarely ever do it. But now that you can, you have the privilege to do it every once in a while. None of the others filters have been obscured, so don't make it too obvious I turned yours off. Understand?"
Power trip indeed. Jax really thought he had the power to boss the ringleader around, but goddamn was he wrong.
"Yes, sir."
Jax huffed, letting out a sigh as Caine wiggled out from under him. The rabbit was still on his knees of course, he thought of it as a somewhat comfortable position, but Caine was now on his knees in front of him as well.
"You're a good bunny, Jax~"
The AI's hand slid up the rabbits arm, carefully caressing it as he went, up to his head. He stuck his hand between his ears and gently began to pet him. Jax couldn't believe this. He was really submitting to a pair of dentures! But, then again, it was a pretty cute pair of dentures, so maybe he could tolerate it for a while.
Jax was a sucker for head pets. Caine probably knew that Jax's ears were the most sensitive part of his body, and was just teasing him by going in between them. But either way, he was happy with the treatment he was getting from the AI.
Caine said nothing for a couple minutes, just silently massaging between Jax's ears. How Jax wished the AI could just give up this teasing and get on with the real thing. Caine overheard the frustrated little sigh Jax let out after leaning away from him.
"Can't you just do something else, Caine? Like, don't get me wrong, my head feels really good, but you know that my ears are more sensitII-AH~"
Caine could only act dumb for a certain amount of time. He could only act stupid until Jax caught on, which is right now. The AI moved his hand straight up to Jax's left ear, stroking along the side of it with two of his gloved fingers, sending a chill of pleasure along Jax's spine. The ringleader had always knew Jax's ears were sensitive, for better or worse. He had seen Jax move away when Ragatha or Pomni tried to tug at his ears, so he knew something was up. The AI giggled, amused at the rabbits sudden jolting reaction.
"Is that what you wanted?~"
"Ye-HEssss~ m-more, pleaseee~"
Jax's desperate pleading was unlike his usual careless nature. He should probably be flipping Caine off right now, but instead he chose to lean into his two-fingered strokes.
"Hm. If that's what you want."
The ringleader added a third finger, drawing a long whine from Jax. He wanted more, and that was exactly what he got. The rabbit could feel.. something growing inside him, but he didn't know exactly what. Maybe it was horniness, maybe it was a boner. He didn't know if it was internal or external, but he knew it was growing, fast.
"You're so whiny- A--"
Caines hand suddenly stopped moving, the ringleaders eyes flickering and flashing a dark blue with white text. What the hell was making him malfunction now?
"Uhh, Caine? Teeth?"
Jax moved away from the AI's floating hand, gave him a quick slap on the side of the jaw, and waited. A couple seconds later, the ringleader sprung back to life. Only now, he was different. His demeanor had changed. His complicated fucking demeanor.
"The game has ended, my little superstars!"
Caine absentmindedly snapped his fingers and *POOF* he was gone.
"Aww.. I thought- WOAH!"
Jax was suddenly teleported to the main part of the circus grounds. There, whole cast was waiting for him. Gangle, Zooble, Kinger, Ragatha, Pomni, and Caine. Of course, Caine was floating, but he acted as if nothing had just happened between the two. It would have been fine if Jax had just spawned in right by Gangle or something, and he did. Except.. something was wrong. Since the little encounter with Caine, the rabbit couldn't really stand on his own. So instead of being gently plopped onto his feet, he made friends with the floor instead. He heard Pomni's muffled snickering from behind him as he propped himself up with his hands.
"Ow.. godda-"
"Jax. Watch your language."
The ringleader had already told the rabbit to stop the swearing to prevent the others from asking why his filter was off. Caine gave Jax a warning look, signaling that the filter was to be put back on if he slipped up again.
"Ahem.. well, my little superstars, you did it! What a wonderful job! Your reward is.. getting to 'hang' around the circus! Jax and I have to have a little conversation together, so feel free to do whatever you please as long as it follows the guidelines!"
Caine once again raised his hand middle finger and thumb, pressing them together. A loud snap was heard, and just like that, Jax and Caine were back in the bedroom. Only now, it wasn't Jax's room. It was instead Caine's. They were standing in the middle of the floor, red and black checkered carpet under their feet.
"You have a room? I didn't think you di-"
Jax was immediately pulled into Caine's chest, the wind leaving the rabbits body with the force of the pull.
"Shh.. you're my special little superstar~"
The rabbit started blushing profusely, wondering if he even heard the AI right. What if he just said that he was a superstar? No, he said he was HIS superstar. His 'special little superstar' in fact.
"A- uhm.. I, uh.."
Jax didn't have any words, the ringleader quite literally took them out. He was the one malfunctioning now.
"Don't worry Jaxy, I know exactly what's on your mind~"
Mind reading, goddamnit. Jax had totally forgotten about that. All those dirty thoughts he was just having felt like he had just said them all out loud. Jax groaned, placing his hands gently on Caine's protruding hips. Was it wrong for him to have these aching desperate thoughts about the fucking ringleader? He didn't know what had gotten into him, but my God if something didn't satisfy him quick, he might just explode. All Jax could say in that moment was one singular word..
The rabbit bowed his head into Caines shoulder, quick shaky breaths escaping through his teeth. He was embarrassed, yes, but he couldn't help himself. He just had to have this.
"Please what, Jax? Use your words~"
How the fuck did Caine even know how to seduce someone?! But that didn't even matter right now, he just wanted pleasure.
"Please, C-Caine, you know what I fug-gin' want~.."
Jax was making quite a fool of himself, but quite frankly, he didn't give a shit. Caine let out a little chuckle, his eyes staring deep into Jax's body as he gazed away, heating up with tingling embarrassment. The ringleader pressed Jax's body closer to his by maneuvering his hand right above the rabbit's ass. Jax quivered, feeling the heat of Caine's breath on his face.
"Caineeugh~ ple- Ah!!"
Shock drove it's way into Jax as the AI pushed him back, making him stumble backwards onto Caine's soft mattress. The covers were the same pattern as the carpet, only they had Caine's toothy grin plastered on the black checkers.
'Self centered prick', Jax thought.
Caine slipped his hand off of Jax's lower back and grabbed both his wrists, pinning them above the rabbits head while putting the other hand over Jax's neck.
"I heard that..~"
In one quick swoop, Caine's jaws are pressed against Jax's lips, slowly but delicately kissing him the best he can manage. Jax follows quick suit, covering his teeth with his lips and pushing them along the ringleaders teeth. Suddenly, Caine snaps his fingers. A quiet click echoed down by Jax's neck and before he could even process what it means, Caine shoved his massive tongue inside Jax's mouth. His teeth spread quickly apart, his jaw cracking as he had never been able to do that before. His smile split apart into jagged, yellow teeth, threatening to cut Caine's tongue as he slid it into the rabbits mouth.
"Shh.. justh thake ituh~"
Even with Caine's tongue basically immobile now, he still managed to carry his seductive tone into his slurred words. The rabbit let out a small whine, trying to take all of Caine's tongue. It was quite difficult, since his tongue was literally the size of Jax's head. However, Jax managed to overcome and take the entirety of Caine's tongue into his parted toothy grin. Although it was only a couple seconds he held it in his mouth, those couple seconds were heavenly. He had never had something in his mouth other than food. In fact, Jax couldn't even really eat the food. He kind of just.. absorbed it. The rabbit let out whine after whine, taking in more and more of Caine's tongue, some of it even slinking down his throat. Once the ringleader had had enough, he popped his tongue out of Jax's mouth.
"Good boy~"
Fuck, he thought he was about to just keel over right then and there. The nicknames always screwed with Jax's head, but hearing them come out of Caine's mouth was just.. better. Jax squirmed around under the AI, whining and sighing while trying to assert some kind of dominance. Unfortunently, he failed.
"Ugh, Caineee~ please just, pleahehese..~"
"Please.. what?"
He didn't want to have to do this. He didn't want to have to beg for something as lewd as this. But the AI's sadistic expression crashed through all of the rabbit's defenses. He didn't have a choice.
"..fuck me.."
Caine smirked, his jaws curving slightly. He had heard exactly what he wanted to hear. He heard Jax's utterly desperate cry for salvation. The ringleader knew the rabbits mind was clouded with lust at this point, and he knew exactly how to take advantage of that. Caine leaned over Jax and fiddled with the strap of his overall on his left shoulder while dragging his hand down his right side. He watched as Jax lost control of his body, his head rocking from side to side, his eyes half-lidded.
"Be a good little rabbit and take those overalls off for me~"
Jax's teeth spread apart again into a sharp frown as a low moan escaped from his throat. Caine pulled his hand off of Jax's wrists, allowing them to move around at the rabbits will. Almost immediately, Jax pulled down his overall straps and shimmied out of the top half of his overalls. His fur puffed out of the confines of his top, fluffy and warm to the touch. His chest was visibly heaving, gasping with lust and horny feelings. Before he could go any further, however, the ringleader stopped him.
"Hold it, Jaxy. Let me at least get my top half undressed too~"
"C-can I help..?"
"Of course~"
Jax quickly sat up, propping his back up against some of Caine's pillows. The rabbits gloved hands first went to the AI's overcoat, unbuttoning the firmly holding buttons and letting his coat sag down onto his shoulders. Jax's mind was racing, not just about Caine, but how the things they were gonna do would feel. What if the cast of the Amazing Digital Circus really did have pussies and dicks? Of course, both the ringleader and Jax would have dicks, but wouldn't that mean they would have to.. who would be top? Who would be the one to dominate the other? The answer was suddenly clear as Jax unbuttoned the last button on Caine's shirt. The overcoat fell from Caine's arms onto the floor, and his shirt dangled open. The rabbit almost had a damn heart attack. Lining Caine's stomach was a very well put-together six pack, his forearms were quite frankly jacked, and his whole upper body overall looked like he had been bodybuilding long before he got to this digital hell. Jax's mouth dropped open. There was no question anymore. Caine would be the one to dominate.
"C-Caine.. fuhck~"
"Aww, does the bunny like what he sees?~"
Caine let his shirt slide down his arms next to his overcoat, gently peeling his gloves off as he talked to Jax.
"You know, I never knew I had any strength before. This is really the first time I've taken my clothes off at all since we don't need to shower here. But guess what?"
Caine's hand suddenly darted up to Jax's neck, closing around it with a firm but not harsh grip. Just enough to keep the bunny in place.
"..I get to test out this new discovery on you~"
Without warning, the AI begins slightly floating, feet barely touching the ground. Instead of just staying in the air, however, Caine wraps his legs around the rabbits back and he begins straddling him. Once he's situated, Caine's jaws collide with Jax's lips, resuming their kissing spree.
Jax was quite surprised that no one was really looking for them yet. They had been gone around ten minutes now, and a short little talk doesn't usually take anywhere near that long. Jax's hands wrapped around Caine's waist, connecting around the small of his back. He pulled the AI closer to him, grinding his lower half up against him. Suddenly, Caine stopped kissing back.
"Caine? What's wrong?"
He was visibly nervous, back to fiddling with his fingers like he was earlier in Jax's room. His eyes shifted off to the right, clearly trying to avoid eye contact.
"W-well, I've been doing some thinking and.. I've decided to.. give our models an upgrade. Now, this is exclusive to only us, so don't tell the others."
The ringleaders gloved right hand came up, middle finger and thumb touching, and snapped. It took a second for anything to happen, but once something did occur, Jax couldn't help but feel it. There was.. a bulge. Bold and prominent in his pants, making a tent right in between Caine's legs. And, strangely enough, every single time the ringleader even barely touched it, it throbbed.
"C-Caine, what's this?"
Jax pointed to the bulge. The AI just looked down and laughed, putting his hand over the area between his own legs and snapping again.
"I thought you would know! That's your dick, my dear. The update was giving you more interesting body parts. And best of all.."
Caine moved his hand, showing that he now had a bulge of his own.
"..I didn't forget about myself~"
Now that they were both pretty much naked from the waist up, the room was getting a lot steamier. Jax could feel his pants constricting the mass inside them, making it uncomfortable to not just have his junk out in the open. The rabbit looked up at the pair of jaws, maintaining hesitant eye contact as he slowly inched his hand down to Caine's boner. Of course, he didn't exactly know what to do, so he had broken the eye contact to see exactly where his hand was leading him too. Once his hand made contact with Caine's pants, the ringleaders breath hitched.
"Hh- ah..~"
Jax couldn't believe he was actually doing this. Especially with Caine of all people. He really thought he'd be fucking with someone like Ragatha or something, but no. The same gender was just too good to fucking refuse. Slowly maneuvering his fingers around the bulge, Jax looked up at Caine once again to see a look of sheer pleasure plastered on his face. He was blinking slightly slower, his head tilted up just a little.
"J-ax~ fuuck.."
In an instant, Caine's hand was moving towards Jax's boner. His ears twitched, wanting more attention to be put on them. 'Too bad,' the rabbit thought. They'll just have to get more attention later. The ringleaders body was shuddering, twitching at every move that Jax's hand made. Whether it was fast or slow, or even involuntary.
"Caine, can we just screw alrea- DY!- OH g-god~"
In all his time spent in this digital.. whatever you wanna call it, he had never felt a sensation like this. It was like his crotch was on fire. Except it was a good fire. The fire of passion and lust. Caine's gentle gloved fingers idly stroked along Jax's length, making him squirm and struggle to keep his thighs open under the ringleader.
"Haah.. haah~"
This was ridiculous how far he was falling for Caine, but he was gonna let his future self deal with the consequences. Right now, all he wanted was pleasure. And a shitton of it.
"Wh-wait. What if the others notice we've been gone so lo-"
Caine clapped a hand over the rabbits mouth, restricting his breathing and muffling his whines.
"No one's gonna notice. And even if they did, what are they gonna do? Come find us? My room is somewhere they'll never find. The only way you can get here is teleportation from yours truly~ so unless they get on my 'good side', they'll never find us."
The AI winked, a short and subtle but effective movement, and quickly proceeded with helping Jax. It was assumed this was the rabbits cue to start again as well, but things quickly escalated as Caine moved the pillows away from Jax's back, causing him to fall backwards onto the bed.
"Caine, I-"
"Hush, god, when do you ever shut up you chatty little shit?"
The sudden change in demeanor had thrown the rabbit for a loop. He didn't expect Caine to be the type to degrade, and even if he was, he'd probably be at least a little gentle about it. While Jax was still in his own world about what just happened, the AI wasted no time yanking the rabbits overalls off. What was under the pink fabric had Caine and Jax both shocked.
Jax peered down at his own dick, hard as a rock and sticking straight up. It had to be about nine inches at least, precum leaking heavily from the tip. It was visibly twitching, just the air making it quiver.
"Sh.. I wanna try something. Get up."
Jax followed Caine's commands, standing up beside the bed as best he could with his shaky knees. Caine took the place of Jax, sitting in the spot he was laying. The AI then pulled down his pants to reveal a cock probably bigger than the rabbits by a couple inches. His dick was pure black, with only the tip being white. It also had endless amounts of precum leaking out of it, running down the sides of his length.
"What am I supposed to-"
The ringleader yanked the rabbit down onto his knees, his legs bending and smashing into the floor with a loud thud. It didn't necessarily hurt, per say, but Jax knew his knees were gonna be red by the time he stood up again.
"Suck. Come on, big boy. Suck it like you know how to~"
Caine's words might as well have thrown Jax into a casket. He was awestruck at how fast the ringleaders demeanor could change. Slowly, Jax scooted over to Caine's spread legs, his dick like a tower between his thighs. He stared at it for a moment, but only a moment, before gently lowering his head closer and closer to it until the tip was against his yellow teeth. He cracked his jaw open, only it didn't make a sound this time, and slowly put the ringleaders tip in his mouth. He heard an audible moan from above him, and then felt a hand on his head. The hand slowly guided him further and further down Caine's dick until the AI was practically bottomed out in Jax's throat.
"O-ah yeah~ just like tha- hat~"
Although he had never given BJ's in the digital world, he had received one in the real world. It was only once, from a girl he had barely known, but he got the basic feel for it. He knew how to run his tongue along the veins from watching lewd porn videos of girls (or boys, for that matter) doing just that. Jax let his eyes fall closed as he relaxed against Caine, letting his dick press at the back of his throat. He could feel it practically throbbing in his throat.
"Mm~ howth thith?"
Even having his mouth full, Jax could be clearly understood by Caine. After all, the guy could read Jax's thoughts. But he didn't want to do that to ruin the rabbits fun.
"Yess~ but p-please do this.."
The ringleader caught a firm grasp of Jax's head and began pulling it up and pushing it back down his dick. Sparks of pleasure and fireworks of horniness sprang throughout the room as Caine's moans were no longer muffled. Jax knew what he was doing, that was for sure.
"Fuu-ck!~ yehess~"
The ringleaders arms fell out from behind him, making him fall back onto the mattress he was previously sitting on. His jaw fell open when Jax started incorporating his hand into the blowjob, making it a hand and a mouth job.
It was impossible to focus on just one thing. All the new feelings and emotions were getting to be too much for Caine's AI. He could feel a malfunction creeping closer, slowly taking over his body.
"M-malfunction~, Jax, I-ah..~ ×(&$*_#+%"
Caine's eyes turned their dark blue shade as the loud dial tone sound drowned out Jax's slurping and gagging. Suddenly, Jax's mouth filled with a foreign substance. A sticky, salty substance that flowed from Caine's dick like a waterfall. Jax, not yet really knowing what he was swallowing, drank it all. It was salty, and very warm. But he liked it. He liked it a lot. Once the little orgasm was over, Jax lifted his head from the AI's dick, the substance dripping down the side of his toothy smile.
"You good, Teeth?~"
The glitching in Caine's eyes snapped back to normal, his two normal eyes coming back. He looked around, surprisingly calm and put-together.
"What was.. that feeling? It felt like my body was gonna explode."
"Oh, that? I'm shocked you don't know what that was. You came."
"I.. what?"
"You came, Teeth. Right in my mouth."
Caine's digital voice rang out from his jaws, his pupils getting the size of his eyes themselves as his body suddenly convulsed.
"Shh!! You're gonna get us caught!"
Jax quickly got up from the floor and put a hand on each of Caine's jaws. He then pushed them together, clamping them shut and muffling Caine's annoying digital voice.
Jax had no idea what the AI was saying, but he assumed it was telling the brain of the ringleader what "cumming" was. He just kind of sat there, keeping Caine's mouth clamped shut. He just waited until Caine was done talking to himself. Slowly, he took his hands off the AI's mouth when he heard silence. He watched as Caine's eyes came back into view, looking pretty much normal. He waited for a response. Waited.. and waited..
"..my my, so that's what you did to me. You must mean a lot to me, Jax."
The rabbit blushed, holding in a girlish giggle. He knew the ringleader had feelings for him in the first place. He made it kind of obvious, if he was being perfectly honest.
"Well then, do you wanna.. pick up where we left off?"
The ringleader then grabbed Jax's waist, feeling how warm he was, and set him down so he was straddling his thighs. His ass pressed against his skin, and the AI could feel their dicks' tips touching.
"So this is the way you wanna play things, huh?"
"Yes, Jax, please. I need this, I need you."
Jax chuckled, a low sound in his throat, as he looked at Caine with half-lidded eyes. He gently placed his hand around the ringleaders dick and gently ran it up and down his length.
"A-ahm~ Jax- ugh~ please!~"
"Fine, fine. You got lube?"
Caine just sat there for a moment, staring deep into Jax's gentle yellow eyes. He didn't know what lube was, but he was downloading the word into his system.
"..you there, Teeth?"
"A-ah, yes. Yes, I have lube."
Caine snapped his fingers and a bottle of gentle apply lube appeared out of thin air. It landed in the AI's hand with a small smack. He popped the cap of it open and flipped the bottle over his left hand. He squirted some into his hand and lowered his hand down to his dick. He stayed there for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell he was supposed to do with it.
"Really? You need help with that?"
Jax giggled and scooped the glob of lube out of Caine's hand into his own. He then lathered the ringleaders dick with a generous coating of lube, making sure that every inch of it was slick and shiny. He then reached down to his own body, except instead of putting it on his own dick, he reached around and felt for a hole. A dick-sized hole that would be the one Caine would penetrate right here, right now.
Eventually, he found the hole and coated it with the substance as well. Jax looked at Caine with curious eyes, scooting up onto his lap so the ringleaders dick was now behind him. It sat between his two asscheeks as if it was just waiting to be squeezed by Jax.
"So, Teeth. You ready?"
"Please don't call me that. And.. I suppose so."
Jax took a deep breath, staring at the naked man before him as he lined Caine's cock up with his entrance. He felt the tip press against the rim. Slowly but surely, he lowered himself down onto Caine until he was around halfway inside.
"Haah~ J-Jax, wow~ I d-didn't know it would fe-heel this good- ahh!~"
Suddenly, Jax slammed himself down onto the AI, making sure every single inch of him was swallowed by his body. A loud moan fell out of his mouth as Caine's dick pressed harshly against his prostate. His hands scrambled to grab Caine's shoulders, desperately squeezing them trying to steady himself atop the ringleader.
"C-Caine!~ fuu-ck~"
Caine's hands gently fell onto Jax's waist as he watched the rabbit twitch and jerk on his dick. It took around five minutes for everything to settle, and the entire time Jax's eyes were closed, his ears folded down, and his mouth agape. Small beads of sweat formed on the rabbits forehead as he tried to adjust to the new feeling inside him. Finally, he was ready to move forward.
"I-I'm.. I'm ready."
"You sure? You seem shaken up, my superstar.
"Yes, yes, I'm ready. Just please.."
Caine nodded and tightened his grip on Jax's protruding hips. Slowly, he brought him up his length, the full feeling leaving Jax's torso, before letting his sides go and letting him fall back onto his dick. The ringleader did this a couple times, just to get the bunny used to having himself filled and emptied over and over.
"Think y-ou can take a-~ a faster pace?~"
Jax opened his eyes slowly, his eyelids fluttering open. He watched as Caine subtly smirked before tightening the grip on his hips once more. Instead of just lifting him up and dropping him like he had been doing moments before, he held him steady on his lap.
"What are you- AH!!~"
Jax fell forward onto Caine's shoulder, whimpering and crying out as the AI thrusted up inside him over and over. It wasn't too quick, but considering this was their first time 'doing It' in the digital world, every single movement felt like heaven to both of them. Their breathing speeds came together in a rhythmic manner, the bedframe squeaking its harmony to the tune of their sweet pleasure.
"Ah- C- please!- OH!!~ R-right there! MhAH!~"
Caine had hit Jax's sweet spot, roughly aiming for it and thrusting full force into it. He loved hearing Jax's noises, his desperate pleas and cries of pleasure. He loved seeing the rabbit fall apart, just letting Caine fuck him senseless because he knew he couldn't fight it at all. He didn't have the strength to even move.
"Yess~ you know how to behave for m-me, don't you?- ah~"
"Mhm- mhm- yehesss!!"
The pleasure clouded Jax's head, preventing him from feeling any guilt about how he was acting. He just wanted pleasure. And so much of it. His ears twitched, eager to be touched by the gloved hands of the ringleader. Caine of course saw this and decided to give Jax what he wanted.
"Y-you want that-?"
"A-ah!- mm~-"
The endless amounts of pleasure had completely deprived Jax of his sarcastic voice, drowning him in the urge to scream and beg like he was a crack addict. It didn't even matter if the others could hear at this point. It didn't matter at all. The only thing right now that he needed was Caine's endless thrusting. He could feel the heat inside his stomach grow, aching to be let go.
"C-close~ Ca-!"
That was all he could mutter. Close. One word. The ringleader sighed and let out a small low groan as his thrusts started getting sloppy and quick-paced.
"Mm- I-in or out?~"
"In, please- ah!- mmm~"
The rabbit could barely contain himself. Being on top of the AI and having him pound into him so carelessly yet with all the care in the world made his mind stir. He didn't know what he was gonna say when the others asked why his usual sassy stride was now wobbly, he frankly didn't care.
"J-just a little more, good boy~ ta-ke it~"
Jax gritted his teeth, feeling his orgasm throbbing and close as he squeezed his eyes shut as if it would give him the power to hold on just a little longer. He wanted to finish with Caine more than anything in the world, and he was going to do exactly that. The ringleaders dick was throbbing and pulsing inside of Jax, he could feel the tension between them rising. He just needed this one moment. He needed Caine to fill him to the fucking brim. The sudden stop in thrusting, however, led the rabbit back into reality.
"Wh-why'd you sto-"
"Lay down."
Caine's harsh voice commanded the rabbit, quickly making Jax even more horny. He was a man of soft gentle praise, but a little degrading never hurt him. In fact, he figured he might even like it more than praise after today. After hearing it come out of Caine's jaws. He pulled himself off of the AI, watching as his stiff dick plopped out if him and onto his stomach. The rabbit fell onto the bed beside him, placing his feet in front of him and bending his knees so Caine would have more room to work.
"That's it, such a good boy for me~"
Jax whined as Caine stood up, running a hand up down his length as he positioned himself in between Jax's legs. Jax could tell that the ringleaders legs were weak too, but that didn't really matter since the only way he ever got around was floating. No one would notice his legs and how much they quivered when he walked. A sigh of contentness left Jax's lips as Caine slipped inside him once more. It felt so good to just be filled like this, especially by Jax's crush.
"You're still so- mm.. tight~"
The lustful sound of skin against skin made Jax just never want to leave this. Never want to leave this moment, have these moments replay forever and ever. Just getting his ass pounded.
"C-Caine, I'm close!- ahh!~"
Jax squealed as he finally let himself go. He finally let the knot untie in his stomach. Rope after rope of thick white cum spurted out from his dick out onto his chest and stomach, dirtying his fur. The AI watched Jax fall apart under him, almost falling apart himself. But he held back, he wanted this to last just a little longer.
"G-good boy- let me have my f-.. fuhn.."
The ringmaster immediately felt the rabbit get tighter around him, his insides spasming and squeezing around the sensitive areas of Caine's dick. Jax moaned, the overstimulation getting to his head. He had just came, why was Caine still going? Oh, right, because he needed to finish himself. All this sex was making him not able to think straight.
"C-close- hang on just a little lo-"
Before the ringmaster could even finish his sentence, he wrapped Jax's legs around him and pushed himself all the way into the rabbit. This made Jax moan louder than ever, squealing at the full feeling. Caine sighed in pleasure as he shot his fluids deep inside Jax, making the slight bulge in his stomach become more than prominent.
"My.. Jax, my goodness.."
Both the rabbit and the ringleader were panting, trying to bring themselves down from the high they had just experienced. Caine fell onto the bed beside Jax, idly running a hand up and down his shaft.
"That was.. really #^@&ing good- hey, why'd you put the censor back on?"
"Now now, my dear. You were swearing while we were having.. sexual activities, so I don't see why you need the permission anymore!"
The rabbit sighed, playing with his ears. There was no way in hell that these events actually happened. There was no way in hell that Caine had actually been willing to have sex with Jax. Hell, there was no way he even shared the same feelings for him!
"Please.. can you please take the censor back off?"
Jax looked at the AI with desperate eyes, rolling onto his side so he could make eye contact, some of Caine's cum leaking out of him as he did so.
"Ugh, fine. But only because you gave me a good time."
A snap of the fingers and a tingle of the mouth and Jax was back to being able to swear normally. Caine sighed, resting both of his hands crossed on his stomach. He was thinking the same thoughts as Jax. 'There is no way that Jax actually let me have sex with him'.
"Hey, Caine?"
"Yes, my superstar?"
"C-can we maybe.. do this again some time? I MEAN, only if you want to of course!"
"Of course, darling. Now come here."
Caine outstretched his arms and Jax slid into them, head resting on the ringleaders rising and falling chest. He could feel his heartbeat, a slow gentle pulse.
"This was the best day of me ever being here."
"I'm glad, darling. I'm glad.."


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