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It took only a compliment to his mustaches to have the Cardinal melting with watery eyes.
Copia's kisses were anxious and quick like a teenager who is going to come in his pants in moments. Iyrin was always surprised of how much they could tell of a person by the way they kissed, and he might not have been the best kisser, but as soon as they managed to unbutton his pants and free his erection, their mind completely blanked at the sight of... it.

"Wow, Cardinal..." Iyrin widened their eyes and tilted their head, silently praising him. A spontaneous smile, almost a laugh, formed on their lips. "...That's quite a surprise."

Copia nervously jiggled, his breath already heavy "eh... do you mean a good one?"

Iyrin had to bite their lips to not laugh again, "Looks like a very good one." they reassured him. "Let me just have a closer look... Just to be sure, uhm?"

And Copia just flinched dramatically when they got down on their knees in front of him, having to hold himself up with his arms spread against the wall.


"What did I tell you about fucking staying away from the crazy ones?"

"Iyrin is not crazy... they're just..." but words failed to come to mind. Terzo just rotated the glass of the 75€-per-bottle whiskey a couple of times before the right words timidly formed on his lips "... stressed. I guess. They're very sensitive."

"Stressed?" Omega looked at him disappointed. "They're completely nuts. And those screaming and throwing stuff? Completely nuts I say. And it is a common thing with Watchers." He stated in a serious tone that only managed to sound comical. "They destroyed half the world and the totality of humanity for a ride on a pussy." He gave a deep sip to his drink, lifting his mask as needed, "I mean, who crazy shithead motherfucker would revolt against God, set the world on fire and wars, populate it with monstrous hybrid children, provoke a world flood and gain the eternal damnation only for a good fuck*?"

And by the second their eyes met, they both exploded in an evil laughter, one of those powerful ones that make your head tilt back and smash your hand on the table.

"ME!" they both agreed, keeping laughing until their voices slowly faded back to normal.

"What keeps you from fucking kill them?" Omega asked, once calmed down, as if it was a totally reasonable question to ask, "Because I would."

"Well, the fights are just a part of it... hopefully they will set sooner or later." he said, rotating his glass again, a shadow of joy still curling up his lips, "I don't know it's just... have you seen them? You don't see something like that walking the street everyday. And those little squeaks and squeals when I get deep, how the cheeks turn pink on the last thrusts... Well, you know it."

"Yes, and I tell you that's not fucking enough to cover the brain-wrecking they are."

Reluctantly, Terzo had to admit that on one thing his father and Sister Imperator were right: having a relationship, even if not a defined one, had turned out to be terribly draining and distracting. Having to care about someone else when it was hard enough to care about himself and his daily duties was becoming so overwhelming that sometimes all he needed was to lock himself in the studio and pretend there was no one waiting for him in another room; the shadow of regret for having corrupted them knocked at his door every now and then, wandering if the conversion hadn't permanently messed up their mind.

But then winter had come and gone, and Terzo got the chance to watch them walk through the snowflakes with moves so graceful it looked like a dance. He stayed covered under the vaults of the cloister arcades, wrapped up in his winter fur cape, blowing into his gloved hands in search of some kind of warmth; he didn't even try to tell them to come inside to escape the cold, which they seemed to tolerate too well, for how happy they had seemed to be again.

South of Heaven [IYRIN spin off - Terzo x OC Angel]Where stories live. Discover now