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WE WENT TO the weapons room. It's a room that we typically never go in because we mainly focus on using our powers since they're so strong and deadly. However, in this case scenario it's a good idea to be as prepared as possible.

Lux didn't grab anything since she can just cultivate weapons out of thin air but the rest of us opt for either swords or daggers. Viviana is probably the most defenseless out of everyone here in terms of magical powers so she'll be predominately relying on physical weapons and she'll be in a group with Lux.

Once everyone's ready we head out of the castle.

"We'll have to head there on my dragon."

"If you wanted us to ride you so bad you should've just asked."

"Oh shut the fuck up Lux. Now is not the time," I roll my eyes. She just shrugs her shoulders and I shift into my dragon. Everyone climbs on me and then we're on our way to the guild.

Anxiety stirs in my stomach. I never thought this moment would ever be happening. We were going to storm the guild and try to bring it down.

Holy shit.

I had no misconception that we probably wouldn't bring down the entire operation because it spanned across multiple planets but if we managed to kill the council members currently in charge...

Of course, there were others lined up but still that would take years to fall into place and I highly doubt that if we succeed in this, any of them would be ballsy enough to go after us.

If I'm still here, that is. In my mind there's no way that we'll all survive this and I'll be damned if any of my friends die. Which just leaves me.

Based off the plan, I was going to try and sneak through the front and make my way to the bottom floor cremation room. When I made it there, I was going to open the trap door and allow the rest of them to enter. It was too risky for everyone to enter through the front door.

Sage used the clouds to cover us so no one could see us as I flew around to the back. She then formulated a cloud with her magic out of the moisture in the air and they all climb off my back onto it. There was a decent sized hole that lead about six feet up to a trap door. The walls of the hole had this gooey black stuff on it and smells like rotting flesh. Viviana peers up at it disgustingly.

"Eww." She says "that's nasty. It makes me wanna stab out my nostrils." Saka laughed a little and shook her head.

"Alright Cyrus. You go around and let us in now. And be careful please." Tien says. Just as she says it the trap door opens and a body gets thrown out. It hits the sides of the hole and the skull makes a sickening cracking noise before the person disappears into the clouds. Thankfully, we were all off to the side so the people who threw the body out didn't see us. Just as quickly as it opened, it shut.

I nod my big head and then fly underneath the floating guild. I fly kind of towards the side so I come up on the left side. I put my talons gently on the side of the front landing area before shifting and quickly grabbing on with my other hand. I pull myself up as quietly as possible and quickly rush at the two guild members stationed outside, killing them by slitting one's throat and smashing the other's head into the wall so hard his skull splits.

I opt to not try and just kill my way through to the cremation room, instead be as quiet as possible and only kill the people who catch me at the moment. It'll allow me to get to the trap door as fast as possible.

I would have suggested we just blow through it but it was a spelled—practically invincible—trap door that only opens and can be unlocked from the inside.

I expertly navigate my way through the hallways towards the bottom most cremation room. It was where I grew up, after all, and I knew the place better than I knew the back of my hand. When I make it to the room, thankfully it's empty. I had only run into a few people in the hallway and I quickly silenced them before pulling them into a dark corner to hide their bodies.

I survey the room to make sure it truly is empty before barricading the door and making my way over to the trap door. I open it and call out to them,

"Guys?" Once I speak they all appear underneath the hole. They're still on the cloud and they crowd together really tightly so Sage can lift them up. I help each of them get off of the cloud to make sure they don't fall before shutting the trap door.

"It's hot as shit in here." Sage says while fanning herself. The others nod in agreement. I hadn't really noticed but then again, I'm a dragon so Im built to withstand heat. There was probably four different cremation ovens. This was one of three cremation rooms. It was probably used the least often out of all of them.

"Really?" Lux says with a raised eyebrow, looking at the barricaded door.

"I didn't want anyone walking in!"


"Do you think anyone knows we're here yet?" Ren asks.

"I don't think so. I tried to be as sneaky as possible on my way here. I only killed people if I needed to as to try and not create too much noise."

"Perfect," Saka smiles sinisterly "let's go kill some people, shall we?"


Hey guys!! So sorry for the short chapter. This is before the thick of it so I figured I'd end it here for now. I'm also sorry for not updating for a while my life has been pretty crazy and I haven't had too much motivation.

I'm gonna be trying to write another chapter later this week to have out by this weekend.

Thanks so much for reading!!

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