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Who's there ,i respon playfully

a shady man in a full black Trenchcoat handed me a Envelope. I still regret reading it

"good afternoon #####

I regret to inform you that the one known as "crimon 1" Also known as #### #### Has passed away in the Cascadian conflict

You as the last surviving member of his family are Indebted to his Property as stated in his will.

The funeral server will be at ####

We know you where close to your little brother and we send out our condolences

-The Federation airforce"

after some digging i found his killer " monarch "

If it's the last thing,I Y/N L/N will destroy everything monarch holds dear.

Before this time I was crimson 1 but then my brother came along. I loved him and i was his Rolemodel he wanted to become crimson 1. After some time i retired and he took my Callsign and squad.

This is when i became crimson 0

I was the top ace in the world before my little brother.

time to shake off some rust and return.

(helo sam here any feedback would be nice and if you can give me Suggestions because this is my first book.)

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