Chan, the son of the sun

494 35 4

Atorvenna, 1241

"Once upon a time the kingdom was prospering, having all the jewels and gold anyone could dream of. Peace was a daily reminder of the power and wisdom of the king. Everyone was living their lives in silence and happiness. Yet nothing good lasts forever. One day the border was attacked by the neighbor kingdom and a great war made its way in our destinies. No matter how many soldiers the king sent, they all ended up under the ground we are staying right now. Everything seemed lost. Not until the prince came up with an idea to go on a journey and find the most skilled swordsmen to bring to the castle. He searched through every corner and after 28 sunrises he gathered a group of 7 young men to accompany him in the war. They won but with the price of their futures. Only one of them was spared."

"Is he still alive?" a little girl asked.

"He is. He went back to his family and swore to never put the armor back on." The man explained.

"How do you know he's still alive?" a boy doubted the storyteller.

"Zolan! Come here!" an old woman yelled from inside the house.

The man got up and dusted off his pants before throwing a smile at the kids gathered on the hay.

"Because I am him." He winked at them before rushing to his mother.

The man was already 28 of age. Hard to believe 10 years had passed since he last waved a sword in the air. His mother was getting older every day and his father was already having his never-ending sleep under a gravestone. Only he was to inherit the farm and pass by the legacy. Yet no partner was catching his eyes. There was no desire left in him.

"Did you call me, mother?"

"My boy, sit down. I have news from the castle." She said with a worried face.

"The castle?"

"A war is coming. They need soldiers."

"War? It's impossible. We killed the king."

"His son has been crowned yesterday. He will come after this kingdom."

In his brown deep eyes fear raised and overflew as the waves that once washed his comrades' blood off the beach. He didn't have the guts to fight again. Not again. Not after he received the scar under his left eyes. He managed to protect his eyes, but was left with a long line under it, going down to the corner of his rosy plumb lips. He wasn't the same man they used to bow to. His hair grew into some beautiful blond curls, his body changed from the labor he was doing every day. His hands were covered in a shell of veins. Only his big nose stayed the same. That was all he had left from the man he used to be.

"Zolan, you don't have to fight. They all think you died as well. Let them think that." His mother cupped his face into her crusty hands.

"You're right. They don't need me. I have to take care of the sheep. That is my place." He flashed a reassuring smile at her.

Suddenly he heard the children scream from outside. Both of them rushed to see a horseman dragging the boy after him.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Zolan recognized the black armor and bowed to the man before confronting him.

"We need all the soldiers in the kingdom. There are not many of them left as you know."

"The boy is a child! He cannot fight."

"He's 13 years of age. I was about the same when I started training. He will die for his kingdom."

The boy tried to jerk off his grip as his knees were carving into the mud underneath him.

"Let him go." Zolan caught the boy's hand and dragged him towards his body.

"It's the king's order."

"The king wants a soldier. I shall give him that. Spare the boy. He owes me this little after what I've done."

The horseman scoffed and got off his horse to take a better look at the man disobeying him.

"And who I am talking to exactly?"

"He's one of the royal knights that saved this kingdom! He's the last one alive." The boy blurted out.

"Is that true?"

Zolan sighed and looked at his mother who knew exactly what was to come. He clenched his grip on the boy and stepped forwards with his head up.

"It's an honor to meet a royal knight. Yet I might say... I would have expected you to live in a castle, surrounded by gold. Giving the pain you bare. The deaths of the others... Looking at you, I would never guess you know to use a sword. Maybe to cut meat." He mocked Zolan with a sonorous laugh.

The latter stayed silent, his eyes slowly falling to the ground.

"Do not try to fool me, boy. This is no knight. I wouldn't trust him cleaning my shoes." He took the boy and got up on the horse again, not before pushing Zolan into the mud.

"Dirt suits you. What was your title? Son of sheepshit?"

They disappeared from the sight and left the farmer right there, covered in excrements and shame. His mother tried to clean him, but he shrugged and walked away, lost in his thoughts.

The titles the knight mentioned were greater than a knight's honor. They were the proof of the knight's recognition and loyalty towards the king who had given them. Zolan had earned his title from the king itself while the others from the prince. Zolan was their leader, their most trustful comrade, yet he left them all to perish. And that haunted him ever since.

Their graves he made. No one bothered. He visited them and he went to their families to give them the news. He buried his last trace of heroism with their bodies.

"That's an unfortunate view to my eyes." A woman's voice caught Zolan's attention.

He turned around and met with a beautiful mistress with red braids and emerald eyes matching her gown. She had jewels decorating her arms, ankles, shoulders and forehead.

"Who you may be?"

"Who am I? Darling, you are the important one here." She smirked.

"What was it again? Son of the sun? What was the other name again? Chan?"

"That title is no longer mine."

"Of course it is. They named you because of your golden hair and tanned skin. You still have them both."

Chan was the name given to protect his family and loved ones. No one had to know the true identities of the knights. That was the deal.

"That's not what I meant." Zolan was tired of those riddles. He just wanted to pay his respect and clean himself in the stable.

"Yet I admit I cannot see neither of them under the dirt. If you let me..." she snapped her fingers and a powerful wind washed away all the impurities off the man.

"Magic. You're a witch!"

"I am Agatha and I am here to help you. I've heard your cry and witnessed the encounter with the horseman. You can have your glory back. I can give it to you."

"I don't want glory. And certainly not from a witch."

The woman bit the top of her finger gently while smirking. She needed to look at Zolan for 3 seconds to know what his heart desired.

"You want to fight in the war."

"I can't. Not..."

"Without them. I can arrange that."

"The're dead. No magic can change that!" Zolan stood up angered.

"What if I can?" she raised an eyebrow and watched how fear spread upon Zolan's face and penetrated his soul.

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