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Today is Kayla's examination. How time flies so fast. Kayla and Kulthum prepare for the examination. They got dressed take their phones and backpack. Bye, Prachi. Kayla and Kulthum muttered.
Wish you all the best. Prachi prayed and they muttered Amin. Kayla and Kulthum Saunter out of the room.
They began to march to the examination theater.

Kayla and Kulthum reach the hall. They hand their bags and phone to the security man and walk inside.
Kayla and Kulthum sat on the seat given to them.
Kayla prayed while waiting for the booklets.
Akash go and sit down with the lady over there. The lecturer at the back hollered.

Kayla hoist her head up, she had a shocked expression on her face. Her heart began to beat rapidly. This is the Guy who almost raped me. Kayla muttered inwardly.
Akash recognize Kayla and glare at her.
He sit close to Kayla, still throwing deadly glare at her.

Ya Rabb, save me from this monster. Kayla prayed.
Question booklet was given to them then the answer booklet.
Kayla began her work immediately they were given instructions to start.
Akash quietly take out his phone from his pocket.
Kayla gasped.

Kayla remembered what her father told her. She raised her hand.
Akash quickly hid his phone when the lecturer started approaching them.
What is it? The lecturer ask Kayla.
Sir, I'm not comfortable here. Kayla muttered.
Why? Do you want me to change your seat so you can cheat? I will not change your seat. The lecturer muttered callously.

He is cheating. He has phone with him. Kayla muttered pointing at Akash.
She is lying. Akash muttered defensively.
Sir, check his pocket. Kayla muttered.
The lecturer search Akash and find his phone.
Stand up. The lecturer command.

This is not the first time I and my colleagues always caught you with a phone during exam and we always let you go but not anymore.
You are not ashamed.
You are supposed to be working like your colleagues but here you are still struggling to pass some courses because of your bad behaviour. You will be punished for this. The lecturer muttered.

I will make your life miserable for doing this to me. Mark my words. Akash threatened Kayla.
The lecturer take Akash out of the hall.
Ya, Rabb! Kayla muttered with a sigh.
She finished answering her questions and submitted the booklet.
Kayla marched towards the exit. What Akash say to her keep churning in her head.
She take her backpack and phone.

Kulthum finish answering her questions. She submitted and Saunter out of the examination theater.
Kulthum take her backpack and phone.
She walk to Kayla.
Kayla, how was the exam? Kulthum ask Kayla.
It was good and yours? Kayla asked.
It was good too? Kulthum muttered.

Kulthum, I'm scared. Akash threatened to make my life miserable. Kayla muttered worriedly.
Kayla, you did the right thing. If you keep quiet and the lecturer catches him up do you think you will also be safe? You will be implicated too. Kayla don't fall for his threat. He won't do anything. Kulthum muttered.

Akash can do it. If he said he would make her life miserable then he can do it. Akash never say something and won't do it.
He is more venomous than a snake. Very dangerous. Not only students fear him but some lecturers fear him too.
Since AIIMS was established they haven't gotten a very bad student like Akash.

Akash has ever raped a female lecturer because she failed him. The reason he was withdrawn from the University.
He re-registered again and was admitted back because his grandma is the prime minister and nobody can go against her.
Sister, I would advise you to stay away from him. Protect yourself and run for your life. Akash is not someone you should mess with. The lady muttered.

She Changed Him ✓Where stories live. Discover now