Jax x Pomni (smut)

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This digital world was hell. Literally. Between all the characters and bright bursting colors along the walls, it was only a matter of time before the new member, Pomni, went insane. It was the end of her first ever adventure (she recalled it being named "Gather the Gloinks" or something like that) and she was sitting at a long and weirdly placed dining table with the rest of the characters. The purple rabbit whose name was apparently Jax was sitting to her left, and a character made of ribbons who went by the name Gangle was sitting to her right. They were conversating like she wasn't even there, leaning past her at times to get their points across. The jester idly stared at the food in front of her. She didn't even want to touch it, because God forbid what it was made out of. She had even seen it glitching at times, clipping in and out of the plate.
"I-I'm not hungry, so uh.. I'm just.. gonna go to my r-room now.."
Jax stopped his conversation with Gangle and looked at her with dejected eyes. If anything, Jax was the character she hated the most. His smug attitude and his need to always be sarcastic and pull pranks every five seconds drove her even closer to her destined insanity. She tried to avoid him the best she could, but it never ended up working, as he would always find a way to get close to her again. A couple tugs to her jester hat and a couple shoves forward was always what Jax would do. And every time she stumbled or held down her hat or gave him any sort of reaction, he would laugh until his lungs practically gave out. Pomni placed her hands on the table, sliding her chair back from it, before hopping out and walking away.
"Wait, Pom-Pom!"
It was Jax. That purple bastard. Oh yeah, they weren't allowed to curse here either. That's what really got on Pomni's nerves. She could curse in her thoughts, yes, but she would always see Caine, the ringmaster, give her a quick glance as a way to silently tell her to knock it off. The jester glanced back, giving Jax his reaction he wanted.
"Hahaha! You respond to Pom-Pom!"
Pomni was so tempted to give him the good old middle finger, but she knew that when Zooble did it, it just got bleeped out. If fingers could even get bleeped out. Instead, she let out an annoyed sigh, turned around, and continued walking to her room. She had already had enough of this stupid circus, it was troubling knowing that she would have to stay there for the rest of her existence. But, nonetheless, she knew that maybe eventually, things would get better for her. That hope was quickly lost, however, when she reached her designated door. It was horrible how badly she wanted to go home. Even though she couldn't remember her room in the real world, she desperately craved it. She just wanted to lie in her own bed, instead of the one given to her by some strange man with jaws for a head. Creaking open the door, the red, blue, and yellow colors hit her eyes like a flashbang. Everyone's rooms matched their outfits or personality. Jax's had a purple and yellow theme, Ragatha had a blue and red theme, and Gangle had a red and white theme. Or she assumed that's what they looked like inside. She had never seen the insides of anyone's room but her own. But judging on what she knew currently, her prediction couldn't be too far off. She closed and locked the door behind her, taking a moment to just lean on the wooden frame and breathe. It was the first real moment of "peace" she had experienced while being here. The first real moment where she just got to take a minute to let things sort themselves out.
"God, why am I here?!"
Pomni almost screamed, raising her voice. But she decided that now wouldn't be an appropriate time. This would really be the only time she got to "relax". She slowly trudged over to her bed, the little bells on her shoes jingling with every step. She fell back onto the mattress, hitting it back-first as she let out an "oof!" sound. She had really hoped that with this time to herself, some of her sanity could restore itself. She lay there for a couple minutes, just staring at the ceiling and watching the overhead fan spin round and round. She then closed her eyes, thinking about what would really soothe her most right now.
(Going home)
She had thought about it for a couple more minutes before making the first move. Slowly and gently, she let one of her hands run down the side of her body, her own hands giving her tingles as she lowered it closer and closer to her crotch. She didn't know how anatomy worked in the digital circus, but she could at least say that there was something down there that felt good. When her hand finally creeped down her thigh and onto the space between her legs, her index and middle fingers got to work, slowly rubbing circles along where her clit would be. Small moans escaped the jesters lips, the pleasure still reaching her even when in this form. She didn't really think anything would come from playing with herself like this, but she was proven wrong. Quickly.
Her fingers began to move faster, drawing more moans and sighs from Pomni. She let her eyes fall closed, the main focus not being vision, but what was happening between her legs. She oh-so desperately wished she could take her clothes off, but since the world she got trapped in against her will was "kid-friendly", she couldn't. So this was the closest she could get to fingering herself at the moment. And, God, did it still feel good anyways. The gentle, soothing rubs felt like heaven in this hell. The jester couldn't get enough.
"Haah~ J-Jax- mm~"
Pomni caught herself, stopping everything she was doing. Did she just moan that pricks name? While she was trying to toy with herself? She couldn't believe it. She knew, inside and out, that she didn't have feelings for him. Not at all. The only feelings she ever had towards him were anger. Anger and annoyance. But it felt so good just to let someones name slip out of her mouth. She couldn't hold herself back. Continuing the motions on her supposed clit, Pomni let herself moan anything that seemed natural. And the only name that ever came out.. was 'Jax'. Around ten minutes in, the jester could feel the rush of digital blood flowing down to her pussy.
"Mmm~! Ja-ax!~"
Pomni could feel herself getting "close", if you could even call it that. She rubbed quicker circles on herself, scrunching her eyes closed and moaning louder and louder. She threw her head back, practically begging whatever God was out there to just let her have this, at least. Just let her have this one orgasm, she promised she'd never do it again.
"Jax!- ahh~"
"Uhh.. Pom-Pom?"
The jester shot up from her bed, quickly yanking her hand off of her private parts and losing the orgasm she was so desperately chasing.
"J-Jax!! W-what are you doing here?!"
"I just figured I would come check in on you. Didn't know.. all this was going on."
Jax made a circular motion with his arms around Pomni, further emphasizing that he knew what she had been doing moments before. Her attempt at hiding herself was a fail.
"W-well, GET OUT!!"
"Woah there, no need to shout Chihuahua. I just wanted to see how you were doin'. Jeez."
The rabbit took a couple steps towards Pomni, putting his hands up as if he were at gunpoint the entire time. Pomni scooted back onto her bed, pressing her back onto the wall behind her. Did someone call Jax to come in here at this exact time? The jester could never really be sure. More importantly..
"How the #%@& did you get in?!"
"You gotta be kidding me, Poms. I thought you knew about me having keys to everyone's room."
Jax whipped out a golden key from his pocket, throwing it up and sticking out his pinky, catching it perfectly in the loop of the keyring. The rabbit spun it around his finger for a moment before placing the key back inside his overall pocket.
"Well, I- I wasn't- I.. what you just saw wasn't what you think it is."
"Oh, so you mean to tell me that the new member wasn't just touching her 'hoo ha' just now? Alright then, I'll leave."
Pomni half-expected Jax to laugh it off and stay with her, but no. He just turned around and started walking towards the door. But the truth was, Pomni didn't want Jax to leave. She didn't want to build her high back up on her own.
Jax did a 180° turn, looking at the jester with curiosity. He raised either one of his hands out by his shoulders as to say 'what do you want?'.
"Ah-I.. I want you to stay with me."
"You sure? You looked perfectly fine getting off without me."
"Yes, but, I don't wanna.. be alone, you know? It's.. n-nice to have some company here."
The rabbit pondered for a moment before giving her what she wanted to hear. His answer.
"Hm. Alright."
He strode back towards the bed, his long legs making his strides seem almost graceful but cartoonic at the same time. Pomni scooted over on the bed and patted on the open spot next to her. Jax took a moment to just look around the room, getting used to his surroundings, before sitting down beside her.
"Man, I've only ever seen the inside of two peoples' room here."
Pomni scrunched up her legs so that they were tucked into her chest before putting her elbows on her knees and resting her head in her hands. Jax kept his posture, sitting down with his legs almost dangling off the bed despite him being entirely pressed against the wall.
"W-whaddya mean?"
"Well, I saw the inside of Kaufmos room after we found him.. ya know. And.. I've seen Ragatha's room many times."
"Why? Did she have some special thing with you? Were you two dating?"
"I wouldn't necessarily call it that. But, when things got rough and I was.. on the verge of abstracting, or vice versa, we would each go to each others rooms to just get comforted by one another. Before you came, it kind of felt like we were the only ones that had a somewhat stable grip on what was happening here."
"Oh! W-well, that doesn't sound TOO much like a relationship!"
"But.. sometimes we would.. exchange favors for each other. If one of us had a #%&ty day, then.. we would make each other forget about it real quick."
Pomni lifted her head out of her hands and looked at Jax. To her utter surprise, he was crying. Hot, wet tears were streaking down his face, his head leaned against the wall and his ears down by the sides of his head. He had his eyes half closed, and his smile was now an emotionless frown.
"Hey, hey. It's- it's okay, Jack!"
"Oh, right. Sorry. But hey, at least we have each other here. At least we get to suffer through this together."
Jax lifted one of his hands and swiped some of his tears away, but new ones just kept coming. Why was he suddenly crying? The digital world couldn't really be as bad as the jester was making it out to be.. right?
"Hey, come here.."
Pomni made her body face Jax's and outstretched her arms, a soft smile appearing on her face. She could feel tears of her own welling up, but she decided to hide it for the rabbits sake. Jax took one more attempt at drying his tears before leaping into Pomni's arms. The size difference was very apparent with the two, making Pomni seem like a speck compared to Jax's tall and slim figure. The force of the dive he had made almost knocked the clown down, but she held herself in place with a firm tensing of her body.
"Th-thank you.. this means a lot to me, really.."
Jax sobbed into Pomni's jester outfit, getting the golden collar wet and making the ball sleeves on her shoulders deflate. Pomni raised her hand and gently rubbed the small of Jax's back. She hadn't seen his smile break since she got here. In fact, she thought of him to be the most unbothered person to be in the circus. He was even better than Caine! But now, she saw the true side of him. The broken side of him that didn't want to be here anymore. The side of him he'd been keeping from the others in order for them to have some sort of person to look up to when desperate. The side of him that just wanted to escape this place and finally be free again. She continued to rub Jax's back, letting him get all his stress and anger out on her shoulder. Although now really wasn't the time, she wanted to see if she really was the only one who couldn't take her clothes off. Jax had talked about having 'fun' with Ragatha just a minute ago, and that wouldn't have been possible without the lack of clothes. Slowly, Pomni moved her hand to one of Jax's overall straps, gently pushing her hand into his back to see if her hand could slip under it.
"Wh-what are you doing?"
"Uh.. nothing.."
Pomni was too fascinated by the fact that her hand was now on the opposite side of the strap, her arm being held against Jax's back due to the pressure of the strap holding her arm down.
"You can let go now, Pom. I think I'm good now."
Jax patted Pomni's back as if to signify for her to let go of his. She slipped her hand out of his overalls and let him go gently.
"I've been needing to get that out. Thanks."
"N-no problem! But.. h-how are you able to take your clothes off and I'm not?"
Jax looked confused, so Pomni demonstrated by slipping her hand back under his overall strap so he could see and then taking her other hand and tugging violently at her hat. The hat stayed put no matter how much force she took to it.
"Woah woah, don't pull too hard. You might rip your head off, Pom-Pom. Here."
Jax grabbed Pomni's wrist and gently pulled it out of his strap. The rabbit then slowly moved his hand toward Pomni's face. It was weird, how someone so disliked could be so solemn and not a bad person after all. Once his hand made contact with her left cheek, they both just stared at each other for a moment. Pomni, however, was unaware of the way Jax was slowly moving towards her, his face inching closer to hers. The jesters eyes slowly began to close, watching the rabbits do the same. Pomni absentmindedly licked her own lips, waiting for Jax to make a move. As soon as their foreheads were practically touching, a giant shock entered Pomni's body, and her entire outfit began to glitch.
"<@/ (&@%[_ %×)& $_>!!!"
Incomprehensible words flew out of Pomni's mouth, covered up by the sound of her glitching figure.
"Easy, easy. It'll be over in just a second."
The glitching jester spazzed out a couple moments more before regaining her stability again.
"T..The #@*$ did you do?!?!"
"Shh.. here. Try taking your hat off again."
Pomni kept her crazed gaze dead on Jax's stupid face as she raised her hand up to her red and blue jester hat. Slowly, she wrapped her fingers around the top of the hat, making sure she had a good grip on it before slowly pulling up on it. To her utter surprise, the hat lifted with her hand, making her hair fall out of the hat in straight, brown locks.
She was speechless. And also surprised at how badly her head itched. She lifted both hands and immediately went savage on her scalp, scratching and scratching the itches that she could never get to. But more than ever, her brain hurt. How did Jax just make her outfit.. disattach from her? How did he do that just by making their foreheads touch? It didn't make sense to her in the least. But at least now, she could see what she had been rubbing earlier that made her feel so good.
"Wow.. Jax, I-"
"No need to thank me. I'll get out now."
Even though a part of her really wanted him to fuck off, she couldn't be alone again. She didn't want to be alone again. She had heard the others walking to their rooms earlier, Caine included. It was night time, everyone would probably just assume Jax was already in his room. But.. then again, it was a pretty long day for them both, so..
"O-okay.. I-I hope you get good sleep."
Jax hopped off her bed, well by hopped it seemed like he just slid. His long legs brought him to the door in three long strides, and his yellow gloved hands gripped the door knob. Before he left, though, Jax turned back to the clown.
"Hey, just a heads up. If you ever need me, my rooms just down the hall. My doors always unlocked, so no need to knock or nothin'. Just lemme know that you're in there and I'll help you with whatever you need, alright?"
"Mhm. Thanks, Jax."
The rabbit saluted to her before twisting the door knob and walking out. He shut the door behind him, and Pomni heard the door being re-locked from the outside.
"Ugh.. I need some sleep."
No matter how many ways the girl twisted and turned her body, no position seemed comfortable in this new bed. Sure, it was soft and light and made her feel like she was on clouds, but it wasn't her own. That was the fact that was bothering her the most. The fact that the bed she was sleeping on was false, just a digital place to reset for the next day. The jester sighed and climbed back out of her bed. The room was dark and she could barely make anything out, but she held her arms out in front of her and walked forward until she felt her hands run into the door. She moved her hand down, pressing it up against the wood until she felt the doorknob. Then gently, she twisted it. The door creaked open, revealing the hallway, which was dimly lit with little lights above everyone's doors. She had established that if Caine or any one of the others were to wake up, she would just tell them that she couldn't sleep or that she was hungry. Even if hunger wasn't a thing in this world, they would probably believe it more than not.
"C-can't see.."
Pomni muttered to herself as she walked quickly and quietly down the hallway, looking for one door in particular. Jax's door was close to the very end of the hallway, the only door taking that place was vacant, possessing a door sign with a pale mannequin on it. She reached Jax's door and looked up at the sign plastered on it. It had Jax flashing his stupid smug grin on it, almost looking down at her. She went to knock, but then remembered that Jax himself told her that she didn't have to do that. She reached down instead for his doorknob, twisting it and slowly pushing the door open. It creaked, but not nearly as much as her door. Since he had been here longer than her, the door he had was old and used, which caused it not to make such a noticable sound when the clown opened it.
"J-Jax..? You in here?"
Instead of his room being pitch black, he had a little night light right beside his bed. The night light was of Caine's face ("that self-centered prick probably gave it to him in the first place", Pomni thought) and was casting a dim glow around the room. In the silhouettes it created, Pomni could make out Jax's long figure curled up in his bed, his ears down and his body on its side. She could hear his faint, steady breaths even though she was across the room from the rabbits bed.
"Jax.. I can't sleep.."
The rabbit stirred, shifting under the covers and groaning as he rearranged himself in his sleep. He might have been sleep talking, but he said one thing that kept the jester from leaving his room.
"Hm.. get in, Poms.."
It was clear as day, he had called her into his room. Or did he mean.. slowly, Pomni walked closer to her bed, questioning herself in every single way possible. Was she actually doing this? Was she actually going to sleep with one of the characters on her first night? Especially in what looked to be a twin size bed meant for only one person?! She didn't know how she was going to pull this one off, but if she did, she wouldn't forget it. She reached the rabbits bed and carefully lifted the covers up just a little.
"Uh, Jax? Y-you don't mind, right?"
The rabbit made a "mm-mm" sound, signifying that he didn't care whether she got in with him or not. She was hesitant at first, slowly and gently moving herself under the covers. Once inside them though, the comfort brought to her was through the roof. She had a sense of comfort in this bed, no longer seeing it as a recharge station, but more as a place of rest and ease. This combined with Jax's overwhelming softness and body heat made it perfect for her to snuggle up and enter dreamland. She gently flipped herself over and scooted into Jax until their backs were pressed up against each other.
Jax groaned once again, flipping himself over after feeling Pomni's back against his. The jester gasped as she felt the rabbit next to her pull her in, throwing his arm lazily over her body and tucking her inside his arms. She stayed deadly still, her body not daring to move even a single inch. 'Th-this is fine, mmm..maybe he just thinks I'm a pillow..?' Pomni thought. But that was quickly proven to be incorrect as Jax moved his leg over her body and crammed his head in the nook between her neck and shoulder. She could feel his warm breath against her throat, soothing but scary at the same time. Her heart rate drastically increased, and fighting the urge to scream had never been so difficult.
"Pom-Pom.. hush.."
Jax spoke to her again, this time awake and fully aware of what he was doing. The panicking jester quickly tried to squirm out of the rabbits grasp, but it was no use. He was just too strong for her.
"Stop squirming, I'm tryna sleep.. I thought this would be what you wanted."
Pomni couldn't deny that she had been wanting someone to hold her close since she had gotten here, but she didn't exactly expect that person to be Jax. She thought maybe Ragatha or Gangle would show her some cuddles and sympathy. But the holder was Jax, and he didn't seem like he was ever going to let go.
"J-Jax, let me go!"
"Mm.. no."
The rabbit quickly moved his right hand from Pomni's small body to her mouth, covering it and muffling any kind of screaming she would be doing. After all, if she was just shouting for help all night, no one would be able to get any sleep.
"Shh.. don't scream. I'm not gonna hurt ya, you know this."
The bunny pulled the clown closer, encasing her in a mass of tangled limbs. He could feel her trying to fight back against him, but that would quickly change with the next action he was about to pull. Jax had crammed his face further into her neck and slowly began to lick up and down it. It had been a soothing gesture when him and Rags were still a.. "thing", so he figured that it would have the same effect on Poms as it did on him so long ago.
Pomni pressed her face against Jax's hand, squeezing her eyes shut as the rabbit licked over some kind of digital nerve. She squirmed just a little now, this time from the sudden feeling. The jester didn't even know Jax was capable of opening his mouth. She assumed that when he ate, the food just magically entered his body or something. But no, he was fully capable of opening his mouth. The warm, wet feeling against her throat quickly dropped down between her legs as she rubbed her thighs together to try to get friction.
"What's the little clown doing, hm?"
Jax removed his hand from her mouth, but instead of just placing it back over her stomach where it had been, he had moved it up to her chest. She had boobs, though barely visible in her stupid outfit. It honestly made her look like the flattest character there, but underneath the colorful garments, her boobs were a pretty busty size. Jax could feel this when he gently wrapped his hand around her left breast, fondling it slowly while continuing to press his tongue into her neck. It became hard for Pomni to contain herself, letting out small moans and whines every now and then. That wasn't enough for Jax, however, as he quickly decided to 'take things up a notch'.
"Mm.. how about we make the clown useful? Strip for me, Poms. Just get out of that stupid outfit so I can really see what I'm working with~"
Jax heard her breath stutter, and felt her body twitch against his. To him, it sounded a lot like Pomni had a bit of a praise kink. And to his shock, she kicked out of his arms, stood up, and began by removing her gloves. It was dark and hard to see exactly what was going on, but he could make out with the night light that Pomni had tossed her clothes into a little pile on the floor at the foot of his bed. She still had her main outfit on, but her gloves and shoes were now gone. The only thing that was left was her shirt, pants, and hat. The jester pulled up her shirt and yanked it over her head revealing just how much volume she was packing. Her boobs sprang out of her shirt, possessing red and blue nipples just like her outfit. She had chosen to keep her hat on, but if it slipped off, she wouldn't care. But before she could take her pants off, Jax stopped her.
"Hey, don't do that yet. Just get back in here with me, princess."
Pomni's legs visibly shook, having trouble lifting her weight as she walked back over to the bed and slid back inside it. She was facing Jax, her wide eyes now half-lidded as she maneuvered herself around him. She tossed her body onto his, making him flip onto his back as she crawled on top of him. Her breasts hung down from her chest, swaying as she pinned Jax down by grabbing his wrists and pressing them against the bed.
"Ooh, so the short stack wants to be dominant now?"
"Shut the $&#% up, Jax.."
"Oh my! What a potty mouth!"
Before Jax can get any more stupid sarcasm out, the jester quickly presses her lips against his, shutting him up even further. She leans into the kiss, almost toppling over onto him with how utterly desperate she is. Nothing had ever felt this right in the circus, not even with Ragatha. There had always been some sort of tension with her, like she didn't like or want to comply with what Jax was doing to her. But with Pom-Pom, it felt like she actually wanted to be touched. Like she wanted to be kissed and played with and just put under a spell. Sure, it could be because she was going insane with all the shit she had experienced on her very first day, but it could also be some sort of secret affection towards the purple rabbit. He decided not to think much of it and to just let it happen. After around twenty seconds, the jester pulled away and sat up on top of him, clearly flustered at what she had done.
"I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get that into it, r-really! I hope I didn't.. make you uncomfortable or anything.."
"If you're really sorry, then unpin me."
Pomni did as she was told, taking her hands off of Jax's wrists and letting him go. He immediately went straight to her hips, grabbing them and squeezing them as he looked at her with a hint of hunger in his eyes. Hunger and lust. The rabbit licked his lips, his jaws dripping with building up saliva.
"Do you feel it, Poms?"
"F-feel what?"
"The hunger.. the hunger in the air."
Pomni looked around, clearly searching for whatever hunger Jax was talking about. Jax grabbed harshly at the girls hips and made her face him.
"Not literally, stupid jester. I mean, the hunger for each other. The growing lust in our bodies~"
Pomni put her hands on the bunny's chest and leaned down. She could feel his heartbeat through his overalls, which were still fully on him.
"Y-yes.. I feel it. So if I have to strip.."
"I will too, just get off me first."
The girl scooted off of Jax, throwing herself to the side and landing on her back, her boobs clapping against her chest. Jax, however, instead of undressing, flipped over onto Pomni instead.
"Haha, not so big now, huh?~"
Jax stared at her with his stupid smug grin, visible even in the almost pitch black room. He then moved down to her legs and rested his head on her digital crotch.
"J-Jax?! What are you doing?!"
"Relaaax.. I'm tired. Goodnight."
"Wh-what? But I thou-"
"You keep yapping and you're getting out of my room."
"Fine. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, my little jester~.."
Pomni slowly drifted into sleep, closing her eyes and trying not to think about the rabbit in between her legs. Sure, she was half-naked, but she felt very comfortable here. Very comfortable in Jax's presence. It was like he had some sort of melatonin effect on her crazed mind. Shallow breaths escaped the girl as she quickly drifted off to sleep..

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