𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔

579 24 7

(Tw: sexual assault mention)


I watch them through my window as they walked together.

Why couldn't they stay for a while longer?

"Now that they're gone, I'm gonna need you to study hard for tomorrow's test." My mom states as she folds her arms together.

"But I already studied. I studied all yesterday when I came home." I protested.

"Are you talking back? Do I need to call your father?" She gasped.

"... No, you do not need to call him." I sighed, giving up any type of defense I had.

Can this school year go by any faster? If I just graduate I'll be out of here, out of this shit hole. Away from my mother and father. I can be free, live how I want. Hopefully with Elijah and Tobias.

"Anyways, I need to go to work. I'm gonna be working all night. So when I get home at 7, I want breakfast to be on the table for me. Alright?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good." She smiles before walking out my door, slamming it shut. After a few minutes I hear the front door slam close.

"I'm not studying." I say, shoving my folder and books in my bookbag.

God, she's such a bitch! I hate her so much. I can't ever get a break! I slam my fist into the wall, with all my bare strength.

"Fuck!" I scream in agony, jerking my fist back. Analyzing my knuckles, I see that I have definitely bruised them, not to mention I see a bit of blood.

I sigh and go in the bathroom, wrapping my knuckle in bandage wrap before going back to my room and flop on the bed. Staring at my white ceiling.

I soon feel my eyelids becoming heavy, and it becomes harder to stay awake. After a few minutes I let my eyelids close and slumber quickly takes over.



I jolt up from the bed from the sudden noise. I look around and see only darkness. Grabbing my phone, I read the time.

It reads 2:53 A.M.

"Stop being so damn loud! He's gonna fucking hear you." I barely heard from downstairs, and I felt terror enter my body.

Intruders are in the house.

I shove my phone in my pocket and run in my closet before closing it slowly as to not alarm the intruders downstairs.

I pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1 as fast as I could.

"Hello? 9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"I'm at 847 Domain St, and there are intruders in my house. At least two." I say soundlessly into the phone.

"And what's your name sir?"

"My name is Ellis Harrison."

"Alright Ellis hang in there, I'm sending police over right now. They'll be right over, it should take them 10 minutes at most ok?"

10 minutes at most?

The intruders would have found me in at least 7 minutes.

Fuck what do I do? My fucking fist is bruised so fighting is my last resort.
Wait, do I have...

I feel around in my closet.

Yes, I do!

I grabbed my baseball bat, and held it tightly to my chest. My phone still in my other hand.

Wait, what if I die here because the police don't make it in time?

I go to text message in my phone and type 'Help'. I was about to type more but I heard them coming up stairs so I immediately put my phone down and clenched my baseball bat with both hands.

I hear them walk in the room.


"Where is he?" One of the guys yelled.
Weird, he sounds somewhat familiar.

"He probably heard your loud ass, and is hiding now." The other guy yelled in frustration.

Tyler?! He broke in my house!?

"Then let's find him."

"If I was Ellis, I would hide..."

Oh... no...

"The closest." I hear two pare of feet walk closer and I feel my eyes water.

Please no...

They stop directly in front of the closet. After many seconds the closest door flies open, and my reaction was to swing my bat as hard as I could. Which ended in one of them falling to the floor, unconscious.

"Nice swing." Tyler smirked as he looked from the boy passed out on the floor, to me.

I attempted to just sprint past him, but he grabbed me by the shirt, and yanked me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" He snatched the bat from my hand and kicked me to the floor. My head hit my floor. Hard. So hard that I felt dizzy

He threw the bat to the floor before grabbing me by the collar and picked me up.

I was so fucking dizzy, not to mention that my vision was blurry since my glasses are on the floor broken.

He pressed his lips to mine and I instantly shoved him off but he's so persistent and just pushed his body against mine and used his hands to hold my wrist steady.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this." He smashed his lips against mine again.
One of his let go of mine and started to go up my thigh. I tried to use the strength I had left to push him away, but I was so dizzy from when my head hit the floor, my body was slowly becoming weak.

I pulled my head back and bashed it against his forehead causing him to fall backwards on the floor. And with that I ran down the hallway, down the stairs and to the front door. I snatched open the front door and I was met with two very familiar faces.

"Are you ok!?" They scream in unison as they pull me into their arms, analyzing my face.

"I- I... think I'm g-gonna pass out." I mumbled in Elijah's shoulder.

"What happened?" Tobias asked, in a frantic manner.

Dark circles started to form in my vision, at a rapid rate.

"I..." My body went limp once the dark circles took over my vision. The last thing I heard was two guys screaming my name.

Then everything turned dark.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝙢𝙚 - 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐋 Where stories live. Discover now