Shifty Powers - Poker Face

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・Poker Face・

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Poker Face


"Sweetheart, can you and Y/n bring us some beers?" Donald called out from the card table, interrupting Irene's conversation about pregnancy woes with Marion, Popeye's wife, and I.

"Sure thing!" Irene responded with a playful eye roll. "Men."

I giggled, grabbing a beer from her hand as she went back to the fridge, searching for two more. Seeing her discomfort, I offered to help, "You want me to do that?"

"No no, I should be fine," she replied, placing a hand on her back.

"You sure?" Marion chimed in, concern in his voice, but Irene waved it off, and we couldn't help but laugh.

The Malarkeys and the Wynn's were regular visitors, making our gatherings almost a tradition. Shifty had reconnected with them after the first reunion, and Marion, Irene, and me and my very pregnant belly hit it off instantly. Since then, the six of us would often catch up for weekend getaways at each other's houses. 

Irene continued her search for beers, complaining about the strain on her back. I shared a little tip, "When I had Katherine and my back ached, Shifty used to hold my stomach to ease the weight."

"I heard about that, it's supposed to feel like everything has just been lifted off you," Marion added, nodding in agreement.

"Ah found it!" Irene exclaimed, holding up the beers triumphantly. "Let's take these out."

We made our way to the backyard, where the guys were engrossed in their card game.

"You women just love to chat, don't you?" Malarkey teased as Irene sat down next to him.

"You boys talk as much as us," Marion retorted, handing Popeye a beer before taking his seat.

Before I could join them, Shifty's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. His hand brushed against my stomach, a familiar gesture from my pregnant days. I leaned into his touch, planting a kiss on his head.

"Full house," Malarkey exclaimed, slamming his cards down on the table. Shifty and Popeye groaned in response, while the rest of us burst into laughter at the over-the-top reaction.

"Hey! You couldn't have won, we just started!" Popeye exclaimed, placing his hand of cards down to show that he nearly could have won.

"You should have called his bluff, Pop." Shifty laughed, continuing to rub my side. 

As the laughter and banter continued, we settled into the comfortable rhythm of our gatherings. Shifty's arms remained wrapped around me, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth and security he provided. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the backyard and adding to the sense of camaraderie.

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