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I am walking furiously thinking about the events which occurred earlier in my house

How can they do that to me

First they snatched my dream and now they are forcing me to marry a guy whom i don't know

I don't even have my phone with me as i ran out of the house


I was watching tv as today we had holiday

Suddenly my dad came and hurried towards me and stood infront me

Dad:"Yn go get ready. Your fiance came to pick you up for the date"

Yn:"Dad are you serious, I'm not going to marry him"

Dad:"Don't be a brat and listen to my words"

Suddenly anger rose inside me

Yn:"I had always listened to you dad but not this time"

Dad:"Don't you dare to disrespect my words Yn"

From the corner of my eye I can see a male figure who had bouquet of roses in his hands while he stood there frozen seeing the scene

I don't want to see his face so i continued to argue with my dad

Yn:"You snatched my dream. I wished to be a fashion designer yet you didn't let me and your making me study business. Why? because you want me to take the CEO position. And now your pushing me to marry a guy whom i don't even love. I don't even know what is love. Everytime you and mom were only focused on business. Am I a toy for yo-"

I felt a harsh pain and my face turned towards my right

My dad slapped me

I gazed at him with teary eyes

Dad:"Enough you are going to marry him end of discussion"

That's it, I lost my last string and ran away from there without even glancing at the person who stood there at the door


I have walked for so long and my legs are hurting so much

I was about to pass by the street while I heard a strange sound coming from the alley

Being curious I peaked into the alley and found a group of 4 boys trying to hit a boy whose face wasn't visible as these boys were towering him

Maybe he needs my help

Should I?!


I shouted gaining the boys attention

Now I was able to see the boy who was getting beaten

He seems like my age and he's pretty charming


Boy:"Who are you girly? Get lost and mind your own business"

Yn strode towards them and within a swift motion she punched the guy who spoke to her

Everybody were stunned by her action

Another boy got pissed off and ran towards her direction only to get knocked by very within seconds

She turned her attention towards other two only to frown as one of them was already lying down groaning in pain while holding his stomach

She turned towards the boy who was getting bullied was the one to knock him down

Yn:"Do you want to get beaten by me or that boy?"

She asked pointing towards the charming boy who was death glaring him

Yn winked at the charming boy and said

Yn:"It's your prey go on"

She encouraged him and within seconds he started punching him

Yn was enjoying not until she felt the boy was not gonna stop

She pulled him up and started right into his eyes and whispered

Yn:"Hey calm down it's okay"

The boy started to take deep breaths and soon he relaxed himself

They heard some rustle sound indicating someone was coming their direction as the boy pulled Yn's hand taking her out of that alley

They simply started walking

They were walking in silence until Yn decided to break it

Yn:"I'm yn, Park Yn"

The boy turned towards her and smiled gently while forwarding his hand for a handshake

Taehyun:"Kang Taehyun"

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