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My name is Heuning Kai. I was born in Hawai, United States. I have a twin sister who is younger than me by 5 minutes. Her name is Heuning Bahiyyih.

My dad owns a clothing company which was started by my grandpa in Hawai

We then shifted to Korea when I was in my fifth grade

It was very tough for me to get habitat to the new surroundings

Everything was good until my parents started getting more and more strict with us

Bahiyyih eventually became fluent in Korean and improved in her studies

But for me I had hard time getting fluent in Korean and even manage my studies

After I reached my high school my scores were eventually dropping

My parents started to scold me everyday
Not until they started to compare me with my sister

I and her holds no bond as we never shared any sibling bond

She used to be herself and I used to be myself

I had no true friends in my school
I used to be alone

I never knew how to react in any situation
So whenever I get angry it used to turn into tears

That's how I end up crying at everything

One day as usual my father was scolding me for playing in my computer

Ah I forgot to tell you

I wanted to become a gamer, it's my dream

I had no interest in taking my dad's company and i would let my sister take over it

One day while scolding I don't know what came into him, he broke my computer

He then told me I was a disgrace to him, i don't listen to his words and he regret having me

He even pointed out that I cry on every situation which makes him more angry

I had no right to live there when he sees me as a disgrace

So I left that home for good and I met you guys


He said as he was blankly staring at the sky

This time all notice that he didn't have any tears, instead he looked more mature and a person who can handle his problems

Soobin patted his head as he smiled at him

Next everybody turned towards Taehyun as he smiled at them

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