Prologue-Day Of The Dragon Break...

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In an era gripped by the relentless embrace of war, the haunting symphony of clashing blades pierced the night. Cities lay in ruin, consumed by flames that danced mercilessly upon the remnants of homes. Men, driven by the insatiable thirst for power, engaged in brutal combat, their blood staining the earth beneath them.

The impending doom cast a shadow upon the world, the sky ablaze with the ferocious fury of Dragon fire, signaling an ominous fate that threatened to extinguish all hope.

As the winds whipped into a fervorous frenzy, a majestic blue dragon descended from the heavens, its azure scales mirroring the depths of the seven seas. With branching horns and a jagged bolt-shaped crest, the towering creature bowed before two human figures.

???: My lord, the situation grows ever dire. Lycans and vampire hordes have unified, seizing the eastern side. Nests are ravaged, and our food supplies are dwindling. Time is slipping away!

The male human placed his hand upon the blue dragon's horned snout.

???: Thank you for your aid, Andaar. Your continued support is our lifeline-for now, at least.

Andaar, the blue dragon, growled softly and closed its eyes.

Andaar: It is only by your and Lady Hasari's benevolent mercy that I am here today. Protecting you both is an honor, Lord Ranu.

A leaner dragon with silver scales and two horns growled in frustration.

Vaesamyr: Damn those bloodsuckers and their lycan curs! I'll tear their flesh from their bones and unleash my frozen wrath upon them!

Andaar: Steady yourself, Vaesamyr! There's no need to act so brazenly. Their treaty is fragile; they might destroy themselves for us.

Suddenly, a whimper of pain escaped the female figure, Hasari, who clutched her swollen abdomen. Ranu, acting swiftly, knelt to comfort her.

Ranu: Hasari, are you alright, my dear?

Hasari, with raven-black hair and green eyes, clutched her stomach.

Hasari: The baby is coming!

A palpable shock gripped everyone as the revelation unfolded. Ranu assisted his beloved Hasari to her feet, ensuring she faced no unnecessary strain.

Andaar, with urgency in his voice, warned, "My lord, there's no time to escape. The encroaching flames and the united horde approach rapidly!"

Vaesamyr, defiantly, declared, "We are dragons! Why should we fear them? We should be fighting, reminding them of their place!"

As the fervorous debate ensued, a chilling howl pierced the air, signaling the arrival of lycans and vampires surrounding them.

???: "So this is where you've been hiding, Dragon King Ranu, and Queen Hasari!"

The dragons prepared, and Ranu embraced his lover protectively.

Ranu: "We don't need to fight anymore, Vagris. Please, tell me what has dissatisfied you, and I will make it right."

The red-furred wolf-human, Vagris, growled, flashing a malevolent smile of pure hatred as his voice boomed.

Vagris: "The only thing I desire is your head on a platter! No longer will you and your kind rule us! Today, we reclaim our freedom!"

The wolf charged at the dragons, once-gentle eyes replaced with pure malice, setting the stage for a tumultuous confrontation.

Time seemed to slow as the beast descended, a massive maul raised and poised to strike the dragons like Thunder...

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