A Shattered Reality.

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"I have cursed you to live in a.. shattered reality, it is different to the one you may know. The Steves there have suffered greatly, but you will suffer far worse then any of them. Good luck, Shattered." A cryptic voice echoed across the cross roads. "I hope to run into you again, but for now.. You will be trapped, CURSED to live in this broken universe. "

A giant ray of Light flashed and next thing shattered knew, she had fallen out of a rip, a tear in space and time itself. "What.. Was that. " she had looked around too see if anything.. Anyone, was near her. She froze instantly when she heard a voice from behind her. "WHO ARE YOU? WHAT, ARE YOU?" a unfamiliar voice spoke up. Shattered looked confused.. "What Steve are you.. I've never seen a Steve like you before." She spoke out of curiousity. She looked behind the guy who had spoken and noticed there was more people behind him, one of which, is holding a shovel. "WATCH OUT!" The one with the shovel screams as he hit shattered with the shovel, knocking her out.

The person who had spoke looked at him with annoyance "was that really necessary, Gem?" He shook his head and walked up to the now unconscious shattered. "we need to get her back to Hyro, maybe he will know what to do. " Gem spoke in a sassy tone, not really caring about what happens to the girl. "I'm not carrying her." Diamond said in an annoyed tone. "Oh, yes you are diamond. " Gem said in a really annoying and sassy tone. Both Gem and Diamond look at the girl. "Okay fine I'll carry her." The annoyed diamond picked up the girl, "let's GO. " He spoke as he started walking to the Diamond Steve Camp.

After HOURS of walking (it was literally only 10 minute)... "UGHHH WERE FINALLY HERE! MY POOR LEGS!!" Gem wined "AAAA I NEED TO REST, DIAMOND GO TELL HYRO ABOUT THE GIRL! I'M OUTTA HERE!" Gem wined again as he ran off to his tent, which was not too far from Hyro's tent. "oh my god Gem ur so lazy." Diamond rolled his eyes at Gem and walked over to The Leaders tent, still holding the girl."please Hyro, know what to do..." He muttered to himself as he opened the tent, revealing Hyro sitting down, cooking something for one of his people.

Hyro looked up "Ah! Diamond, And.. Who's that?" He tilted his head as he looked at the girl. "I found her while I was scouting for supplies. I don't know who she is or why she's here, I was hoping you could help." diamond said, kind of concerned for the girl. Diamond had sat her down on the floor and started to slightly shake her, hoping she would awaken. Diamond mumbled "god dammit Gem, whyed you have to hit her with a shovel.. A FREAKING SHOVEL!!" He sighed as he turned to the leader. "There might be something I can do for her, but-" He is cut off by the sound off Lightning striking in the camp. He perked up and immediately grabbed his spear, he headed outside his tent to see what the ruckus was. "Oh.. NO." Hyro instantly backed up "Dammit.. Corrupt and Death, Darcy's Minions.." Hyro glared at the both of them, ready to attack if they do anything.

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