[loser monologue]]

432 5 2

I sit on the bench looking at the waves of water passing by with the wind...

I breathe in and close my eyes remembering what you said to me when we were little.

I was playing on the swing alone waiting for you to come out of your house and play with me.

When you came out I blushed nervously as you smiled at me... That sweet smile I could never forget...

You ran up to me and sat on the other swing next to me as we talked to each other.

I was a nervous kid but you didn't mind... That's what made you so special to me... The reason I smiled back then...

"Some Day I Want To Marry You [M/n]] and when we do we will get to play together much more!"

You said with a smile on your face making me blush and look away...

I looked back at you and you looked back at me.

"You're okay with that right?"

I nodded and you put your hand out with your pinky sticking out.

"Then Pinky Swear to me, that one day we will get married and be together forever!"

I wrapped my finger around yours and you giggled as we went and played together.

Now I'm here sitting alone writing this down...

I took a deep breath crumbled the paper and stood up throwing the paper on the ground.

I walk away putting my hands in my jacket pockets and walk away with tears in my eyes.

The feeling of hatred is building up...

I take another deep breath calming myself down and look up at the sky with a smile.

I will not let you or your friend ruin me...

I'll be okay...

I know it...

[See You Soon...]]

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