~chapter 1~

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Taylor's POV

It was a hot Kansas City summer day in 2014. Just having turned 4 years old, Alexus was climbing the monkey bars as a little girl walked up to her. "Hello, I'm Sky, wanna play pirates?" The girl had dark brown hair and eyes like copper. She was the second cutest kid I had ever seen, second to none other than my daughter of course. Alexus was never shy when meeting new people. She put a big smile on her face and jumped off the monkey bars. "Ahoy matey, I'm pirate Lex!" The two girls laughed at each other's playful demeanor and ran off playing pirates.

I watched as the girls played pirates for 2 whole hours. But their fun came to an end when a firm voice called Skylar's name. "That's daddy, I gotta go," Skylar said softly. The two girls hugged each other and I couldn't help but grab Alexus's hand and follow Skylar over to her father. When we came face to face I studied the man in front of me. He was muscular, and a lot taller than me, which was rare with my luck. He had tan skin and his eyes were a captivating ivory green. I quickly shook all these thoughts away from me. "Hi, I'm Taylor. Our girls were playing together for a few hours. I was wondering if you wanted to trade numbers so they could meet up again?"

Without so much as a word he took my phone in his tight grip and typed in his number. When he handed the phone back I went to say thank you but he was already walking away. I looked at the contact that was entered across my screen, Travis Kelce.

I blink twice processing the words Skylar just said to me. The accusation. A terrible and cruel rumor that just so happened to be true. They're on to us. And it's only a matter of time before they rat us out completely. Skylar is fully up the stairs before I can say anything. I turn to Alexus who bites into an apple and walks away. Embarrassed I head into the downstairs bathroom and look into the mirror. My reflection stares back at me with smudged lipstick. I curse at myself for not checking my appearance. Not checking Travis's appearance. I touch up my lipstick and head back to the kitchen to grab my phone. I reluctantly dial Travis's number. The number he put into my phone a decade ago. That I never fully cherished until the day we shared a kiss.

On the third ring I hear the firm voice that has been giving me goosebumps all 10 years. "Hi my girl." My lips dare to break into a smile but my mind won't let them, "They know." I can hear the confusion in his voice as he speaks, "They know what?" I groan, "Look in the mirror." I hear static mixed with scurrying as Travis obeys. "Fuck," he blurts out. "Sky told me my lipstick was smudged, then she goes, and I quote, "Funny enough, it matches the red lipstick in my dad's mustache." What are we gonna do Trav?" I sigh in frustration. "I'll come over. We'll sit them down and tell them the truth," Travis says calmly. "Right. Do we tell them it all started 10 months ago when you showed up at my house on a random Thursday night and declared your love for me? Or do we tell them it all started 3 years ago with a drunken kiss? Do we have build up?" I think this through.

"Taylor, we have 10 years of "build up" sweetheart," Travis chuckles. We stay silent for a few minutes and I sigh, "Get here fast, I can't control my thoughts. I'm so embarrassed." There's a knock on my door, "Open the door Swift." I hang up the phone and rush to open the door. I look at the man in front of me and roll my eyes, "Seriously Trav! You could've bothered to clean off the lipstick." Travis defends himself, "I tried! That shits like permanent." I giggle, "Yeah, it holds up well during rain shows." I grab a makeup wipe and scrub it off of him.
"Go sit down, I'll go get the girls," I boss. "Yes ma'am," he smiles and heads to the living room.

I pause and take a deep breath before knocking on my daughter's bedroom door. Her loud music stops playing and I hear the shuffling of feet before she opens the door. "Can you girls come downstairs please? Travis and I wanna talk to you," I request; earning a groan from Skylar and a smirk from Alexus. "Fine. But if you guys say anything gross I'm going to Dad's and gossiping about you..with Tay," Alexus says sarcastically. I give a solemn nod as I follow the girls downstairs. They sit together on the other couch, across from Travis, so I sit beside him.

The girls look at us very carefully. I look at Trav and he nods before looking back at the girls and clearing his throat. "So uh, you girls seem to have figured it out," he starts, and then goes silent again. Skylar breaks the silence, "How long?" Travis tiptoes around that question, "A while." Skylar then looks at me, "How long?" The girls deserve a straight forward answer. And Skylar won't stop until she gets one. "10 months," I blurt out. With that honesty of time it feels as if a weight was already lifted off my shoulder. They know the duration, that's one of the biggest factors of the relationship.

"How?" Alexus questions. Travis is the one to answer, "Well I showed up here late at night because I couldn't sleep. Your mom was still awake, writing songs. At first it freaked her out that I came here late like that. But then she started to listen to what I was saying. I was confessing my love for her. The love that started to blossom the second she laid eyes on me 10 years ago. The love that caused us to kiss on a drunk night 3 years ago. The love that made us risk everything the past 10 months as we called each other ours. Why it took 10 years to get to this point, I'll never know. But here we are. And I can truly say I am in love with your mom."

Alexus shakes her head, "No. How? How did you hide your relationship for 10 months?" Travis shrugs, "It wasn't easy. But we mainly spend time together during school hours, or when you guys are both at the Lautner House." The girls are taking in Travis's words carefully. "So what's gonna happen now?" Skylar asks curiously. "Well if we have the blessing of the both of you, we don't have to hide anymore. That's the first step. You'll see us together a lot more," I say. Both of the girls faces light up, "We can move in together!" And just as fast as they lit up they fade away into a frown. "Everything's about to change," They say in unison.

Everything has changed.

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