Chapter 2: Into The Forest

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On an isolated mountain forest to the north of our Jujutsu Headquarters, I had a mission. The mission was a simple one, exorcise some low-level curses that were causing people to go missing in the mountain's forest. Rumours from the villages nearby stated that people would enter the forest to then never be seen again, travellers would often ditch their journey when met with the forest. All this only occurred during the winter season.

Since the mission is to deal with lower-level curses, headquarters decided to send me. All the important stronger sorcerers were far too busy for such a trivial task.

That's where I come in!
A weak sorcerer with no special power or technique. Sighing to myself at the thought.

Though, in training at the age of thirty, my younger classmates were so far ahead of me and were sent out on more dangerous missions. You see, I was orphaned at birth. My parents, whomever they were, left me at the gates of the Jujutsu Headquarters in Heian-kyō. It's my only home, although I begged and pleaded for the sorcerers to train me all my life I was always refused. Until eventually they accepted a few months ago. I was delighted but I soon learnt they were only training me in basic light combat barely enough to even defend myself.
Up until then I spent my days as a shrine maiden along with other maidens the only difference between myself and them was, I could see curses. I always felt unconnected with the other maidens. Most kept their distance from me. In their eyes I'm odd, feeling out of place many times.

My time will come! Perhaps I'm not pushing myself enough to break my limits! This mission is my chance to prove to them I can be a jujutsu sorcerer too and protect people!

Trying hard to cheer myself, it didn't change reality, I'm really just a shrine maiden. Wishing they had sent someone along with me to this eerie looking mountain. I'd been traveling by foot for four days, I could see the mountain in the distance. It's snowcapped peak lightly covered with icey clouds, a thick mist of fog descending from them.

It must be snowing up there.

As I moved closer to the mountain along a rocky worn path surrounded by empty grassland covered in thick untouched snow, a lonely feeling smothered me.

The villages that surround this mountain, how isolated they must be.

Breathing in the crisp cold air I notice an orange and red hue breaking through the icy clouds. The sun is starting to set.


I don't think I could bare another night sleeping rough in this frozen exposed air. Hastening my pace, shelter, I need to find warm shelter. My eyes soon meet with ascending dark grey smoke.

A fire! Someone must be close by, one of the villages perhaps?

Climbing up a hill on the rocky worn path for a better look felt like a force was fighting against me from proceeding. The frozen air turned into a frozen gale that fought against my ascent, my worn tired legs barely keeping up with the demands of my body to move forward.
Finally, I reach the top, falling on all fours I gasp for air. My hands clench on some rocks while I catch my breath.

This was only a small hill; how weak am I?!

Lifting my body from the ground, I slowly get back on my feet. The gale had stopped. Just as my body straightens itself out, I could feel a sharp glare from someone. But who? There is no one here on this secluded path and there is nowhere for anyone to hide, not around the open grassland anyway. Suddenly, I hear the sound of rustling directly to my front. Focusing on the direction of the sound, I could see the disturbed thicket on the forests edge. There, before me was the forest. My mission.

I might be weak! But damn I can walk fast!

Shaking off the feeling of the sharp glare, it was probably an animal, a deer perhaps startled by me. Shrugging my shoulders, I exit the rocky worn path to pace through part of an open grassland towards the forest. Digging my feet one step at a time into the cold untouched snow as it reached my knees.
Still in sight was the grey smoke. No one told me someone lived in the forest, headquarters told me to head towards the nearest village at the foot of the mountain, the closest to the forest.
I glance around while approaching the forest edge, shadows disappearing, merging with the darkness rolling in. Reaching the forests edge, the snow starts to glisten around me from the light of the stars and moon.

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