Preparing for the Grand Opening

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Adaira arrived at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes shortly after the sun's rays began to light up the cobble stones of Diagon Alley. She was eager to be there, but admittedly very tired. Worried about upcoming exams, she had been up all-night studying. She had hoped the touch-ups she had done to her eyes would mask the dark circles.

The bell above the doorway jingled when she pushed through the front door. Fred was the first twin she spotted, and he was in a frenzy! He buzzed past her as she entered.

"Oi!" He let out and moonwalked back to her. "Morning love! George'll be upstairs in the office."

He gave Adaira a quick kiss on the cheek for greeting as his hands were full before running off at lightening speed once more. Adaira let out a laugh and headed for George.

George looked frazzled when Adaira spotted him. She leaned against the door frame and knocked her knuckles against the wall to announce herself.

"Morning Georgie," She greeted with a soft, reassuring smile.

He paused and turned to look at her. His face instantly softened off any frown lines his nerves were causing. George broke the distance between them and fell to his knees. He wrapped his arms tightly around Adaira's waist and buried his face into her shirt.

"Tell me we are going to pull this off." He whispered. "Tell me I am going to make something of myself."

"You already are something." She assured him as she ran her fingers through his token red hair.

Adaira lifted his face up so that their eyes could meet.

"That being said, you're going to do great!" She encouraged. "How can I help?"

George squeezed her hips and gave her a small, playful shake before standing up and engulfing her in a tight squeeze. Adaira relaxed into his chest-her favorite place to be. She tugged on his shirt, and he pulled back slightly to raise an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not being kissed right now." She advised him with a smirk.

"No, I suppose you aren't, my Addie." He said and returned her smirk with a cheeky grin of his own.

He caressed the side of her face sweetly, while giving her ass a harsh squeeze with his other hand. Their lips soon crashed against each other. Adaira broke their connection first, which proved a difficult thing to do as all she wanted was to go to sleep cuddled up against his warm, toned chest.

"I think it is time to be productive Georgie." She sighed.

"I suppose you're right." He said taking a step back and stretching. "We've got loads to do! I hope you're ready for a busy day. Slept well?"

"Oh yes, the best night's sleep I've had in a while." Adaira fibbed knowing he would not be pleased if she told him she hadn't been to sleep yet at all.

"Thank goodness! You'll need all the energy you can get." He replied giving her arm a squeeze.

George wasn't exaggerating. For hours and hours, any time a task was finished, George informed Adaira of five new ones. She hid her yawns around corners and rubbed her eyes behind displays. George and Fred were far too distracted and hyper-fixated on the mission at hand to take too much notice of her and her struggles.

Even amongst the chaos and the never-ending to-dos, George was loving and attentive. He periodically made sure that she had water. He showed her gratitude for her help and assistance. He questioned if she was doing alright in passing but was in too much of a rush to realize her responses were insincere.

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