Is That It Then?

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Adaira entered her room and closed the door behind her. She turned and pressed her forehead against the door, taking a moment to ground herself. She was speechless. She was drained.

She sighed and turned toward her desk where she had abandoned her books and notes that morning.

"NEWTs." She frowned. "Not Even Worth This Stress."

Adaira moved to sit at the edge of her bed and began to compose a text to George. Given the circumstances, she was no longer confident that he would even want her at the opening tomorrow.

George's picture projected onto her phone's screen, interrupting her. She hesitated but accepted the call.

 She hesitated but accepted the call

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"Hello?" She answered.

"Hi, Addie." George responded.

Adaira provided space for him to lead the conversation, but the silence that followed quickly became deafening. She broke it, feeling uncomfortable in the awkward space.

"I was just writing you a text." She offered.

"Do you want to just say it now?" He asked.

"I wanted to see if you still wanted me to come to the opening tomorrow." She explained. "If you don't, that's fine too."

George failed to reply, and, in the mist of his hesitation, she felt even more defeated. She would have hoped, or at the very least expected, that wanting her there would have been a simple decision to make-one that he wouldn't have to consider or contemplate.

Adaira braced herself and prayed to Merlin for courage as she took a deep breath.

"Georgie-sorry, that is to say, George," She started struggling to find the words she sought. "I deserve someone who is nice to me. Someone kind. I...I deserve someone who loves me."

"I love you." He argued.

"ONLY me!" She snapped. "I don't deserve having to lay in my bed alone not being able to trust my boyfriend's faithfulness."

"Addie, you know I'm not going-"He began.

"No! I don't." She interrupted with a firm tone. "That is sad George, but it is true. Your actions have taken that peace from me and you continue to degrade me every time you so carelessly make mention that you're not over her."

George was cornered into silence.

"Why do you do that?" She asked pained. "Out of all the people that I know offered you and Fred support with your set up, why would you throw HER in my face?"

George continued to contribute nothing to their dialogue. If it wasn't for his breathing, she would have questioned if he was still present.

"You like to hurt me. You like to constantly remind me that, even though you're supposed to be with ME, I am not your first choice." Adaira accused.

George was unable to find his words and Adaira decided she was worth more than this one-sided exchange.

"Tell me I'm wrong!" She pleaded. "Tell me you don't love her."

"I can't do that." George admitted, bringing to light what had never been completely hidden in the dark.

"I can't do this." Adaira said firmly.

"Is that it then?" George asked.

"I guess it is." Adaira replied refusing to reveal to him how his quick acceptance of their separation was killing her inside. "Good luck tomorrow, George. Break a leg."

The jingle indicated the end of the call and the end of something so much bigger.

George's eyes blurred as he stared at the phone in his hand. He found himself flabbergasted and a bit caught off guard. He hadn't intended for his phone call to lead to this. He stood up from his seat and stretched. He refused to engage in processing the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm his entire being. There was a task at hand, and he was more than happy to practice avoidance.

Ironically, Everlee was a far-off thought in George's mind. He showcased enough tact to deep dive into the finishing touches of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes' grand opening, with unknowing Fred, without reaching out to her.

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