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HenryValencia4569 i dare everyone to play Minecraft.......without knowing about cave,night,Christmas dweller, and goatman added

Everyone agreed to play it

*P.S they saved C.Me From Starscream*

C.Me: Don't Worry H they didn't see the other part only about what was added.

C.Sans: Hey C Hey IRL how'z it goin'?

IRL.Me: Oh Hey Classy, oh and I'm going to make a Sans AU Book, and if you don't know about Undertale or the Alternative Universes go to Google or any website that can help you, anyway let's get that out of the way, Now Let's see how they React.

< P.S they have never played Minecraft in a LONG TIME I also never seen the New Mods your talking about H >



Everyone sits down looking at the TV I put for them to see whoever is playing on the Screen

1st up Sounds

He started simply he went to a village Traded

Megatron: Why didn't you go and Destroy it?

IRL Me: *On Soundy's Shoulder with C.Me* Shut your mouth Megatron.

He then walked around a Forest and came to a mountain

S.W: • Oh a Mountain.......Wait

Sounds Noticed a Cave


IRL Me: A Cave

S.W: • I MEAN THAT!! •

IRL Me looked over to see the Goatman and S.W Ran for his Life in the Game


*Few Hours later*

The Cybertronians have all gone here is how they Felt/Did

Star.S, Bucket, Sh.W, P.K, other Predacon's, Arachnid, and Dreadwing: Rage/Screamed

Autobots (Except Bulk, Ratchet, and S.S): Calm/Didn't Care

Me's: Confused/Not Doing it

The other Decepticons: Calm and a Little Difficulty/Try their Hardest but Did NOT Rage

Bulk, Ratchet, and S.S: Sceared/Screamed every time a Mod Popped up

Brother's: Nothing/Didn't Do it because He 🍩donut🍩 like Minecraft 🥸🤡

Unicorn & Primus: Watched/Got Bored and left

IRL Me: Bye everyone!!!!!! Thx For The Dare H!!!!!!

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