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Reyna sat in her office in new Rome, waiting for the ever so famous Jason grace, why is she waiting for the younger grace you may think, well she never really had a partner or relationship romantically so when she accidentally mentioned this to her friends in Rome they have been none stop trying to find her the perfect match, much to her dismay.

A nock on the door dragged her from her thoughts, well here goes nothing, she sat up straight legs crossed and hands folded. 'Come in' the door opened inwards and the familiar face of the blond comes into sight, he's smiling like he just won the lottery, behind him comes a girl, she has electric-blue eyes and spiky black hair, she was wearing a very punk style look. And like woah, she's like really hot, I'm so glad i have a poker face or well, yeah i have nothing else to say, nope, but like she is really hot, ok I'm done.

'Reyna i want to introduce you to Thalia my sister' Jason said looking back and forth between Reyna and Thalia, 'well i bet get back to doing my stuff, umm yeah see you too in an hour' he said slowly backing into the doorway before giving me a thumbs up and running away.


I stared bum founded at the gorgeous woman in front of me, "Reyna" gestured to the chair in front of her. 'So' I tried and failed to start a conversation with this beautiful woman that sat across from me. We sat in silence for who knows how long, 'how's your day been so far' the praetor said, polite but straight forward, (idk what I'm doing at this point) 'well Jason was being annoying, and i found out i was going out a "date"' this is going well i used air quotes, great. 'I I've had no fath in my family for years, so i was kinda terrified' I admitted. 'Well' i looked up at Reyna as she started speaking, 'are you less terrified now' a small laugh exits my lips 'i must admit, i am after meeting you' so we talked for awhile after that not taking note of the time, not going to lie i think Jason chose well.

After what felt like forever a nock on the door interrupted are conversation on penguins, don't ask how we got to this point, I don't know. 'Who is it' Reyna said putting on her poker face again, 'just Jason I've come to pick up my sister' the voice from the other side of the door said, 'bro I'm older then you, i can get back on my own' I shouted at Jason, 'bu-' 'shut up Jason' i love having a sibling because i can be mean with no consequences, 'well ok Thalia' he scoffed 'bye brickbrain' and by the foot steps leaving that started getting quieter i think he left.

One, two, three, me and Reyna started laughing at the new nickname i came up with.

AUTHERS NOT—————————

Hello loves, i did a theyna chapter hope you liked it, I don't know that much on the characters so if the personality's aren't right sorry, and if its to short also sorry

✌️ bye's

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