Chapter 05

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Beautiful Moon

Chapter 5

The still water glimmered and shimmered in the early morning sunlight and the rippling effect caused by me dipping my fishing pole into the tranquil river was a sight to behold. I fished with my father every morning because it was always my favorite thing to do. Nothing felt more rewarding than casting my rod and hauling in a bounty or pulling in a large catch with my own strength and skill. The soothing sound of the water, the cool breeze, and even the morning sun on my face provided a feeling of serenity. My father was beside me, having already caught several large fish that would contribute immensely to the village meals. Given his years of experience and skill, he was well-versed in all of the secrets to catching a good fish. Despite the relaxing and peaceful atmosphere that accompanied every morning spent fishing with my father, the fish today seemed to be particularly reluctant to take my bait. As I kept on trying to reel some in with no avail, a hint of frustration and disappointment began to set in.

Despite being only seven years of age, I was not like most other young girls of my age group who generally shied away from activities like hunting and fishing in favor of more indoor-based tasks such as cleaning and preparation within the household. I, on the other hand, enjoyed being outdoors and engaging in activities and work that not only allowed me to develop my strength and capability but would also contribute to ensuring the well-being of the village. Aside from joining my father on their fishing expeditions, I also found joy in engaging in meditation and learning how to defend myself through the practice of martial arts, with the help and guidance of my father and elder brother.

With an innate talent and ability when it came to sword fighting, my father was always convinced that I was destined for greater things than becoming someone's housewife. I've always felt the need to challenge myself and excel in any pursuit I engage in. As a woman, I desired to distinguish myself from other females around me and show my true worth, not letting myself be confined by the rigid gender roles that could have limited me to only homemaking and childcare.

I was going to be great; it was just going to take time.

After a successful fishing excursion, my father and I arrived back in the village with the catches that we had reeled in, totaling nearly a dozen fish of various varieties. "Aye, good catch lads!" The butcher smiled, accepting the various herring and trout to bring to prepare. "Mizuki, your father tells me how well you have been at catching fish for the village. Would you like to learn how we clean and prepare the meats?"

I was always accustomed to the first step of fishing, the task of casting the fishing line and reeling the catch in. However, the subsequent tasks of scaling, skinning, gutting, and cleaning the fish were not something I wished to partake in. The thought of digging through the innards of the fish and ripping away the skin and scales turned my stomach and prompted me to glance anxiously at my father, with uncertainty and hesitation clear on my face."I... um..." I stuttered, nervously. "I am not sure if I...I mean... I have never..." I felt my words stumbling as I spoke, unsure of how to answer.

"Mizuki cut and clean a fish out?" Came a male voice as he and others approached the butcher's hut on a horse, stopping just feet away from us. I was startled for a moment when I saw who was mocking me, but after discovering that it was my very own brother, Ichiro, I smiled seeing him return from a hunt alongside a group of other young adults. "Mizuki might be good with a sword, but when it comes to killing... she still has a lot to learn." It was a tedious and challenging task, one which was not meant for the weak-hearted, hunting. It required a lot of patience, stealth, and keen vision as one had to be vigilant and patient before getting a shot at the kill. Taking a life was something that one could not hesitate to do as the act itself required a steely calmness. There was no room for fear or uncertainty. I knew I wasn't ready for such a task. Ichiro then jumped down from his horse and approached us and our father. "We had a good hunt. Three boars."

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