Chapter 04

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Beautiful Moon

Chapter 4

"Well then... allow me to introduce myself." The removal of his face mask revealed his features and the sudden sight was indeed captivating. My gaze was instantly magnetized by his face and I found myself drawn to him in a way that made me feel uncomfortable as my heart rate elevated. He was incredibly handsome, in a way that left me mesmerized and unable to look away. The sudden and unexpected attraction caught me off guard, leaving me a bit stunned and not quite sure how to react to this development. His physical attributes indeed seemed to match that of someone around the same age as me, and his dark brown hair and brown eyes added a touch of elegance to his overall appearance that was quite striking, combined with the masculine features and attractive attributes "My name is Tsukasa. And just by the look in your eyes, I know that this meeting must have been fateful."

The crisp spring breeze blew openly at the peak of the treetops above, the evening hours were upon setting of the sunset in the distance highlighted the approaching evening hours and added a surreal beauty to the setting. As we stood before each other, it was clear that the time had come to part ways with one another."Fateful? You believe in fate?" I asked, not looking very convinced. The sudden appearance of this person and the intense attraction that had ensued me was simply coincidence, nothing more.

"You don't?"

"I believe that fate is for those too weak to determine their destiny." I continued, remaining where I stood. "I am nothing but a stranger who has stumbled across the wrong path. Forgive my intrusion, I shall take my leave."

As I began to turn away from him and start my departure, he felt intrigued to keep the conversation going and keep me close to him for a bit longer. "Wait. Before you go. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

As I turned my head towards him, I could not help but feel intrigued by the request he had made. As I looked up, our eyes met for a brief moment before I responded to him. "Mizuki." As simple as I answered him, it was all I felt was needed to say to finish the conversation. I continued to make my way back towards the city, I noticed that the majority of the populace were retiring to their homes and lodgings at this time and the streets were now beginning to empty with the night setting in. Making my way back to the Inn, I began to feel a level of unease began to build rising inside me. The sudden and unexpected appearance of that individual had sparked intense curiosity, an attraction, and suspicions in me had left me with a mixed feeling of elation. I had never experienced this feeling before, this mix of intense emotions that caused my heart to race and my mind to be filled with new thoughts. I needed to dismiss my thoughts and suspicions about him. I was never going to come across him again anyway and thus, there was no point in dwelling on the past. Knowing that I was unsuccessful in finding any new leads, I knew it was time to withdraw from the search and return to the Inn to meet up with Kuro and the others.

The experience of traveling to this city was quite different than my experiences back in my village, as I had never ventured out of the territory and hadn't seen such a large settlement before. The beautiful homes, stores, and many other structures that were here were a sight to behold and an experience worth savoring. The existence of such a sprawling city and the large populace dwelling in it was indeed fascinating and a reflection of how advanced and developed this society was compared to the small villages that many of us had grown up in. The beauty of this city was truly evident as you observed the carefree attitude and happiness of the civilians around you. In this peaceful environment, where children could run around without a care and laughter rang freely, it was clear that true peace had set in. This attitude of love and peace of mind allowed the people here to face life's challenges with positivity and bravery.

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