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"Goodness, it's really pouring now...," said Inko to herself, looking out the window at the dreary weather. She had been bustling around the house, cleaning this and that when the rain had started.

"I was hoping to work on the garden today. Oh well," she sighed.

Putting a kettle on the stove to boil, she sat at the kitchen table, listening to the rain. She wondered how her son was doing at U.A. these days. He had been away for a few semesters and despite the greatest hero, All Might, watching over him, she couldn't help but worry.

A flash of lightning, followed by a clap of thunder, startled Inko back to the present. The kettle was whistling. Taking the water off the stove, Inko leafed through her collection of teas, debating between a warm cup of chamomile or a spicy cup of chai. A soft knock at the door distracted her from her tea selection.

"Who could that be?" she wondered. Opening the door, Inko saw the tall, skeletal frame of her son's mentor. He looked exhausted, leaning against the threshold, covered in bruises and blood.

"A-All Might?!" Inko said, flustered.

"My apologies, Miss Midoriya," All Might coughed. "I didn't know where else to go that would be safe, looking like this. I got caught in the rain after--"

He staggered in the doorway, falling forward. Inko caught his shoulders. His frail body was cold, his clothes soaked through.

He's even lighter than he looks, she thought to herself as she helped him back to his feet. All Might coughed again, roughly scrubbing a trickle of blood from his lip away.

"I'm sorry to bother you like this," he said hoarsely, his tired eyes avoiding her gaze.

"No bother! P-Please come in! Would you like a cup of tea?" Inko asked.

"I would love one," said All Might softly. He stood awkwardly at the door for a moment before asking, "Could I ask you for a towel? I don't want to get water all over your floors. My clothes are sopping wet."

"O-Of course! Just a moment!" Inko said, hurrying away into the house. She pulled out a fluffy blue towel from her linen closet and rushed back to the front door. All Might was shivering.

"Here," Inko said, holding the towel out. "You had better get out of those clothes or you'll catch a cold. I have blankets on the couch you can cover yourself with while your clothes dry."

All Might looked like he might protest, but decided against it when another coughing fit hit. Inko left him at the door to give him privacy as she busied herself in the kitchen.

I wonder what kind of tea he likes, she thought to herself. She decided that green tea was a suitable choice for them both. As she brewed the cups, she saw movement at the corner of her eye. Carefully, she peeked over her shoulder to see All Might cautiously walking into the house. His arms were wrapped tightly around his bare chest as he trembled. Despite removing his soaked clothes and having wrapped the towel around his waist, his hair was still dripping water on the floor. He looked chilled to the bone.

Inko quickly turned back to the tea and said, "Just leave your clothes by the door. I'll take care of it. Go wrap yourself up. The blankets are to your left."

She could hear All Might's feet softly walk away from her. Gathering the mugs, Inko made her way into the living room. She found All Might wrapped up in a blanket, his face hidden beneath. She could hear his teeth chattering.

"Here," she said softly, holding out the warm mug. All Might's hands emerged from the blanket to take his drink.

"Thank you, Miss Midoriya. Your son has saved me more times than I can count, and here you are just as much of a hero."

"You flatter me too much, All Might," said Inko, embarrassed. "I just try to be a good host."

Together they sipped their tea and softly chatted about Izuku's progress at school, both jovially doting on the young man. Inko had hung All Might's clothes to dry indoors as the rain continued falling. She offered him her modest first-aid kit to help the bruising. He told her stories of his younger days, leaving out the grittier details, to alleviate her worries about her son. Soon, their cups were empty, and the sun was beaming through the window.

"Looks like the storm has passed. I should go. I've troubled you long enough," said All Might. He moved to rise from his cocoon when Inko stopped him.

"Let me grab your clothes first or you'll get chilled again," she said. Hurrying into her bathroom, she lifted All Might's clothes from their hangers. They were still a little damp, but he would survive. Passing by the mirror, she patted down her flyaways before returning to the lump on her couch.

"The bathroom is down the hall," she said, handing over his clothes. His thin arms emerged again from the blanket to take the bundle.

"Thank you, Miss Midoriya," he said, shuffling out from under the cover. He hurried away to get changed as Inko took the mugs to the sink. She hummed to herself as she washed, feeling a touch giddy. She turned when she heard footsteps walking through the kitchen.

"I'll be going now," said All Might, all dressed and standing by the door. Inko dried her hands and bustled over to him, handing him a small tin of loose tea leaves, the same tea they had drunk this afternoon.

"Thank you for watching over Izuku. Come by anytime," said Inko, pressing her lips against his hollow cheek. All Might's face turned bright red for a moment before another coughing fit came.

As he left the house, All Might flexed into his heroic form, turning to Inko to give her his beaming smile. He waved goodbye and dashed down the street before anyone in public could have a chance to stop him. As Inko watched him fade into the distance, she could faintly hear him laughing to himself and saying, "She likes me!"

Rain (All Might x Inko Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now