That morning

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Well I would say today has gone quite swimmingly, Not. Mondays in general suck but today seemed to want to prove that Mondays were a cursed day. I woke up to banging on the door by my mother at eight in the morning, and at the end of the day was arrested.

"Violet Trinity Taylor wake your ass up your late for school," my mothers shrill voice hollered out, had it been any other day of the week she would have left for work three hours ago. "I'm up Okay," I hollered out clearly pissed about the rude awakening. I rush to get dressed in some tight black ripped jeans, my red crop top and a black leather jacket. I was scrabbling to put on my black sneakers as I walked to the stairs only to trip, my face slamming into the finials. For anyone who doesn't know what that is its the ball that sits on the stair railing.  Unfortunately I didn't catch myself in time and my mouth slammed into it so now I have a badly busted lip and definitely going to have a nasty bruise.

I had gotten down the stairs and into the kitchen when Wilma, my mother noticed me. She looked directly at my busted lip rolled her eyes and said, "Out your already giving us a bad reputation. We dont need people thinking you are a middle school drop out." I felt like laughing at this because technically I am.

The only days I attend school is when my mom is around to notice, or I'm so bored I have nothing better to do. "Gee mom thanks for the concern, I fell and hit the stair rail, but I'm fine it will only leave  a bruise," I said as snarkly and sarcastically as possible. I saw her unamused look as her face pinched up and she pointed to the door, "Out and dont cause any trouble am I clear," she hissed out. I just rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag heading out the door. I decided that I would attended school today since my group was going to be there but I more than likely wont stay half the day. 

School sucks and if you dont agree you either had extra tutoring to get you through or your a nerd. Not that there is anything wrong with being a nerd, I mean more power to you but I could never. As soon as I entered my first class we were given a pop quiz, I should probably mention that first period happens to be math and I dont know a single fucking answer on this paper.

Half the class time was spent doing the test and the other half was free study were we could do our homework. Did I do my homework of course not, I took out my sketch book and started to draw a girl painting her self portrait in her own blood. I know sad and depressing but in life you cant always pretend these things dont happen people do get depressed to the point of hurting themselves.

Finally it was on to my second period which just so happened to be gym which I half like half hate. Teach said we could play dodgeball, basketball, or run laps. I picked the run laps I would rather not have a ball hurled at me and please dont try to say, 'But you dont hurl balls at people in basketball' been hit in the head to many times to believe that shit. Honestly though I could walk for hours and not get tired, I'm pretty good at running to but I cant last as long.

Once PE is over I have one more class until lunch and I'm starving I haven't eaten since Friday night. Unfortunately its history and I mean I get why its important but their are to many dates, names, and events to remember. I always end up getting lost which leads to me failing. which lead to the teacher hating me.

Instead of dealing with that class I head up to the roof to smoke a cigarette and wait. once the bell rings I hear foot steps coming up the stairs and see my group. There are six of us including my self and we are not friends at least most of us aren't. Hannah and Brooklyn are friends, West and Maxine dont have friends and only hang out with us because we like the same stuff but honestly their personalities suck, and lastly their is Emile who actually is my friend. "Hey Vi I brought you some lunch he calls out," I quickly snatch the food before sitting in his lap just as he sat down. He eats his food and I eat mine while surveying our little group. 

Hannah is 5'1 has big tits, long straight dark brown hair that she wears in a pony tail, and her pale skin is nicely sun kissed. she has down turned brown eyes and always looks like she is giving you puppy eyes, her top lip is slim were her bottom is full, her face is round, the only part of her that doesn't fit is her hawk nose honestly though she is very pretty.

So is Brooklyn though, at 5'10 she was tall and thin with almost a boyish figure, her hair in ass length micro braids that had gold bands clipped in some of them, and her skin was a light mocha shade. her eyes were almond shaped and amber colored, she had full pouty lips, her face heart shaped and high cheek bones, her nose perfectly straight she was stunning.

The guys weren't that bad looking either. West was definitely of Scottish decent and probably had some Viking blood. he stood at 5'10 like Brooklyn but didn't have the same slim frame far from it. He was extremely muscled almost to the point of being to much, his skin was extremely pale and dotted everywhere in freckles even his ass was covered in freckles. His eyes were hooded and deep set, a striking green color that was nicely complemented by his bright red hair that went just past his shoulder blades which had braids hidden all through it. His nose was wavy shaped and his jaw was already strong and sharp. I should probably mention that Hannah, Brooklyn, and West happened to be sixteen we all kind of met in detention a few years back. 

Maxine is a year and a half older than me and younger than West. Maxine is a short Korean boy at 5' and dyed his short black hair that is shave in the back neon blue, though I'm sure he will change it to another absurd color here in the next few months. I am extremely jealous of his skin it's clear not a freckle, mole, scar, or acne in sight. He has wide hips, the same mouth shape as Hannah, a straight nose that also happens to be upturned, and round mono-lidded dark brown eyes.

I will always say that Emile is the best looking out of the guys though. You can tell he is Italian and he actually moved here three years ago so his accent is still there. He is tall at, 5'8 and is slime but has a really good amount of muscles, you know the ones you can clearly see in a fitted shirt but that is well hidden under baggy clothes. he has sun kissed skin a mole under the right corner of his mouth, thick wavy black hair, deep almond eyes the color the sky on a stormy day you know that gray blue color. He has a hook nose, and his top lip is fuller than the bottom he was my definition of what the perfect guy should look like, can I just say dream worthy. 

we all chat and talk about what's been going on in our lives though keeping it kind of light, even asking what we were all doing this evening. We all decided to go to the skate park down town which wasn't really safe but we have gone multiple times before. Emile and I decided we would also do some graffiti together since its been so long since we did a project together. School went by quick after lunch since it was some of my easier classes. I had science while I sucked at chemistry and all that when along with it I loved anatomy and biology. I also had Spanish and lets just say I was starting to understand it fairly well, the first two years I took it I didn't understand crap but that might be due to the fact I was teaching myself. finally the last bell rang and I sprinted out of the school.

Moving to the countryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora