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So the comic is gonna be about DC and justice league and batman nightwing and an original character called Nobody aka Pain aka Sarah Pennysworth (dunno if they been taken but I don't care) I have only seen jl &jlunlimited and the batman animated serieses

Nightwing & Nobody are around the same age

Nobody bio
She has no identity. No one knows where she came from other than the metahuman tr@fficking uncovered by her and batman after her escape. powers include pain absorbing and release but all files if any say that it is pain manipulation (she can transfer pain from herself to someone and vice versa but that part is left out of the files) drives Question mad cuz she is Nobody literally

She is tracking down the people who hurt her to find out who she is and stop them from hurting others

Flashbacks of origin/explanation of departure
Present Batman and Nightwing enter Batcave something is off

Batman: Alfred?

Lights cutout

Nobody (sing-songy): Nobody's home
<appears next to them>
<curse of the victorian fainting lady disease>

Nightwing<catches her>

Batman: You're hurt

Nobody: no sh!t Sherlock

Proceed to care

New suit

All better

Goes to Starling City

Ropes in Green Arrow (sticky notes on computer scene)

He agrees to help


does help

To Metropolis

Lois Lane "kid napping " not really because the door is unlocked

Explain that Nobody knows that she is the real detective mind behind Superman as she is the best investigative reporter there is.

Asks for her help in exchange for Nobody as a source


Nobody: ok now open the door and scream

Lois: Why <already at the door>

Nobody: Do you know a faster way to get Superman?

Lois <smirks opens door screams>

Superman <crashes through the wall next to the door>

Nobody<high fives Lois looks to Superman>: nice entrance /sarcastically/

Explains she always includes the local hero when possible because it's their turf, and she needs someone to take the credit if it was gonna work anyway


Nobody<captured & curse of the victorian fainting lady disease>

Bomb under wanetech

[The car she is being moved in has broken air conditioning, so the window is open a crack.

Car stops for gas

Nobody<comes to>]-[under consideration]

Nobody (whispers) :Superman Superman, this is urgent. Get word to Batman that a bomb in-ahhh /curse of the victorian fainting lady disease/

<comes to>

Is straped to bomb with heart rate monitor to detonate if heart rate gets too high

Tells others to get everyone out of blast zone first

Nightwing <stays to diffuse>

Nobody : I'm scared

Nightwing: I'm not leaving you. <gives sleepy meds>

Nobody <curse of the victorian fainting lady disease>

The main payload is able to be removed without triggering. Superman flies it away.

But the 2nd payload is small but enough to kill Nobody and anyone in the immediate area and well is protected so it can't be stopped w/o trigging it

Nightwing: I'm not leaving you

Nightwing <figures out away to delay explosives>

They almost make it out with but get caught in the blast

Nightwing <curse of the victorian fainting lady disease>

Batman <runs in> (horrified whisper tears): no

Superman <zooms in first>

They search the ruble and find Nightwing no sign of Nobody

Author's note:
Comment any ideas plz
Is batman too emotional?

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