Chapter 3: Into a Nightmare

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It's warm.

My eyes slowly blink open to a scenery of abstract colours. Squinting from the hazy light descending from above, I attempt to move my hand to block its harsh rays.

I can't move.

Feeling a heavy touch on my right cheek I try to reach out to greet the feeling.

Can't move.

The sensation leaves all too fast. But as quickly as one sensation leaves another commences. Tingling in my fingers, someone gently touching my sensitive fingertips.

I can't see the culprit.

My eyes try to work out my surroundings. No good. Everything remains a blur, a mash of colours and light. No sound. Stillness in silence.

Am I ...dead?

Suddenly a pain engulfs the centre of my chest. A sharp ripping heat as though my heart is being torn in two. Agonising, I want to fall on all fours, yet I stand motionless. Softly traversing down my cheek, a tear from my left eye.

What's happening to me? ...I'm scared.

Home, I want to go home to the place that I feel safe. In those solid cold walls of the Jujutsu Headquarters. Those cold unwanted expressions from the people who were meant to be everything to me.

A family.

Would they care if I disappeared, far away, forever?

Another tear softly makes it way down the wet skin. This thought has never entered my mind before, never have I needed to think about my home, never have I left my home. I blink, darkening my vision of the abstract view, my eyes kept closed. The darkness took me, vivid colours gone.

Black out.

It's warm.

Sounds enter my ears, the crackling of a fire. Heavy eyes begin slowly opening, half lidded they explore their surroundings as I come to. My view fixates on a large fireplace situated in the corner. It's orange light giving visibility to a dark room.

I'm lying on top something soft.

My hand slides along soft white sheets, touching the wrinkles forming underneath my body.

Where? ...wait, that being ...that thing, so tall with oni eyes, where did it go?!

My vision no longer blurred; I spring up into a seated position while the feeling of a blanket slides down my body. Skimming at the soft fabric gliding down my body I realize I've been place on a futon.

I can move!

Peering in front of me, my eyes scan along wooden floorboards before glancing back to the fireplace. I couldn't help but fixate my gaze on embers from the fireplace dancing in air, floating towards me. Almost magically, encircling my body one by one, not too close to my skin they continue their frolic. Their orange hue glowing, lighting my body with their pastel light against the sharp stillness of the room. Letting out a soft giggle, I smile at the little embers as my hand reaches out to greet one. The little light shy's away from my touch. So odd, like they have thoughts of their own. Placing my hand back to the soft sheets below, I start to read my surroundings in this dark room.

Sigh... at least I'm warm, out of the harsh coldness of the night.

Maybe that isn't so bad.

His appearance, it took me by surprise, perhaps I should ...apologize?

A wooden chest of drawers placed not far from the fireplace, standing adjacent, catches my eye. Not a speck of dust can be seen. It looks old but well care for. Further to my right the flames shed light on a curtained bed. Long curtains drape all around the soft futon and pillows within.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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