Chapter 2

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Lily observed as a guard entered the room in response to Severus' call. "Bring some warm clothes for our guest. Make sure they are comfortable and fit well," he commanded.

"Yes, my lord," the guard saluted, stealing a quick glance at Lily before disappearing.

Severus folded his arms across his torso, adopting a somewhat neutral expression as he fixed his gaze on her. Lily's gaze moved to meet his eyes. Without any movement or words, she simply stood in place, softly rubbing her neck that was marked with bruises.

"Lily, is there anything else you need right now?" The way he spoke, filled with curiosity, hinted at his desire to delve deeper into her story.

When she gingerly touched her injured neck, he arched an eyebrow, carefully studying her before giving a nod in understanding. "I see." He stood up from the bed, his movements fluid and precise. "I will have someone bring you something for that." He turned away, calling out for another guard. "See to it that our guest is comfortable and brought something to aid her discomfort." With that, he dismissed the guard. Turning back to her, he asked, "Are you comfortable enough here, Lily?"

She placed her hands in front of her, crossing one hand over the other, and looked down at the floor while subtly nodding.

He acknowledged her discomfort with a nod. "You're not used to the cold, are you?" He asked, his voice soft but curious. "It's different from your Spring realm, isn't it?"

Once again, she nodded, her eyes flickering upward to meet his gaze. Looking at her, Severus' gaze became intense, his face displaying a stern and unwavering expression. "You'll get used to it," he said coldly. "This is my realm, and you will abide by my rules. Do you understand?"

Nodding once again, her gaze wandered back to the floor. Stepping closer to her, Severus locked his piercing gaze onto her. "You will learn, you'll see," he muttered under his breath before turning away, his icy demeanor still present.

Suddenly, a person arrives holding handmade clothes that would ensure Lily stays warm. Severus gave a nod of approval. "Lily, these garments have been carefully selected to ensure your comfort during the Winter court. You are to change into them immediately."

After placing the clothes on the bed, the handmaid bowed and exited the room. Lily observed the king's departure, shutting the door as he exited the room. Severus confidently walked through the corridors of his grand palace, his flowing robes trailing elegantly. The hallways were frigid, with the air nipping at his skin, but it was the only path he was familiar with. Lucius encountered him in his personal study.

"How is our guest, my lord?" Lucius inquired, giving a slight nod.

The intensity in Severus's gaze heightened as he locked eyes with his trusted advisor. "She's in the process of learning," he stated icily, his tone allowing no room for debate. "She understands that this is her new reality."

"She seems obedient to only you and no one else," Lucius pointed out. "It's very strange. She must understand authority."

With a smirk on his face, Severus's eye twitched ever so slightly. "Yes, Lucius, she does understand authority... Perhaps too well. Her presence here isn't just about power, it's about control as well."

"Do you perhaps think she might be someone who worked in the Spring realm palace? If she was royalty, I don't think she would be so obedient," Lucius said, tapping his chin.

With a raised eyebrow, the king analyzed Lucius for a brief moment. "You think she might be a spy, as you mentioned before? Perhaps sent by the Prince of Spring to infiltrate my court?"

"Is there a prince in the Spring realm? I thought they had only a princess." Lucius rubbed his temple. "We must get this woman to speak."

"They have two children. A prince and princess. However, I believe our guest might have more information than she's willing to share. Keep an eye on her, Lucius. And make sure she understands that her cooperation is essential."

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