The Elevator

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Disclaimer: There are some gruesome scenes present, if you are sensitive to such topics it is advised to skip this chapter. 

You freeze as you hear those scratch noises reaching from under your bed, it's almost 2:30 and those voices used to be coming from the upper floor but now it's under your bed. It took you a moment to catch your breath as you turned the torch on and bent over, slowly grasping every breath of yours to see what was under the bed. As the light rays fall on the ground you see nothing or no one but scratches on the wooden floor and the voices are gone too. This is the first time you are checking under the bed so you don't know if it was from the beginning or if it magically appeared the night you heard the weird sounds. You sit back on the bed thinking what it was and why it happened, in all those thoughts. The sudden loud bang on the door scares you. It's night 3 and you are not expecting anyone, but the banging on the door increases, it is getting louder and faster. You grab the first thing you see, that one straighter of yours you barely use. When you are approaching the door, quietly. The banging suddenly stops. 

When you finally reached the door and opened it, there was no one out there, you stepped out to check but there was no one. Suddenly your windows open with the fast breeze, while writing and bussing in your thoughts you forget to lock them, and you close the door and rush in to close the window. While closing the window you heard a scream, the direction of the noise is unknown but you are sure you heard that voice. After waiting for a while at the window to make sure you had heard that sound, but after no voice, you were about to shut it but again you heard that voice. The owner of the building lived on the ground floor so you decided to go down and take help from him. Even though he looked a bit weird he is calm and composed. Your thought that the voice might be from someone who needs your help and can be in danger makes you move faster. The stairs are out of order so you step into the elevator, trying to press the G button for the ground floor but you realise it's not working. The elevator closes but you are unable to press any of the buttons. When you first moved in the owner of this building informed you that the lift buttons were stiff and you might have to press them with extra force and he also said that he would repair them after he got more customers. Now you are even more scared, the lift is going down and those voices are in your head, and there is no signal and you can't even let anyone know you are here. 

After a while, the lift finally stopped at the basement. You have never been here before. This is your first and is not the right time to be in the basement with a broken lift. You were trying to press the G button again when you heard the shouting noise and someone approaching the lift. As you heard the voices, you escaped the lift and hid behind the steel pillar right in front of the lift. The owner of the building came from down the hallway covered with blood all over. His hands, his face and all of his jacket are covered in fresh blood. He stepped into the elevator and the lift classes as he hardly pressed the button. You decide to follow the path he came from to see what is happening and whose fresh blood it was.  You could feel the chill breeze rising your bones, as you saw the blood trail flowing from the hall. You follow the trail as it leads you to a room, it's dark but that one light coming from the corner has enough light that you can see a hand, a detached hand. The bone is sticking out from the end, and you can see the bite mark on the hands. You were hiding behind the door, trying to catch your breath. But suddenly you heard the bark and the same pit bull. The dog is chewing, and tearing up the bones and hand.

You slam the door after seeing what you just saw and you can hear the dog bark from inside the room. You run towards the elevator, pressing the button in a hurry hoping the lift would come early. You pressed your floor button but it's not working as before you tried pressing harder. At last, it worked and the lift door closed. You stepped out of the lift but something was strange, the owner of the building was standing in front of your door, but now there was no blood on him. Not even a single trace of it. Scared of him, you went back to the lift and as soon the lift opened you heard the same voice, which made you scared to the bone. "Are you getting in or not?" You looked at the sound of the voice, and it was the man who lived upstairs. He has this weird smile and then you hear the calm tone "Where were you?" you look back and it's the owner of the building.

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