~chapter 5~

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Taylor's POV (Jan 15, 2024) 2 am.

"Mmm daddy, faster please," I say, underneath Travis. He chuckles.

We are interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I glance over at the clock. "Who the hell is calling this late?" I groan. He looks at my phone for me, "It's Tay Lautner with a pink heart." I sigh, "She only calls this late at night if it's something important."

Travis rolls to the other side of the bed and nuzzles his face into my neck. I answer the phone call on speaker, kinda out of breath, "Hell..hello?"
"I'm sorry if I woke you, but this is important," Tay says. "You didn't wake me, we were very awake," I giggle. "Oh god, Hi Travis," Tay groans.

"What's up, Tay?" I ask, wanting to get to the point. "Taylor and I got into a fight so I was in the kitchen drinking wine with my dogs at 1 in the morning, when our daughter came wandering down stairs with red puffy eyes," Tay sighs. "Is she okay?" I ask, biting my lip. "Mentally, I don't think so. I asked her what was wrong and she told me about how you hid a relationship from her for 10 months. She's scared that you and Travis will breakup and it will ruin her friendship with Skylar," Tay explains.

Travis and I, sigh in unison. "Her and Skylar have been through so much together," I say. "I know. She's not just worried about losing Skylar, but about Skylar losing you in that mother figure role she's gotten to know," Tay says, causing me to sigh, again.

"Did you talk it out with her, help calm some of her anxiety?" I ask. "I was trying... but she threw a glass of water at the wall and it shattered. Let's just say... Taylor wasn't happy," she groans. "She got in trouble?" I question.
"Hell no. He tried to punish her yeah, but I wasn't going to let him, clearly she wasn't in the right state of mind. Taylor and I ended up fighting about it and he told me I'm nothing but her step mom and never will be, blah blah blah. Anyways, the main thing you need to know is that I think you and Lex should sit down and have a conversation about this. And then eventually all four of you. I've also decided that she's not going to school tomorrow, and that caused ruckus from my husband," Tay says.

"Yeah, she's definitely not going to school. I'm sorry this happened, I wish she would've told me how she was feeling," I say softly. I've tried to protect my baby girl my whole life. I've always wanted her to come to me with everything, find comfort in my presence. And she usually does. I'm glad she was able to find solace in a conversation with Tay, but part of me wishes she would've just came to me. Knowing my daughter was hurting because of something that involves me, really hurts.

"It's okay Taylor, she was too worried about how you'd react. She knows you love Travis. Hell, she loves Travis. It's nothing you did. You're her favorite person. I just wanted to let you know," Tay assures me.

"Okay, thank you, bye Tay," I say. "Bye Taylor, bye Travis," she hangs up.

I look over at Travis with a nervous expression. He strokes my hair and pulls me close, "She's gonna be okay, honey. She's strong like her mama." I nod and snuggle into his chest, "I just hate knowing she feels this way because of our relationship."

"She doesn't wanna see her mom hurt, she doesn't want to lose her best friend, and she doesn't wanna see her best friend lose you. It seems to me. Like she's thinking about everyone except herself. I think you should talk to her. Get a clear idea of how she feels? I don't think we truly know right now," Travis shrugs. I nod, "Yeah you're right. You're always right. She's just like me in that way. Who cares if I feel like shit, as long as the people around me are taken care of, everything will be okay."

Travis sits up, pulls me in front of him, and leans me against him. He starts massaging my shoulders and I can't help but relax into him. This man provides so much comfort for me and I always feel protected. Over the last 10 years I have really fallen in love with this man, hard. I can't imagine not having him in my life. He is my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my best friend. He is my end game. He has to be. I need to convince my daughter that all her worries, won't come true. But after the relationship I had with Joe, I'm not so sure she'll believe me.

Alexus🧸🩷: Mom... Don't kill me.

You're worrying me.

Alexus🧸🩷: I have a boyfriend.

Why would I kill you for that.

Alexus🧸🩷: Because I'm 13 and he's 25 His name is Jahan Mayer.

As in John Mayer's son? Alexus! You should know better! Have you never listened to the song Dear John!?! We don't date full grown adults when we are still innocent children.

Alexus🧸🩷: Mom... he forced me to have sex 3 months ago. I didn't tell you.

You're telling me now? Omg are you pregnant?! Alexus Marjorie. What were you thinking?

Alexus🧸🩷: You made the same mistake! WHILE ALREADY PREGNANT.

I'm aware. And that's why I'm telling you that this is a terrible idea.

Alexus🧸🩷: My dad took me to get an abortion last week. I felt guilty that I didn't tell you, so this is me telling you. There's so much going on in my head right now. Tay doesn't know everything. Just what I told her about you and Trav. I'm so sorry mom. I'm a huge disappointment.

I'm going to kill your father for not telling me.

Alexus🧸🩷: I told him not to!

Is this some sick joke?

Alexus🧸🩷: yeah. This is the real John Mayer, himself.


Alexus🧸🩷: Tay called you

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Alexus🧸🩷: Tay called you. But she forgot to mention the fact that your daughter was alone in her room and that I kidnapped her.

John this isn't funny.

Alexus🧸🩷: If you want her back, you have to give me head.

In your wildest dreams.

Alexus🧸🩷: Fine. Alexus can do it for you.

Touch her sexually and I will kill you.

Alexus🧸🩷: Already have, Sugga.

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