Sidneet oneshot 3~

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"Shreya, dinner is ready. Come, princess." A woman is saying from downstairs. "COMING!" Shreya replied. Shreya is a girl of a single mother, Avneet Kaur. Shreya is 6 years old. After a few seconds, she came downstairs and saw dinner was ready.  

"Mom, again bread and fish finger!" She wined. Avneet looks at her sadly. "Sorry baby. You know that I can't afford more money. I have to pay for the rent, your tuition and all." 

"Why don't you get a job?" Shreya asked Avneet. "Oh! I forgot to tell you that tomorrow I am going for an interview." Saying that, Shreya got happy. "Really? I will pray for you, Mom." Shreya said happily. "Thank you, baby. Now come and eat."

Avneet Pov

I am a divorced woman. Well, my husband and I divorced 3 years ago and all these years, I'm literally helpless. I can barely afford money for my baby, Shreya. She is my daughter. 

"Mom, why are not eating?" How will I tell her that I've prepared dinner only for her?  "I will prepare my bags and things for the interview, then I'll eat." I said and she said 'okay'. It feels really bad lying to her. I wonder how long will it goes? I can't keep suffering my whole life. 

Pov ends

After 5 minutes, Shreya has done eating. Avneet helped Shreya in doing her Homeworks, The Shreya went to sleep at 21 00 but Avneet wasn't.

"WHAT I DID WRONG? WASN'T I ENOUGH FOR YOU? WASN'T OUR DAUGHTER ENOUGH FOR YOU? Now you are surely like already married to her and maybe you also had kids with her and having a great life. But anyways, I always wanted your happiness so that's why silently, without any arguments, I signed the divorce paper. I am glad that you are happy with your new wife and thank you for giving me such a life." She said while crying with many regrets. Well, ngl, this is her every night things.

She went asleep while cursing her fate. Next morning, she woke up and did her morning chores. After doing all this, she woke Shreya up. "Good morning, ma." Shreya said in a sleepy tone and Avneet wished her back.

Avneet gets her ready for school. She did breakfast and gave her. Then left her at school. After leaving Shreya at school, she went for her interview. Arriving there, she went in the reception. 

"Hello ma'am. How may I help you?" Said the receptionist with a smile. "Hi. I am here for the interview." Avneet replied. "What's your name?" She asked. "Avneet Kaur." 

"Room 5." The receptionist said and Avneet muttered 'thank you' and went in the Room 5. Avneet seems really nervous.  She entered in Room 5 and saw many other people who is here for the interview. There was 2 people before so, she had to wait. 

After 1 hour, she was done with her interview. "You did quite well, now it depends on our boss. We'll stay in touch. If you got a mail by tomorrow or it can be today, then it means you got the job. Then you may come tomorrow." One of the men said. "Ok thank you!" she said and went out. After that, she went home and at 15 00, she went to pick Shreya from school. 

"How was the inervew?" Shreya asked. "It's interview, not inervew." Avneet corrects her. "Yeah...Intevow." Avneet chuckled at her. "Interview it is. Anyways, the per-" Before she could tell her, a notification popped on her phone. And IT'S THE MAIL.

"Shreya, I got the job." She said happily. Hearing this, Shreya hugs Avneet in happiness. "YAAYY!Congrats mom. I am so happy! <3. Can we get pizza today?" Shreya asked and Avneet agrees. 

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