Final Chapter : Let's Take The Road Before Us

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Jennie Kim lives.

In spite of Rosie Park' persistent efforts to take her breath away.

Rosie's mouth tastes like the strawberry candy she was supposed to have thrown at the brides. One of her hands is fiddling with the tiny satin buttons at Jennie's nape, while the other is veering dangerously further south.

"I can't wait to get you out of this dress and into my bed," Rosie mumbles into their kiss. "I want to feel you come around my fingers the way you came around my—"

The door behind them swings open, the brass knob banging hard against the tile.

It's Jisoo, because— well, who else would it be?

"Oh," she groans, "you have got to be fucking kidding me." Her glare is intimidating even when she's encased in embroidered white chiffon, but there's a warmth to her exasperation that borders on affection. "Seriously?" she asks. "At my wedding?"

Rosie adjusts her glasses, her face a picture of perfect innocence despite their indisputably compromising positions. "We just needed some air."

(They're in the women's restroom, for the record.)

Jisoo is all teeth. "What you two need is a chaperone," she hisses. "You had one job today, Rosie, remember? One job!"

Rosie looks wounded. "Two jobs," she points out, pouting.

Jisoo furrows her brow at that. "What?"

Rosie's pout turns plaintive. "I'm the one who makes the hora happen!" she cries.

Jisoo sighs, rubbing her brow, furiously winding her finger in the air. "And...?"

Rosie's hurt expression fades as realization dawns. "I keep Chittip off the stage," she whispers.

Through the open bathroom door, they hear the faint but unmistakable sounds of someone belting out the climax to 'Memory'.

"Oh," Rosie hushes, mortified. "Chittip, no."

"Chittip yes," Jisoo grits out.

Jennie tugs on Jisoo's sleeve as she hurries them into the hallway, making sure to look appropriately penitent. "Would you mind not telling Lisa about this little encounter?" she asks her. "I know you're married now, but. She gets a little—"

"—much?" Jisoo scoffs. "You think I don't know that? Why do you think I never came clean about losing that stupid bet?"

Jennie's fingers fly to her nape when Jisoo gestures at it, frowning. Apparently Rosie's efforts were more successful than she thought. Jennie obediently slides the buttons back into place as she says, "I always figured that was your pride getting in the way."

Lisa and Jess are in a seating area just outside the ballroom. Jess bounces upright when she spots them, smiling far too knowingly. Lisa stays where she is, collapsed in her chair with her skirts draped around her, looking like a deeply traumatized merengue.

"There you are," Jess says, sliding her hand around Rosie's bicep. "You know it's bad manners to leave your date alone at a party, right?"

"So we're dating, huh?" Rosie winks down at her. "Does that mean you're going to buy me a drink?"

Jess rolls her eyes affectionately. "It's an open bar."

Rosie puts her hand on Jess' where it's still curled around Rosie's arm, patting it gently as they walk away. "I'll take that as a yes."

Jennie and Jisoo grab Lisa, hoisting her up by her elbows in a slightly-less-dramatic approximation of a crutch carry. "How are you doing, honey?" Jennie asks as the three of them make their way back to their table arm in arm.

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