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Dear Diary,

It's me, as always, but this time I have something new to share. There's this boy I met at the library, the 6-feet one. I suggested that we could share names if we met again, but unfortunately, we never got the chance. Sometimes, I entertain the thought that if I revisit the same library, I might run into him once more. On the other hand, if he isn't there, it might break my heart.

I often wonder if I'm the only one thinking about him. Perhaps he's avoiding the library to prevent another encounter, or maybe he's as apprehensive as I am. What are the chances that he might be there, waiting for me? Every time I pass by that library, memories of him flood my mind. However, in the real world, life goes on, and our paths don't cross. It's been about a week now. Maybe I should make an effort to go back there. It could help me move on. If he happens to be there, we could exchange names or even socials. But then again, what if he's already in a relationship? What if he was genuinely interested in fictional books and not something more?

Instead of phrasing it like "Can you give me a little tour of your world?" he could have simply asked, "Can you recommend some fictional books?" It feels a bit too fictional for someone who prefers biographies and motivational reads. Maybe I'm being overly dreamy about it. My week off is approaching, so I'm contemplating going back there. I mean, what could go wrong?

I mustered the courage to be there, standing at the door, waiting for that final burst of bravery to face whatever lay behind it. It wasn't a popular library, so the atmosphere was usually quiet. Today, it was even quieter than usual. The fiction aisle remained unoccupied, and strangely, that emptiness appealed to me. With fewer people around, there was less commotion. As an introvert, these moments were a rare chance to enjoy spending time in the company of books.

However, the highlight of the day was missing: the 6-foot guy. Sadly, he wasn't there. I had promised myself not to buy new books, considering I already had plenty. People often say not to judge a book by its cover, but I admit I choose my books solely based on their covers. With so many alluring options, I decided to leave after purchasing at least one. This time, I opted for a more affordable choice. The guy at the counter acknowledged me as a regular, offering a discount, which is always a favourite perk of mine.

As I was on the verge of leaving, it happened - the highlight of the day walked in. Still as mesmerizing as the last time. Our eyes met, and a sweet smile bloomed on both our faces as if we had been waiting for this moment.

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