Chapter #2- The Stage Is Set

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We begin this chapter not too long after the last one, after being taken to the new Salem police department by officer's Diana Huntington and Marcellus Fangnight, Daniel and Draculaura are currently residing in an interrogation room.


In the dimly lit interrogation room of the New Salem Police Department, Daniel and Draculaura found themselves engulfed in an oppressive atmosphere. Tension hung thick in the air, their surroundings amplifying the weight of the silence as they awaited the impending questioning.

Draculaura fidgeted in her seat, her fingers tapping anxiously against the table. Casting a worried glance at Daniel, she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the subdued murmurs echoing from the hallway, "Are you alright?"

Daniel offered a strained smile, his attempt at reassurance faltering against the tide of uncertainty swirling within him. "I'm managing," he replied, his voice tinged with apprehension. "Just trying to process everything that's unfolded today."

Before their exchange could delve deeper, the door creaked open, revealing Officer Diana Huntington and Officer Marcellus Fangnight. The werewolf and the vampire stood before them with an air of professionalism, their expressions guarded yet purposeful.

"Apologies for the delay," Officer Huntington addressed them, her tone brisk and businesslike. "There were some necessary phone calls to attend to and witness testimonies to review. But we're ready to discuss the events that transpired."

She paused, surveying them both with a discerning gaze before continuing, "I trust you've been accommodated adequately?"

Daniel shrugged, his gaze fixed on the glass of water before him as he leaned against the table, propping his head up with his hand. "As accommodated as one can be in a police interrogation room, Officer," he remarked with a hint of resignation. "But I suppose it's better than nothing."

Draculaura and Daniel exchanged uncertain glances, their unease palpable despite Officer Huntington's attempt at casual conversation. The weight of their situation lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the room.

Officer Huntington sighed, her expression softening with understanding. "I realize you're feeling uneasy. It's your first day in a new city, and I'm sure being in a police station is unsettling,"

she acknowledged, her tone gentle yet firm.

"But rest assured, we have no intention of arresting you. It was clearly a case of self-defense, and we have no grounds to detain you."

Marcellus nodded in agreement

Marcellus nodded in agreement, his gaze steady as he addressed Daniel and Draculaura. "All we want is to ask some questions about the incident," he explained, his voice measured and calm, "and see what actions can be taken to prevent similar issues from occurring in the foreseeable future."

Daniel remained apprehensive, his uncertainty evident in the furrow of his brow, but Draculaura offered a reassuring touch on his shoulder, her silent support giving him courage.

Taking a deep breath, Daniel lifted the glass of water to his lips, taking a sip to steady his nerves before setting it back down on the table.

With a determined expression, he turned to face the two officers. "Alright, ask away," he said, his voice steady.

"Nothing held back."

Marcellus and Diana nodded in unison as Marcellus retrieved a tape recorder from his pocket. With a practiced motion, he pressed the button to start the recording.

"This is Officer Diana Huntington and Officer Marcellus Fangnight," Diana announced, her voice clear and authoritative, "commencing interview with Daniel Sirius Feldrake and Draculaura. The date is Saturday, April 5th, 2022. Beginning the interview now."

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